Zone1 Black race agitators don't want to talk about black on black shootings

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No. The problem is some young black men and boys are extremely violent. They commit 50% of the crime, yet represent only about 5% of the population. WTF!
Until black racists like IM2 realize that blacks are responsible for their high crime rate and stop blaming whitey for everything, their problems will never improve.
Until black racists like IM2 realize that blacks are responsible for their high crime rate and stop blaming whitey for everything, their problems will never improve.

Same goes for Paul Essien. Until they realize that they shouldn't carry a concealed weapon in a state that doesn't have constitutional carry or without a permit, they're going to continue getting shot by the police.
Same goes for Paul Essien. Until they realize that they shouldn't carry a concealed weapon in a state that doesn't have constitutional carry or without a permit, they're going to continue getting shot by the police.
Yes, we have a few black posters (along with white leftists) who scream “raaaacist” whenever a white person points out that blacks who commit crimes at such a disproportionate rate are responsible for their own actions. That type of thing is giving tacit permission for them to continue with that behavior, and these crime-ridden inner-city areas such as those found in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc., will never get better.
Same goes for Paul Essien. Until they realize that they shouldn't carry a concealed weapon in a state that doesn't have constitutional carry or without a permit, they're going to continue getting shot by the police.
The black people who you have read about who were killed by the police were unarmed. (Mike Brown, Trayvon. Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, George Floyd, Freddie Gray)

But of course when white ppl are SUPER aggressive to cops or even have weapons on them, the cops guns don't seem to work

You have to be SOAKED in privilege to think you can do this and not die.

But 13 year old black kids get this

But to you and Lisa558 gipper and JoeB131 he's just a dirty n*gger who deserved to die. Right ?
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And these are the same people compling the stats - right ? And Policing black areas


But then again to whites. It's all good because they're sticking it to those blacks !!!

So you're illegally carrying a concealed weapon without a permit? That's what's called "criminal behavior."

And you can't figure out why so many blacks are being shot by the police. :laughing0301:
Be fair. We don't know where Paul lives, it might very well be in a state that allows concealed carry without a permit, or he might even have a permit. My concern is, in this day and age, why would anyone carry a .38 as a concealed weapon. There are a host of better alternatives.
The black people who you have read about who were killed by the police were unarmed. (Mike Brown, Trayvon. Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, George Floyd, Freddie Gray)

But of course when white ppl are SUPER aggressive to cops or even have weapons on them, the cops guns don't seem to work

You have to be SOAKED in privilege to think you can do this and not die.

But 13 year old black kids get this

But to you and Lisa558 gipper and JoeB131 he's just a dirty n*gger who deserved to die. Right ?

Oh boofucking hoo. More white people have been killed by the police than blacks, and we don't burn down cities and riot over it.

People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2022 | Statista

If you want me to respect you, then try this for a change: Grow some self-respect and integrity, and start accepting responsibility for your own failures, instead of blaming them on some imaginary white "boogieman."
Be fair. We don't know where Paul lives, it might very well be in a state that allows concealed carry without a permit, or he might even have a permit. My concern is, in this day and age, why would anyone carry a .38 as a concealed weapon. There are a host of better alternatives.

Nope. He would have mentioned that in his own defense when I criticized him for his criminal behavior. Had he mentioned that, I would have dropped it right there.

And agreed, .38 Special is a mouse gun.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams said it best

For blacks to openly admit their culture is dysfunctional would basically be throwing fuel on an already burning fire. For all his faults, at least Adams is a black person willing to call out other blacks for their hypocrisy. You cannot claim to care about black lives and march and protest, while blacks kill other blacks in record numbers, far outweighing those killed by police.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams said it best

For blacks to openly admit their culture is dysfunctional would basically be throwing fuel on an already burning fire. For all his faults, at least Adams is a black person willing to call out other blacks for their hypocrisy. You cannot claim to care about black lives and march and protest, while blacks kill other blacks in record numbers, far outweighing those killed by police.
True, but it’s not just BLM to blame. It’s the lamestream media, too, for being unwilling to acknowledge that BLM was NOT about saving black lives - and reporting on the hypocrisy.

I noticed, for example, that the source you quoted was the NY Post - conservative outlet - and I wondered if the liberal media were willing to report on BLM’s hypocrisy, and blacks’ unwillingness to acknowledge the dysfunction in their own communities.

So I checked. All the lame stream lib media ignored what Adams had said about BLM and blacks shooting other blacks, and instead every one was reporting that Adams wants to have Giuliani arrested. It was as if they all got their talking points from the same place, and all decided to report on the same story about Giuliani rather than criticize BLM or the crime being committed by blacks.
The black people who you have read about who were killed by the police were unarmed. (Mike Brown, Trayvon. Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, George Floyd, Freddie Gray)

Not to defend Lisa, because she's a racist nitwit...


Mike Brown had tried to take Darren Wilson's gun.
Trayvon Martin wasn't killed by a cop.
Eric Gardner died because he was grossly overweight and tried to wrestle with cops.
Sandra Bland killed herself.
Jordan Davis wasn't killed by a cop.
George Floyd committed several crimes at the time he was arrested.
Freddie Gray had a knife, and died because he thrashed around a paddy wagon of his own volition.

So if these were your strongest cases, then you are kind of weak. Two didn't involve the police at all, two were effectively suicides,

You actually had better cases you could have cited like Breonna Taylor, Laquan McDonald and Botham Jean
George Floyd committed several crimes at the time he was arrested.
So I guess anyone with a criminal record deserves to get murdered by the police?
Is that what you're saying?
I thought you were better than that.
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So I guess anyone with a criminal record deserves to get murdered by the police?
Is that what you're saying?
I thought you were better than that.
1) It is exceedingly rare for police to kill blacks who are unarmed and not threatening them. Out of 50 million police encounters a year, we can count maybe a dozen at most.

2) More whites are killed by police than blacks. Why is all the focus only on blacks, and never a word about the rare killings of whites? Do Black Lives Matter More?

3) What about all the police that have been killed by blacks? Let’s not pretend that police are at no risk when faced with a belligerent, defiant, and/or doped up black man.
The year is only half over, and already 28 police officers have been shot and killed. RIP. Yet leftists have more sympathy for defiant criminals (if they’re black) than brave police who risk their lives every day to protect the country.

Not to defend Lisa, because she's a racist nitwit...

You and Lisa558 are the same. You come with the same arguments and talking points and then just repeat them over and over again.

If either f you are in court and a black man is in the dock. The both of you would give the black man lifeout with parole or heavy punishment.

It's that simple.

Oh boofucking hoo. More white people have been killed by the police than blacks, and we don't burn down cities and riot over it.

Cops don't kill unarmed white people not even close to the same extent that they do black. Hell cops often don't even kill white people when they armed.

Do you know why they don't kill unarmed whites in any serious way ?


White people would be blowing up police departments tomorrow. They would be finding out where the cop lived and practice street justice.

And you know what ? I gotta respect that.

White people have a deep "You ain't gonna treat us like n*ggers" mentality

Mike Brown had tried to take Darren Wilson's gun.


Eric Gardner died because he was grossly overweight and tried to wrestle with cops.


Sandra Bland killed herself.


Jordan Davis wasn't killed by a cop. Trayvon Martin wasn't killed by a cop.

Don't matter. The same dog that bites blk ppl in a police uniform is the same dog that bites blk ppl outside a police uniform

George Floyd committed several crimes at the time he was arrested.

As I say just keep on repeating a point you make over and over again. White supremacy 101

Freddie Gray had a knife, and died because he thrashed around a paddy wagon of his own volition.


So if these were your strongest cases, then you are kind of weak. Two didn't involve the police at all, two were effectively suicides,


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All this white on white crime needs to stop


Peter Anthony McGuire is a Former Cop

These psychopaths are given a badge and military surplus technology to police black ppl. While the media deflects and no one hold these race soldiers accountable for their rogue behavior.

Do you know this guy (click on pic) ? JoeB131 - He's in your state.







Can you even imagine a black Mayor doing this ? CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE ?

Everybody would know about this. You'd never hear the end of it. But because he's white this is just a "local story"



These incels man who get turned down by a woman and end up killing her are somthing else.




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Same goes for Paul Essien. Until they realize that they shouldn't carry a concealed weapon in a state that doesn't have constitutional carry or without a permit, they're going to continue getting shot by the police.
Whites do it all the time. Maybe you should concern yourself with the massive problems in the white community that caused 40,000 whites to kill themselves in 2020.
Eric Gardner died because he was grossly overweight and tried to wrestle with cops.

Eric Garner died from a crushed trachea due to a chokehold banned by the NYPD. That's what the coroner stated.

George Floyd committed several crimes at the time he was arrested.

No, the 1 crime claimed was an allegation. No one ever found if the 20 was counterfeit. Floyd did not resist arrest and the penalty for counterfeiting is not death.

Mike Brown had tried to take Darren Wilson's gun.

That's only according to Darren Wilson, the murderer. How many murderers do you believe? Furthermore Brown was 20 yards away from Wilson when Wilson fired those shots.

And let's just ignore the findings of the DOJ whereby they found numerous consistent constitutional violations against the black citizens of Ferguson by the police.

Freddie Gray had a knife, and died because he thrashed around a paddy wagon of his own volition.

Freddy Gray was riding a bike and was stopped for no reason. The knife was legal and he did not pull it out on the cops. This excuse of his death is justified because we found a weap8n on him is an example of your racism. Gray had no reason to be in that paddy wagon.

The Oklahoma City Police Department hired Daniel Holdsclaw who raped black women while on police duty and got sentenced to 263 years in prison. The Holdsclaw case shows an attitude that we have seen in the police who are white and patrol mainly in black communities. Some seem to think less of the citizens in these communities and don’t like working in them. If you hate your work environment, you’re going to hate your job and those you are dealing with on that job. Not good if you are given a badge, nightstick, taser, gun, and permission to use deadly force.

Apparently, Holdsclaw was trained by Alonzo Harris and believed King Kong had nothing on him, so he would ride into primarily poor black communities and sexually assault black women on stops. Since some of them had priors, he would take full advantage of his uniform and badge to force them to perform sexual acts. He made them perform oral sodomy on him as well as raping them.

I'm sure whites like you and many here refused to listen to those women and decided that whatever they were getting they deserved because they have criminal records. But a persons human rights don't get rescinded because they have a record. Holdsclaw is not the only white cop misusing his badge.

I saved the best for last. Franklin County, Ohio’s Deputy Sheriff Jason Meade. Meade's attitude about his job is summed up in this statement: “I hunt people; it’s a great job.” He gave a speech in church service about using deadly force on citizens citing the examples of David and Jesus. In this speech, he called the use of deadly force a form of “righteous release.” It is clear that Meade had flown a jet over the cuckoo's nest. Meade was not only able to maintain employment, but the department also assigned him to work with U.S Marshalls. Jason Meade murdered Casey Goodson on December 4, 2020. He shot him three times in the back, then claimed Goodson had a gun and his life was being threatened. Meade was indicted, but that doesn’t bring Goodson back to his children.

“I felt my life was threatened” is a song located on page 1 of the police hymnal. As of this writing, Officer Kim Potter has been sentenced to 2 years in prison for the killing of Daunte Wright. The judge had mercy calling it a sad case. But Potter decided she would play tough cop and pull somebody over for hanging air freshener on a rearview mirror. 2 years was not long enough.

Joe, you really need to quit making excuses.
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