Journalist Asks Black NBA Head Coach What It Felt Like To Be Black In A League Where Blacks Are Mistreated.......His Answer Causes Stunned Silence

Me???? No. I just said that with the NBA being a majority black league you would think hiring more black coaches and having more black people in the front office might be good for business.
You do realize that lots of black players trust white head coaches more so, historically, because of their experience with Dads who ghost them.
typo ohh my god the world will end. I misspelled it and hit the auto correct and didnt catch that sue me.
One word can change the meaning of a sentence...or make you look like a complete maroon. :)

Either way, the reporter wasn't posing a question about quotas. None were inferred or implied.
"The journalist was asking a leading question designed to focus on non-existent issues"

In your Alt-Right world of slanted opinions, you believe this to be true. Because of your Christian Conservative views.
The actual question the reporter posed, while not being a "non-existent" issue, was just asking Mazzula his opinion. :)
I'm not alt-right.

I'm left of center.

Every time I test out that way.

I'm what you used to call liberals 40 years ago.

What I believe isn't alt-right. It's closer to well informed common-sense

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