Zone1 Black Privilege And The New Tokenism In Television

It shows nothing of the sort. The grievance is that these venues do not reflect the demographics of the nation. If you were a demographic that represented 60% of the nation and everything you saw broadcast relegated you to 10%, would you be satisfied that you were represented equitably? Of course you wouldn't, but here you are trying to tie a racist title on people who are complaining that they are not receiving the equal treatment that you claim to champion.
It must be frustrating for racist conservatives – the racist right can’t even go out in public without seeing people of color; in restaurants and bars, coffee shops and movie theaters, no way to escape the black and brown faces.

Now racist conservatives can’t even watch TV without being forced to see black and Hispanic actors.

It’s truly sad to be a conservative, consumed by so much fear and hate.
There is no such thing as black privilege. Not one of you right wingers will paint yourself brown, buy an afro wig and try living as a black person and you all know it.

So you guys need to stop crying about white owned TV networks with majority white staffs showing a few people of color in commercials for white owned companies.

The demographics of the country is not what advertisers are looking for. The demographics of the viewing audience is and blacks watch more TV than whites.

Last, for most of this nations TV history we have seen 100 percent white when the demographics of the country was not 100 percent white. So stop crying.
The racist right wants only 14.6% of TV shows and movies to have actors of color.

Racism is as stupid as it is hateful.
No, but that doesn’t mean I don’t object to racism when it is applied to others. Jobs should not be doled out with skin color as the first priority.
It continues to be done. For whites.

According to the 2020 census, Non hispanic whites are 60 percent of the population.
Blacks-13 percent

Whites are 77 percent of the workforce.
They are 80 percent of the management.
Blacks are 12.3 percent of the workforce
Blacks are 9 percent of the management.

And this isn't because blacks are not qualified., Where is the black favoritism?

It only exists in the minds of white right wingers and it is a result of a zero sum mentality that has been created by the system of white preference that has been mistaken for democracy.
It's truly sad when 13% of the population demands that they fill the space which should rightfully be relegated to the 87% of the population.
Whites are 60 percent of the population. What you see on TV is a reflection of the current demographic changes. Get used to everything not always being white.
If you want to talk about people’s inability and hold yourself up as being superior, perhaps you should learn the difference between “waste” and “waist.”

(Just shows how uneducated these leftists are.)
You seem to be unfamiliar with a human being facetious.
I noticed that even on USMB people are either scared about this topic....or want to stay away from it because they don't want anyone to think they're racists.
But the fact that you notice this stuff doesn't make you a makes you a realist.
There's the key word again! You'll get a sticker at the next meeting.
The country is "going to hell in a handbasket" because of who is in commercials or TV shows? Somebody needs to get out more.
The country is "going to hell in a handbasket" because of who is in commercials or TV shows? Somebody needs to get out more.
Blacks in the 1950’s didnt settle for 2nd class treatment and neither should white lib Pajama Boys in 2022
If you watch television these days it appears that everyone is a person of color. As a matter of fact.....most of the people in commercials these days are all black...with just a token white person thrown in. It's like watching an NBA game.

On Twitter I keep seeing videos of wokish whites kissing black people's feet and praising them in mass.
I think the pendulum has swung too far in one direction.
Now movies and television don't reflect the demographics of this country anymore.
Social Justice has gone too far......and this country is going to Hell in a hand-basket because of it.
This is the transformation of America that Obama spoke of years ago.
He knew that the best way to destroy a country is by patronizing one group in favor of another.

I have nothing against blacks in general....but I'm not gonna kiss their backsides. And I'm not gonna put up with this kind of abuse from them either....I don't care how privileged they feel. Democrats are trying to screw up America and blame it all on the invisible White Threat they claim is all over the place.

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Hollywood has had to move out of Hollywood because of the crime that Democrats have caused and supported in their cities and states. They're literally cutting their own throats by their obvious patronizing of blacks and other people of color. The problem is that they will never learn no matter where they go....because they refuse to admit that their ideology causes all of this.

Their ideology causes all of what?

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