Black Professor mocks Columbus Day with list of ‘15 most overrated White people’

The U.S. Government says 100,000 Indians died of small pox, Ward Churchill says 302 trillion gazillion did.

I've read some high school history textbooks that make me wonder how Columbus managed to find a free square foot of land to set a foot on, when he arrived. And, I got to thinking, how do you have 302 trillion gazillion people without massive infrastructural? Where's this infrastructure?

Regardless of the likelihood of anyone giving Indians contaminated blankets, that vast majority of these Indians died without any intent of whites to kill them.

The Indians lost because they were disorganized tribes fighting with stone age weapons AND TACTICS. North American tribes were the equivalent of modern street gangs, as likely to fight each other as to fight the whites.

There would have been no fighting if the Indians weren't terrorists.
Trump is a professional bankrupt. He starts a company and then bleeds it dry paying himself huge salaries and then the company (not trump) goes bankrupt . He's never actually produced anything or had a useful job. Hang him.

What have YOU produced, Shitshisspeedos?

At least i got my balls on straight and that's more than we can say for you. HAHA Again i have defeated you.

Is that your way of saying you have never produced ANYTHING? You sure do shoot your mouth off a lot for being such an uneducated, impotent NOBODY.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Peepers
3. Lincoln ordered the army to crush Native American babies's skulls with their boot heels to save bullets. .
hahaha. Hell - let's just start making stuff up around here.

I hate lincoln but you have no evidence he gave that order.

Source: [ame=]Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West: Dee Brown: 9780805066692: Books[/ame]
That looks like an interesting book but my reading list is too full to add another right now. But even if Dee Brown does include such mention it will take nothing less than extremely credible documentation to make me believe a decent man like Abraham Lincoln would make such a statement. Except perhaps if he was referring to a specific group of particularly murderous and brutal renegades.

It just doesn't sound like Lincoln. General Chivington, yes. Lincoln, no.
Can anyone name a great black explorer on the level of Columbus? I understand there were for Elvis, but not for Shakespeare.

I just got looking at the list...I have to say that I kind of agree with a handful of them. Certainly wouldn't slam trump for being successful.

Let's put together the top 10 most overrated blacks!

1 Lebron James
2 OJ Simpson
3 Rodney King
4 Jesse Jackson
5 Al Sharpton
6 Kanye West
7 Kobe Bryant

Thats all I got.

Who knows, maybe they'll run a companion piece on MLK's birthday listing the 15 most overrated and underwhelming black people
Stealing, raping, genocide = honor? We cannot turn back the clock but we can look back at history honestly.

Rev. Jim, I believe you to be a stupid man with little education and no ability to think.

BUT, would you like to debate Columbus in the CDZ, using facts and citations, rather than the leftist bilge you spew here?

Actually Uncensored2008, it is you who are lacking in education. Clearly you have been indoctrinated. Might I suggest reading these two books, it certainly would open your eyes to a great many things that you have previously believed to be the truth, that were in fact, nothing but lies.

So, approaching land, they were met by the Arawak Indians, who
swam out to greet them. The Arawaks lived in village communes, had a
developed agriculture of corn, yams, cassava. They could spin and
weave, but they had no horses or work animals. They had no iron, but
they wore tiny gold ornaments in their ears.
This was to have enormous consequences: it led Columbus to take
some of them aboard ship as prisoners because he insisted that they
guide him to the source of the gold. He then sailed to what is now
Cuba, then to Hispaniola (the island which today consists of Haiti and
the Dominican Republic). There, bits of visible gold in the rivers, and a
gold mask presented to Columbus by a local Indian chief, led to wild
visions of gold fields.
On Hispaniola, out of timbers from the Santa Maria, which had
run aground, Columbus built a fort, the first European military base in
the Western Hemisphere. He called it Navidad (Christmas) and left
crewmembers there, with instructions to find and store the
gold. He took more Indian prisoners and put them aboard his two
remaining ships. At one part of the island he got into a fight with
Indians who refused to trade as many bows and arrows as he and his
men wanted. Two were run through with swords and bled to death.
Then the Nina and the Pinta set sail for the Azores and Spain. When
the weather turned cold, the Indian prisoners began to die.
Columbus's report to the Court in Madrid was extravagant. He
insisted he had reached Asia (it was Cuba) and an island off the coast
of China (Hispaniola). His descriptions were part fact, part fiction:
Hispaniola is a miracle. Mountains and hills, plains and pastures, are
both fertile and beautiful ... the harbors are unbelievably good and
there are many wide rivers of which the majority contain gold. . . .
There are many spices, and great mines of gold and other metals....
The Indians, Columbus reported, "are so naive and so free with
their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would
believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To
the contrary, they offer to share with anyone...." He concluded his
report by asking for a little help from their Majesties, and in return he
would bring them from his next voyage "as much gold as they need and as many slaves as they ask." He was full of religious talk: "Thus the
eternal God, our Lord, gives victory to those who follow His way over
apparent impossibilities."
Because of Columbus's exaggerated report and promises, his
second expedition was given seventeen ships and more than twelve
hundred men. The aim was clear: slaves and gold. They went from
island to island in the Caribbean, taking Indians as captives. But as
word spread of the Europeans' intent they found more and more empty
villages. On Haiti, they found that the sailors left behind at Fort
Navidad had been killed in a battle with the Indians, after they had
roamed the island in gangs looking for gold, taking women and
children as slaves for sex and labor.
Now, from his base on Haiti, Columbus sent expedition after
expedition into the interior. They found no gold fields, but had to fill
up the ships returning to Spain with some kind of dividend. In the year
1495, they went on a great slave raid, rounded up fifteen hundred
Arawak men, women, and children, put them in pens guarded by
Spaniards and dogs, then picked the five hundred best specimens to
load onto ships. Of those five hundred, two hundred died en route. The
rest arrived alive in Spain and were put up for sale by the archdeacon
of the town, who reported that, although the slaves were "naked as the
day they were born," they showed "no more embarrassment than
animals." Columbus later wrote: "Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity
go on sending all the slaves that can be sold."
But too many of the slaves died in captivity. And so Columbus,
desperate to pay back dividends to those who had invested, had to
make good his promise to fill the ships with gold. In the province of
Cicao on Haiti, where he and his men imagined huge gold fields to
exist, they ordered all persons fourteen years or older to collect a
certain quantity of gold every three months. When they brought it, they
were given copper tokens to hang around their necks. Indians found
without a copper token had their hands cut off and bled to death.
The Indians had been given an impossible task. The only gold
around was bits of dust garnered from the streams. So they fled, were
hunted down with dogs, and were killed.
Trying to put together an army of resistance, the Arawaks faced
Spaniards who had armor, muskets, swords, horses. When the Spaniards
took prisoners they hanged them or burned them to death.
Among the Arawaks, mass suicides began, with cassava poison. Infants
were killed to save them from the Spaniards. In two years, through
murder, mutilation, or suicide, half of the 250,000 Indians on Haiti
were dead.

Learn your history, this guy was as bad or worse than Hitler.

Here is his original Journal, read up. :mad:

I have no use for the conditioned and the brainwashed that watch too much TV and believe with out question cultural memes.
1. No one knows for sure how long ago Native Americans populated this continent. Some say 20K, and some say 650K. How do you know their ancestors were not here earlier - the ones from the Asian steppes?

You are incredibly ignorant.

{Radiocarbon dating — at two different labs — showed three were more than 14,000 years old.

"It is the oldest evidence of human presence" in North America, said Willerslev, now director of the Center for Ancient Genetics at the Copenhagen school.}

When did people first come to North America? - Technology & science - Science | NBC News

For most of North America, the migration was 5 to 7,000 years ago.

2. The settlement of the new world very much was the beginning of the genocide. Not only were new settlers hostile to the very natives who helped them not to STARVE the first winters here, but they spread European diseases - many times, intentionally.

Right, because in 1600, the evil whites knew all about the germ theory of disease, that would discovered 270 years in the future, they used their "way back machine."

Oh, BTW shit fer brains, the Asians effected a near total genocide of the indigenous negroid population that was already in America when they crossed the ice bridge. Aborigines can still be found in the Amazon, but otherwise, the Asiatics effected complete genocide on these original people.

3. Lincoln ordered the army to crush Native American babies's skulls with their boot heels to save bullets.

Good christ, the lies you fucktards tell.

I'm sure he personally went and pissed on the dead as well, stupid fuck.

Was the trail of tears necessary? No, it was not. Blood lust and greed are the hallmarks of the attitudes of the white invaders toward the Natives. How many treaties did they break? All of them.

Cool, I'm marching down to Pechanga and demanding MY MONEY!

I mean, since we broke EVERY TREATY, then the one giving them sovereignty is broken and the proceeds of that casino are MINE.

Think they'll go for it? I'll tell them that a stupid fuck on the internet told me this, so it MUST be true....

My family's homestead is an old Cherokee village. I have Cherokee in both of my grandparents' bloodlines on my mom's side, and Seminole on my dad's. Pardon me if I don't celebrate a fake "discovery".

You're 1/36458987th Indian?

Funny, despite all the shit I used to see about the shame of being a "half breed," it turns out that every single leftist in America had ancestors who fucked Indians....

I mean, there wasn't a single white man or woman that didn't bop an Indian, not one.
Learn your history, this guy was as bad or worse than Hitler.

Learn my history from Howard Zinn?

A bit like learning about Jews reading the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

{But Howard Zinn represents a new breed of scholars, one who violates the
standards of the profession, and as he does, raises the ire of those not only on the right,
but on the left, as well.
For example, Georgetown University History Professor Michael Kazin, writing in
the Spring 2004 issue of the journal Dissent, expressed his displeasure with Zinn’s
cynicism regarding the progress of leftist movements. Although the movie based on the
book was originally to be produced by Fox “before Rupert Murdoch’s minions backed
out of the deal,” as Kazin puts it, “Zinn’s big book is quite unworthy of such fame and
influence.”2 Kazin continues, “A People’s History is bad history, albeit gilded with
virtuous intentions.” Zinn, he says, “reduces the past to a Manichean fable and makes
no serious attempt to address the biggest question a leftist can ask about U.S. history:
why have most Americans accepted the legitimacy of the capitalist republic in which
they live?”3} Articles/ZinnReportKincaidFullArial.pdf

Zinn was a fraud. Even his fellow communists reputed his bullshit.

Here is his original Journal, read up. :mad:

I have no use for the conditioned and the brainwashed that watch too much TV and believe with out question cultural memes.

History does not suit you, so you simply invent what tickles your fancy - such is the left.

From your own source:

{Columbus has been made a whipping boy for events far beyond his own reach or knowledge and a means to an agenda of condemnation that far outstrips his own guilt. Thus, too little attention has recently been paid to the historical circumstances that conditioned him. His obsessions with lineage and imperialism, his seemingly bizarre Christian beliefs, and his apparently brutal behavior come from a world remote from that of modern democratic ideas, it is true; but it was the world to which he belonged.}
When is America going to show some form of intelligence and proclaim Leif Ericson Day? Scandinavians want to know. The guy was 500 years ahead of Columbus and Columbus gets a day named after him? But in Minnesota, we know! :D Uft-ta and you betcha!

The problem is, the settlement he left behind was either abandoned or wiped out. In order for your culture to be remembered as making contact, you need to have left a lasting impression on the new world.

If they proclaim Leif Ericson Day, then they need to proclaim a Mansa Abubakari II Day.

13th century Mali was a centre of excellence in Abubakari’s time, though reaching its peak after his era with Timbuktu having the second oldest University at that time with students numbering more than that of the University of New York. Courses such as mathematics, geography, history, astronomy, chemistry as well as Islamic studies flourished in Timbuktu. Mali was a center for trade, the exact spot to meet all who made the world spin. With the aid of the ship builders from Egypt and Mali, Abubakari built ships off the coast of Senegambia. His ships were 2000 in number. With this, he was to use to discover the end of the ocean. Abubakari was no coward. He insisted on accompanying the ships across the ocean.

In the year 1311, Abubakari abdicated his thrown to Mansa Musa. Not a son of his (contrary to contemporary literature). Abubakari equipped 1000 of his ships with the finest men, sorcerers, physicians, sailors and navigators. Every ship had supply ship attached to it. The number of ships totalled 2000. The other 1000 ships were loaded with foodstuffs, drugs, fruits and drinks to last his team for 2yrs. It was believed that Abubakari arrived on the other end of the Atlantic in the year 1312. Proof of the Malian expedition can be noted in the names given to places in Haiti as the Malians renamed places after themselves. Examples of such are Mandinga Port, Mandinga Bay and Sierre de Mali.

Lots of other proof abound and many more keep unfolding. There is also a Malian folktale which gives reference to this great expedition.

How could this be possible in Abubakari’s time? From a scientific point of view, the Atlantic is governed by 2 currents, which usually remain the same irrespective of month or season. These are the Guinea Current and the Canary Current. Both possess currents powerful enough to pull a ship form the coast of West Africa to the Americas. It is at end of these currents that you see the signs of negroid presence in the Americas.

It would therefore be suspected that Columbus employed similar knowledge of the currents of the Atlantic to sail across to the Americas. Such could only have been possible through the help of someone familiar with the rout. Hence the speculation that Columbus was accompanied by an African, Pedro Alonso Nino, who helped him navigate the Atlantic, appears more credible. It must be made clear that Columbus recorded seeing blacks in America. He also recorded seeing a building which looked like a mosque. The Malians were Muslims and hence there is a possibility that the mosque could have been erected by Malians. Columbus also recorded seeing a ship, filled with goods just departing the coast of guinea and heading in the direction of America.

In addition to the above, another proof of this voyage comes from words of Mansa Musa, the successor to the thrown. Upon his arrival in Egypt, it was obvious the Egyptians were expecting to see Abubakari for the Hajj. On arriving in Egypt, Mansa Musa was quoted as explaining how ascended the thrown of Mali. Once again citing the manner King Abubakari had given up his thrown to contribute to global knowledge. A trait lacking in present day African rulers.

The presence of the Malians on American soil may thus be the reason for the presence of African crops such as Banana Plants and mango to mention a few

People are too indoctrinated by foundational education which has been established by the European elites. These self same elites control the finance and scientific paradigm of the planet. Truth is not so "black and white." But apparently, around here, ignorance is.
In the Atlantic Ocean there are currents and winds that move in the same direction all year round with little variation. These currents and winds are strong enough to pull a ship off course and move it from one side of the ocean to the other. Once in this current, it would be next to impossible for a ship without a motor to break free. There are two currents that originate off the coast of Africa and flow west to the Americas. The two currents are the Guinea Current and the Canary Current. The Guinea Current starts about mid-Africa just below the equator and flows to South America just around Brazil. The Canary current originates at the Canary Islands and flows along North Africa to Cape Verde where it runs into the North Equatorial Current. This current along with the N.E. Trade Winds would deliver a vessel at North America around the Bahamas Islands, which was right in the heart of the Olmec civilization.

There have been several important experiments with African boats and the Atlantic currents. Starting in 1952, Dr. Alain Bombard sailed from Casablanca to Barbados in an African raft. In 1955, Dr. Hannes Lindemann sailed for fifty-two days from the Cape Verde Islands to the South American coast. Both journeys were made alone and the men arrived in good health. In 1969, Thor Heyerdahl conducted two experiments, one with the Ra I and the other with the Ra II. The Ra I and the Ra II were ships built identical to an earlier model African ship. The ships were built out of papyrus and were constructed the way they would have been during the Pre-Columbian era. The Ra I was built by the Buduma people first. The Ra I started at Safi in North Africa and sailed to Barbados. The Ra I fell short of making the journey across the Atlantic. The Ra II was built by a native American tribe, the Aymara, this ship made it from Africa to America successfully. These experiments prove that if these simple vessels could negotiate the Atlantic Ocean using one of the two currents, then some of Africa’s more sophisticated ships could have made the trip.

The civilization of Africa developed very sophisticated vessels. They built reed boats with a and without sails, log rafts lashed together, dugouts as wide-berthed, Viking ships, double-canoes, lateen-rigged dhows, jointed boats, and rope sewn plank vessels with straw cabins and cooking facilities. These vessels could be found navigating the Nile and Niger rivers. The vessels covered a distance of 2,600 miles carrying cargo from food and people, to elephants and building material. Africa at it’s nearest point is 1,500 miles away from America. This point puts a possible voyage to the Americas in perspective.

It has been documented that two different African civilizations made the voyage to the Americas. The first one was the 25th Dynasty of Egypt (751-656 B.C.E.). Any voyages made during this time would have resulted accidentally. The Nubians quest for iron ore deposits took them up and down the African coast. They might have journeyed into the Atlantic after iron ore deposits or a storm could have driven them into the Atlantic. Once in the currents it would have delivered them to the Americas. This would put them in the Olmec heartlands at the time of the founding of the Olmec civilization. The second voyage was made by the Mandiga people of the Mali Empire in 1310 and 1311. In 1324 Mansa Kankan Musa stopped in Cairo and reported that his predecessor, Prince Abubakari II, launched two expeditions to explore the limits of the Atlantic Ocean. The first expedition he sent out 200 ships of men, and 200 ships of trade material, food, water. One ship returned and told of the current that seemed like a river in the middle of the ocean. The captain watched the ships get sucked away, and then returned with the news. Prince Abubakari II, after listening to the captain, decided he would lead the next voyage himself. He took 1,000 ships of men and 1,000 ships loaded with supplies.

Some of these Africans must have made it to the Americas, because there were sightings that indicated their presence in the New World. Columbus himself reported that the American Indians of Hispaniola had told him that “there had come to Hispaniola people who have the tops of their spears made of a metal which they call quanin, of which he had sent samples to the Sovereigns to have them assayed, when it was found that of 32 parts, 18 were gold, six of silver and eight of copper.” These samples were sent back to Spain on a mail boat, and the proportion was found to be identical to what was being forged in African Guinea. On his third voyage he journeyed to the Cape Verde Islands. There he found that “canoes had been found which start from the coast of Guinea and navigate to the west with merchandise.” A personal friend of Columbus, named Las Casa, who traveled with him later left the following message:

“Certain principal inhabitants of the island of Santiago came to see them and they say that to the southwest of the Island of Huego [Fogo, or Fuego] which is one of the Cape Verdes distance 12 leagues from this, may be seen an island, and that the King Don Juan [Dom Joao II of Portugal] was greatly inclined to send to make discoveries to the southwest, and that canoes had been found which start from the coast of Guinea and navigate to the west with merchandise.”

This travel must have been deliberate if these vessels were loaded “with merchandise.” Although much later, this would coincide with the stories of voyages out of Africa. Later on Columbus’s third voyage he noted the presence of Africans in Panama. Even Ferdinand Columbus said that his father told him he had seen Africans north of Honduras.

There were other sightings in the Americas that were reported. One sighting was by Peter Martyr who reported that Vasco Nunez de Balboa in September 1513 saw two black men in Panama. Native Americans reported to him that they were at war with a large settlement of these black men. It was believed these black men were ship wrecked. Another sighting was by Lopez de Gomara who described the people as identical to Africans seen in Guinea. The next sighting by Labbe’ Brasseur de Bourbourg reported two indigenous peoples in Panama, the Mandinga (black skin) and the Tule (red skin). Also Fray Gregoria Garcia reports on blacks sighted in Cartagena, Columbia. Michael Coe even reported that Alonzo Ponce spoke of a boatload of “Moors” who landed off Campeche and terrorized the natives.

“Alphonse de Quatrefages, author of The Human Species, speaks of distinct Black tribes among the native Americans- Black communities like the Jamassi of Florida, the Charruas of Brazil, and a people in St. Vincent.”

There had been many sightings of Africans in the Americas. Over the years these have been written out of history as insignificant or incorrect. However the proof cannot be altered.

I believe in solid empirical evidence. How many people here knew that there have been toxicology reports that have found tobacco, coca and other new world substances in the Pharaoh mummies? How is this possible if Columbus was the "first" to discover the new world? The fact is that he wasn't. These statues are of Africa cultures and empires, dating back to the Numidian and Egyptian dynasties that their technologies, not native American. Their technologies gave rise and were transferred to the great empires of the Americas.

These heads are all in the Americas. They predate the arrival of Europeans bringing over "slaves." Clearly, Africans beat Columbus by centuries, by helping found the great Olmec civilization; the precursor to the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs.

It was a well guarded secret among the educated ruling elites of Africa's past, that there was a continent to the west. It was recorded in the annuls in the Library of Alexandria, and it was well known in the ancient days among the Greeks that the world was round. Sailing the mighty oceans? The was another prospect entirely.
When is America going to show some form of intelligence and proclaim Leif Ericson Day? Scandinavians want to know. The guy was 500 years ahead of Columbus and Columbus gets a day named after him? But in Minnesota, we know! :D Uft-ta and you betcha!

The problem is, the settlement he left behind was either abandoned or wiped out. In order for your culture to be remembered as making contact, you need to have left a lasting impression on the new world.

If they proclaim Leif Ericson Day, then they need to proclaim a Mansa Abubakari II Day.

13th century Mali was a centre of excellence in Abubakari’s time, though reaching its peak after his era with Timbuktu having the second oldest University at that time with students numbering more than that of the University of New York. Courses such as mathematics, geography, history, astronomy, chemistry as well as Islamic studies flourished in Timbuktu. Mali was a center for trade, the exact spot to meet all who made the world spin. With the aid of the ship builders from Egypt and Mali, Abubakari built ships off the coast of Senegambia. His ships were 2000 in number. With this, he was to use to discover the end of the ocean. Abubakari was no coward. He insisted on accompanying the ships across the ocean.

In the year 1311, Abubakari abdicated his thrown to Mansa Musa. Not a son of his (contrary to contemporary literature). Abubakari equipped 1000 of his ships with the finest men, sorcerers, physicians, sailors and navigators. Every ship had supply ship attached to it. The number of ships totalled 2000. The other 1000 ships were loaded with foodstuffs, drugs, fruits and drinks to last his team for 2yrs. It was believed that Abubakari arrived on the other end of the Atlantic in the year 1312. Proof of the Malian expedition can be noted in the names given to places in Haiti as the Malians renamed places after themselves. Examples of such are Mandinga Port, Mandinga Bay and Sierre de Mali.

Lots of other proof abound and many more keep unfolding. There is also a Malian folktale which gives reference to this great expedition.

How could this be possible in Abubakari’s time? From a scientific point of view, the Atlantic is governed by 2 currents, which usually remain the same irrespective of month or season. These are the Guinea Current and the Canary Current. Both possess currents powerful enough to pull a ship form the coast of West Africa to the Americas. It is at end of these currents that you see the signs of negroid presence in the Americas.

It would therefore be suspected that Columbus employed similar knowledge of the currents of the Atlantic to sail across to the Americas. Such could only have been possible through the help of someone familiar with the rout. Hence the speculation that Columbus was accompanied by an African, Pedro Alonso Nino, who helped him navigate the Atlantic, appears more credible. It must be made clear that Columbus recorded seeing blacks in America. He also recorded seeing a building which looked like a mosque. The Malians were Muslims and hence there is a possibility that the mosque could have been erected by Malians. Columbus also recorded seeing a ship, filled with goods just departing the coast of guinea and heading in the direction of America.

In addition to the above, another proof of this voyage comes from words of Mansa Musa, the successor to the thrown. Upon his arrival in Egypt, it was obvious the Egyptians were expecting to see Abubakari for the Hajj. On arriving in Egypt, Mansa Musa was quoted as explaining how ascended the thrown of Mali. Once again citing the manner King Abubakari had given up his thrown to contribute to global knowledge. A trait lacking in present day African rulers.

The presence of the Malians on American soil may thus be the reason for the presence of African crops such as Banana Plants and mango to mention a few

People are too indoctrinated by foundational education which has been established by the European elites. These self same elites control the finance and scientific paradigm of the planet. Truth is not so "black and white." But apparently, around here, ignorance is.
In the Atlantic Ocean there are currents and winds that move in the same direction all year round with little variation. These currents and winds are strong enough to pull a ship off course and move it from one side of the ocean to the other. Once in this current, it would be next to impossible for a ship without a motor to break free. There are two currents that originate off the coast of Africa and flow west to the Americas. The two currents are the Guinea Current and the Canary Current. The Guinea Current starts about mid-Africa just below the equator and flows to South America just around Brazil. The Canary current originates at the Canary Islands and flows along North Africa to Cape Verde where it runs into the North Equatorial Current. This current along with the N.E. Trade Winds would deliver a vessel at North America around the Bahamas Islands, which was right in the heart of the Olmec civilization.

There have been several important experiments with African boats and the Atlantic currents. Starting in 1952, Dr. Alain Bombard sailed from Casablanca to Barbados in an African raft. In 1955, Dr. Hannes Lindemann sailed for fifty-two days from the Cape Verde Islands to the South American coast. Both journeys were made alone and the men arrived in good health. In 1969, Thor Heyerdahl conducted two experiments, one with the Ra I and the other with the Ra II. The Ra I and the Ra II were ships built identical to an earlier model African ship. The ships were built out of papyrus and were constructed the way they would have been during the Pre-Columbian era. The Ra I was built by the Buduma people first. The Ra I started at Safi in North Africa and sailed to Barbados. The Ra I fell short of making the journey across the Atlantic. The Ra II was built by a native American tribe, the Aymara, this ship made it from Africa to America successfully. These experiments prove that if these simple vessels could negotiate the Atlantic Ocean using one of the two currents, then some of Africa’s more sophisticated ships could have made the trip.

The civilization of Africa developed very sophisticated vessels. They built reed boats with a and without sails, log rafts lashed together, dugouts as wide-berthed, Viking ships, double-canoes, lateen-rigged dhows, jointed boats, and rope sewn plank vessels with straw cabins and cooking facilities. These vessels could be found navigating the Nile and Niger rivers. The vessels covered a distance of 2,600 miles carrying cargo from food and people, to elephants and building material. Africa at it’s nearest point is 1,500 miles away from America. This point puts a possible voyage to the Americas in perspective.

It has been documented that two different African civilizations made the voyage to the Americas. The first one was the 25th Dynasty of Egypt (751-656 B.C.E.). Any voyages made during this time would have resulted accidentally. The Nubians quest for iron ore deposits took them up and down the African coast. They might have journeyed into the Atlantic after iron ore deposits or a storm could have driven them into the Atlantic. Once in the currents it would have delivered them to the Americas. This would put them in the Olmec heartlands at the time of the founding of the Olmec civilization. The second voyage was made by the Mandiga people of the Mali Empire in 1310 and 1311. In 1324 Mansa Kankan Musa stopped in Cairo and reported that his predecessor, Prince Abubakari II, launched two expeditions to explore the limits of the Atlantic Ocean. The first expedition he sent out 200 ships of men, and 200 ships of trade material, food, water. One ship returned and told of the current that seemed like a river in the middle of the ocean. The captain watched the ships get sucked away, and then returned with the news. Prince Abubakari II, after listening to the captain, decided he would lead the next voyage himself. He took 1,000 ships of men and 1,000 ships loaded with supplies.

Some of these Africans must have made it to the Americas, because there were sightings that indicated their presence in the New World. Columbus himself reported that the American Indians of Hispaniola had told him that “there had come to Hispaniola people who have the tops of their spears made of a metal which they call quanin, of which he had sent samples to the Sovereigns to have them assayed, when it was found that of 32 parts, 18 were gold, six of silver and eight of copper.” These samples were sent back to Spain on a mail boat, and the proportion was found to be identical to what was being forged in African Guinea. On his third voyage he journeyed to the Cape Verde Islands. There he found that “canoes had been found which start from the coast of Guinea and navigate to the west with merchandise.” A personal friend of Columbus, named Las Casa, who traveled with him later left the following message:

“Certain principal inhabitants of the island of Santiago came to see them and they say that to the southwest of the Island of Huego [Fogo, or Fuego] which is one of the Cape Verdes distance 12 leagues from this, may be seen an island, and that the King Don Juan [Dom Joao II of Portugal] was greatly inclined to send to make discoveries to the southwest, and that canoes had been found which start from the coast of Guinea and navigate to the west with merchandise.”

This travel must have been deliberate if these vessels were loaded “with merchandise.” Although much later, this would coincide with the stories of voyages out of Africa. Later on Columbus’s third voyage he noted the presence of Africans in Panama. Even Ferdinand Columbus said that his father told him he had seen Africans north of Honduras.

There were other sightings in the Americas that were reported. One sighting was by Peter Martyr who reported that Vasco Nunez de Balboa in September 1513 saw two black men in Panama. Native Americans reported to him that they were at war with a large settlement of these black men. It was believed these black men were ship wrecked. Another sighting was by Lopez de Gomara who described the people as identical to Africans seen in Guinea. The next sighting by Labbe’ Brasseur de Bourbourg reported two indigenous peoples in Panama, the Mandinga (black skin) and the Tule (red skin). Also Fray Gregoria Garcia reports on blacks sighted in Cartagena, Columbia. Michael Coe even reported that Alonzo Ponce spoke of a boatload of “Moors” who landed off Campeche and terrorized the natives.

“Alphonse de Quatrefages, author of The Human Species, speaks of distinct Black tribes among the native Americans- Black communities like the Jamassi of Florida, the Charruas of Brazil, and a people in St. Vincent.”

There had been many sightings of Africans in the Americas. Over the years these have been written out of history as insignificant or incorrect. However the proof cannot be altered.

I believe in solid empirical evidence. How many people here knew that there have been toxicology reports that have found tobacco, coca and other new world substances in the Pharaoh mummies? How is this possible if Columbus was the "first" to discover the new world? The fact is that he wasn't. These statues are of Africa cultures and empires, dating back to the Numidian and Egyptian dynasties that their technologies, not native American. Their technologies gave rise and were transferred to the great empires of the Americas.

These heads are all in the Americas. They predate the arrival of Europeans bringing over "slaves." Clearly, Africans beat Columbus by centuries, by helping found the great Olmec civilization; the precursor to the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs.

It was a well guarded secret among the educated ruling elites of Africa's past, that there was a continent to the west. It was recorded in the annuls in the Library of Alexandria, and it was well known in the ancient days among the Greeks that the world was round. Sailing the mighty oceans? The was another prospect entirely.

Dude... no. Just no. I'm not disputing the African exploration of the new world, but that shit about the Olmec's is total bullshit.

Yes, the Olmecs are descended from Africans like all of human civilization, but not in the time frame you're talking about.

The Olmecs come from a people that spread throughout North and South America from the Russian land bridge(Bering Strait), giving us the natives that we know today. That was tens of thousands of years ago.

The architecture evident in South and Central America and that of Egyptian, is completely separate, and wasn't spawned from a sharing of cultures, or any cultural linkage at all. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The Negritic African peoples that came to the Americas predate ancient Africa by a great deal of time. Their arrival predates all known civilizations by a great deal of time.

Those original people became the Eskimos and all the North American tribes, and the Olmecs and the Mayans and Aztecs and Inca. Those heads have nothing to do with Africa in the past thousand plus years. Tons of natives in South America... ancient tribes, are as black as any African, just like the Aborigines of Australia, but not because they came over within the past 5000 years.
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Jeremiah Wright ... he's the commanding force behind the racist & muslim pig in the White House.

burns my azzzz! grrrrrrrrr
Can anyone name a great black explorer on the level of Columbus?


Presuming there are no Black explorers to compare with Columbus' single achievement of mapping a navigable route to the "New World," does that mitigate for his monumental cruelty? In spite of his achievement his crimes against humanity should not be ignored.

1 Lebron James -- Great basketball player. I enjoy watching him play.

2 OJ Simpson -- Got away with murder but too egotistical to play it straight afterward.

3 Rodney King -- Low life. Deserved the beating he got, but not the way it went down.

4 Jesse Jackson -- Race pimp.

5 Al Sharpton -- I once disliked him but he's doing a good job on MSNBC.

6 Kanye West -- Highly overrated.

7 Kobe Bryant -- Excellent basketball player. Amazing skill.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Peepers
3. Lincoln ordered the army to crush Native American babies's skulls with their boot heels to save bullets. .
hahaha. Hell - let's just start making stuff up around here.

I hate lincoln but you have no evidence he gave that order.

Source: [ame=]Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West: Dee Brown: 9780805066692: Books[/ame]

HAHAHA. That's your evidence? The indians say it happened? Like blacks, indians are professional victims and accuse whites of everything.
I seem to recall watching that idiot Marc Lamont Hill on supposedly Conservative FoxNews spewing his bile. I guess if you talk fast people will mistake it for intelligence.

I guess you can put HIM on a list of "Overrated Black People".

Naaa, he didn't even make the list. Somebody has to know about you before he can be call overrated.

Here is the list:

Martin Luther King
Frederick Douglas
Joe Louis Barrow
Cassius Clay
Harry Belafonte
Josephine Baker
Sidney Portier
Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro)
George Washington Carver
Charles Rangel
Malcolm X
Bobby Seale
Chuck Berry
Adam Clayton Powell
Huey Newton
Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton
And NBA basketball player
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Learn your history, this guy was as bad or worse than Hitler.

Learn my history from Howard Zinn?

A bit like learning about Jews reading the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

{But Howard Zinn represents a new breed of scholars, one who violates the
standards of the profession, and as he does, raises the ire of those not only on the right,
but on the left, as well.
For example, Georgetown University History Professor Michael Kazin, writing in
the Spring 2004 issue of the journal Dissent, expressed his displeasure with Zinn’s
cynicism regarding the progress of leftist movements. Although the movie based on the
book was originally to be produced by Fox “before Rupert Murdoch’s minions backed
out of the deal,” as Kazin puts it, “Zinn’s big book is quite unworthy of such fame and
influence.”2 Kazin continues, “A People’s History is bad history, albeit gilded with
virtuous intentions.” Zinn, he says, “reduces the past to a Manichean fable and makes
no serious attempt to address the biggest question a leftist can ask about U.S. history:
why have most Americans accepted the legitimacy of the capitalist republic in which
they live?”3} Articles/ZinnReportKincaidFullArial.pdf

Zinn was a fraud. Even his fellow communists reputed his bullshit.

Here is his original Journal, read up. :mad:

I have no use for the conditioned and the brainwashed that watch too much TV and believe with out question cultural memes.

History does not suit you, so you simply invent what tickles your fancy - such is the left.

From your own source:

{Columbus has been made a whipping boy for events far beyond his own reach or knowledge and a means to an agenda of condemnation that far outstrips his own guilt. Thus, too little attention has recently been paid to the historical circumstances that conditioned him. His obsessions with lineage and imperialism, his seemingly bizarre Christian beliefs, and his apparently brutal behavior come from a world remote from that of modern democratic ideas, it is true; but it was the world to which he belonged.}
Wow. What a complex Ad hominem attack. Howard Zinn is a well regarded and well respected scholar. He uses primary sources of evidences to back up his claims. What you have is the opinion of a professor of English? Social Sciences and Political Science is not even her field, why should anyone even care what she thinks? I have however, skimmed over that report she has produced, and it seems that she has some valid points. Nice job. We should all be very alert and on guard in our nation against social engineering, I give you props where props are due. :clap2:

The problem is, when you disagree with an argument, you need to counter with evidence, not an attack against the source of an argument. That is called a fallacy. It is a very weak point. I am very aware of it, so I likewise sourced the evidence with a primary source. How astute of you to post what you thought was an excuse for Columbus' behavior, very good. He was just a product of his time. We could say the same thing about the Confederacy. Does this mean we should have days commemorating the establishment of the confederacy, and have southern states fly the confederate flag? What about singing the praises of the institution of slavery and plantation life? After all, they were just people who were products of their time? Of course not, this is called "apologetics." When people do this with Hitler, or any number of despicable events that happened in the past they are ostracized from polite society. We seek to understand events of the past this way, but we do not excuse or venerate historical figures of the past any longer for their behavior. Many of Columbus' contemporaries knew, instinctively, that what he was doing as they saw his orders being carried out, were immoral. Just as Jefferson knew, as he grew rich off of every new slave birth, that it was immoral. That is why after his correspondence on the matter with George Washington, Washington reorganized is financial affairs in such a way as to free his slaves and employ them at a meager wage.

What is our primary source? How do we know of Columbus' vile behavior? Columbus' own journal entries. Any scholar, any American reading these entries, should then have enough intelligence to conclude that he should not be celebrated in the manner in which we do. But there is much more going on to his celebration which the average American knows. Most, are truly ignorant of what it really means. It has to do with the Jesuits. It is a symbol of elite control.


Columbia is a New Latin toponym, combining a stem Columb- based on the surname of the explorer Christopher Columbus and an ending -ia, common in Latin names of countries (e.g. Britannia "Britain", Gallia "Gaul"). The meaning is therefore "Land of Columbus."
Columbia (name) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How about the District of Columbus? Two state capitals, Columbus, Ohio and Columbia, South Carolina. And the University of the CIA, Columbia University - the King's college?

Personified Columbia, from a World War I patriotic poster.

Columbia wearing a warship bearing the words "World Power" as her "Easter bonnet" (cover of "Puck", April 6, 1901).

Personification of Columbia, from a Columbia Records phonograph cylinder package.

In this painting (circa 1872) by John Gast, called American Progress, Columbia, in the implementation of Manifest Destiny, leads civilization westward with American settlers; the book is a school book[8]

Columbia Pictures. You'll note, the Statue of Liberty is modeled after Lady Columbia.

So yeah, there is really almost no chance that the foundational education system controlled by the elites will ever tell the truth about how the Europeans took over the America's and committed genocide. It is the root of elite power. Admitting to the first crime would be the first step to admitting to the other crimes. Admitting to the crimes against the people is the first step to stopping the crimes.

Ignorance is Strength.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.

Ignore the man behind the curtain, there is nothing to see there.

Zinn was a fraud. Even his fellow communists reputed his bullshit.

Zinn lost all credibility by his defense of the official story on 911. That's america - where even the anti-govt historians are controlled by the govt.

I am not saying that Zinn is not working with the Jesuits. Why does everyone have to see the world with blinders?

Does anyone read books anymore?

Have you read his books?

He uses primary source material. I have read his stuff. The problem with Zinn, is the Same problem with any academic. Do I completely trust Chomsky? Absolutely not. Nor do I trust Steven Jones either. Just because one holds this position, or that position, that you may not agree with, does not disqualify the entirety of a person work. This is a fallacy. Please people, learn to do a little academic ground work and quit being so intellectually lazy. We stick to notions that please us, and if something doesn't please us, we dismiss something out of hand rather than look at empirical and historical evidence. If someone has one argument or topic wrong, than the life time of their work is wrong? Wait, what? If you are wrong on one topic, does that mean every opinion you have ever held is wrong? :eusa_eh:
[So yeah, there is really almost no chance that the foundational education system controlled by the elites will ever tell the truth about how the Europeans took over the America's and committed genocide. It is the root of elite power. Admitting to the first crime would be the first step to admitting to the other crimes. Admitting to the crimes against the people is the first step to stopping the crimes.

Ignorance is Strength.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.

Ignore the man behind the curtain, there is nothing to see there.

The Conspiracy Forum is thataway. Get goin' fruitcake.
The Conspiracy Forum is thataway. Get goin' fruitcake.
Who said anything about a "conspiracy?"

You tell me why "Columbus" and "Columbia" is so ingrained into the culture and character of the American experience? Do you honestly ever think the myth of Columbus will ever go away even though it is an insult to the Native Peoples of the Americas? Hell, to all minorities?

Let's face it, the District of Columbia, the very name, should be changed, should it not? We should not honor this man with such great honors, and yet we do.

Why, when it is out there, right in the open, do you want to label something a "conspiracy." I have just shown you what the meaning is, that is all. I have just shown you why the educational elites continue to teach this "Columbus" day myth in elementary school. Yet you attack me with a personal attack. . . why?

I can give you parallels to their European counterparts and show that this was intentional if you like?
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