Zone1 Black race agitators don't want to talk about black on black shootings

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White riots destroyed prosperous black communities and the blacks who were harmed did not get repaid for the damages or losses. So whites really need to stop running their mouths about riots as if only blacks do them.
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The data is the same stuff you have. Nobody tells me what to think so stop trying to use that one. You white right wingers really need to stop this shit. We aren't like you, we do think for ourselves.

So you thought for yourself and voted for some old white guy who gave you high inflation and CPI rates, your retirement accounts being drained away, the price of oil rising to $130 per barrel as it did, $5 per gallon national average for gasoline, shortages, supply line disruptions, millions of illegals swarming the border, an epidemic of crime and drugs, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, a still-increasing trade imbalance with China, and a war in Ukraine that could go nuclear?

Sure, ok. Whatever, bro.
White riots destroyed prosperous black communities and the blacks who were harmed did not get repaid for the damages or losses. So whites really need to stop running their mouths about riots as if only blacks so them.

It was my white folks who burned down your neighborhoods. They voted for Biden.

Rate of Suicide by Race/Ethnicity

In 2020, the highest rates were among whites (15.7 per 100,000).
The second highest rate in 2020 was among American Indian/Alaska Native (14.6 per 100,000).
From 2019, suicide rates increased slightly for Blacks (from 7.04 to 7.5).
Suicide rates increased slightly for American Indian/Alaska Natives by .96 from 2019 (13.64 to 14.6).
Suicide rates for Hispanic/Latinos remained 7.5 per 100,000 in 2020 from 2019.

SAVE provides free use of national suicide statistics as soon as they become available from the National Center for Health Statistics.

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, with 45,979 deaths in 2020.


Those white liberals must be telling you to think too.

Age-adjusted suicide rates are highest among non-Hispanic AI/AN people (23.9 per 100,000) and non-Hispanic white people (16.9 per 100,000) compared to other racial and ethnic groups.




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So you thought for yourself and voted for some old white guy who gave you high inflation and CPI rates, your retirement accounts being drained away, the price of oil rising to $130 per barrel as it did, $5 per gallon national average for gasoline, shortages, supply line disruptions, millions of illegals swarming the border, an epidemic of crime and drugs, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, a still-increasing trade imbalance with China, and a war in Ukraine that could go nuclear?

Sure, ok. Whatever, bro.
That old white guy didn't give us inflation or any of the other things you claim. and the other old white guy gave use 600,000 dead friends and relatives on top of making the agreement to withdraw from Afghanistan with the taliban and losing the trade war with China.
It was my white folks who burned down your neighborhoods. They voted for Biden.
Research says that very few neighborhoods got burned down in 2020 and that much of the violence came from counter protesters that were mostly right wing whites.

Rate of Suicide by Race/Ethnicity

In 2020, the highest rates were among whites (15.7 per 100,000).
The second highest rate in 2020 was among American Indian/Alaska Native (14.6 per 100,000).
From 2019, suicide rates increased slightly for Blacks (from 7.04 to 7.5).
Suicide rates increased slightly for American Indian/Alaska Natives by .96 from 2019 (13.64 to 14.6).
Suicide rates for Hispanic/Latinos remained 7.5 per 100,000 in 2020 from 2019.

SAVE provides free use of national suicide statistics as soon as they become available from the National Center for Health Statistics.

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, with 45,979 deaths in 2020.

View attachment 664136

Those white liberals must be telling you to think too.

Age-adjusted suicide rates are highest among non-Hispanic AI/AN people (23.9 per 100,000) and non-Hispanic white people (16.9 per 100,000) compared to other racial and ethnic groups.

View attachment 664138

Am I supposed to be mortified that the biggest part of those white suicides were liberals, progressives, Democrats, Trump-haters, drug users, gays, trannies, and people who couldn't by a gun without lying about their not being adjudicated mentally unfit?

You're gonna have to try a little harder, bro. You're not even deflecting the needle on my sympathy meter.
Am I supposed to be mortified that the biggest part of those white suicides were liberals, progressives, Democrats, Trump-haters, drug users, gays, trannies, and people who couldn't by a gun without lying about their not being adjudicated mentally unfit?

You're gonna have to try a little harder, bro. You're not even deflecting the needle on my sympathy meter.
You actually don't know that. But what we do know is that I handed you your ass. So recognize when you try taking on the champ.

Because we care.


Do you want white people killing white people because hey, it doesn’t affect you?

Well black ppl are not as obsessed with demonszing and showing contempt and pointing the finger at white people as white people are to blacks. We just don't have that racial insecurity that needed for us to do that.

If (like most if not all white ppl on here) you embrace white supremacist ideology like Lisa558 like JGalt like Thunderbird like JoeB131 like toobfreak then they can be a tramp or beggar on the street

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And they can say to a black person.

"Yeah I might be livin in the mud. I might not have a biscuit. I might be barefoot, I might be a stinky meth addict but I'm not one of you people.....I'M NOT ONE OF YOU PEOPLE AT ALL !!! I don't care what college you went to. I don't care if your former President Obama. That blk dude that we allowed to let in. I don't care if you're Oprah. I'm better than the both of them. Why ?




And thats one thing you blacks can't get through your thick skulls !!! That's how we see the world !! But you don't see the world, the way we see the world. And that's why you're in the shape you're in and we are in the shape we are in. My people are still sticking it to your people. My people are still closing the doors on your people

And that's good enough for me
. You don't understand our thinking at all Mister - With your black PHD's. You don't understand the fundamenets of this world and that is one fundemental


Your baffled by it and we like to keep it that way"

That's how white people should talk. Because that's how white supremacist think

See to most blk ppl (coz we don't think like you) that's a very strange and peculiar way of thinking but has history has shown that's a very POWERFUL- POWERFUL - POWERFUL way to think
Well black ppl are not as obsessed with demonszing and showing contempt and pointing the finger at white people as white people are to blacks. We just don't have that racial insecurity that needed for us to do that.

Lol, really? That’s all you and IM2 do.
Not at all. I think he was rightfully convicted.
But don't make a complaint he had his "hands in his pockets" (implying callousness) when he didn't.
Since you ignored half my question, allow me to rephrase.
Why would a cop after putting a suspect in handcuffs with three cops restraining him with their knees, leave his knee planted on his neck for an additional 9 minutes?
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Since you ignored half my question, allow me to rephrase.
Why would a cop after putting a suspect in handcuffs with three cops restraining him with their knees, leave his knee planted on his neck for an additional 9 minutes?
1) Why would it matter what a nobody on a website thinks? Society, as represented by the jury, thought it was wrong and sent the cop to prison for 30 years. Why wasn’t that enough? Why did the black activist group have to instigate nationwide riots, with 30 deaths and billions in damage, because of a rare incident that was met with punishment?

2) And it IS a rare incident. Cops have 50 million encounters a year, many with belligerent, defiant criminals. Let’s say one-third or so are with blacks, so 17 MILLION a year. As long as the thugs aren't threatening to the cops, maybe two or three a year that end in tragedy. So here’s the count:

1) 16,999,998 police encounters with blacks that end without the death of the black (although some end with the death of the cop)

2) 2 that end with the death of the black.

Stop acting as though this is some massive problem with cops killing blacks. It’s virtually unheard of, and it was started by the so-called black terror group - which is a Marxist group in truth - to tear apart this country.
Because they kill white people too. This may come as a surprise to you, but some of us live in those violent black communities. We work there, we own businesses, factories, and properties. We also have to pay the majority of the tax burden to pay police, fire, EMS, utilities, and the endless gopher hole of "urban renewal." And black violence in those urban shitholes is indiscriminate. Do you think some idiot gang-banging thug is thinking about someone's color when he's unloading his Hi-Point pistol on a crowd of people?
And this is a valid point. I have a CHL (Concealed Handgun License), with that comes HUGE responsibility. I do watch a few youtube channels that cover situations, scenarios, etc., and review actual crimes that happen with or without guns. Most criminals, don't care about your race. They want something you have, they will do what they can with the tools they have to perpetrate the crime.
In many of the videos, there are plenty of instances of black crime on whiteys and black on black crime. A lot of the white crime are crazy white people, anti-gov't gun crazy whites or domestic violence.
So you thought for yourself and voted for some old white guy who gave you high inflation and CPI rates, your retirement accounts being drained away, the price of oil rising to $130 per barrel as it did, $5 per gallon national average for gasoline, shortages, supply line disruptions, millions of illegals swarming the border, an epidemic of crime and drugs, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, a still-increasing trade imbalance with China, and a war in Ukraine that could go nuclear?

Sure, ok. Whatever, bro.

And has made some very questionable comments:
And this is a valid point. I have a CHL (Concealed Handgun License), with that comes HUGE responsibility. I do watch a few youtube channels that cover situations, scenarios, etc., and review actual crimes that happen with or without guns. Most criminals, don't care about your race. They want something you have, they will do what they can with the tools they have to perpetrate the crime.
In many of the videos, there are plenty of instances of black crime on whiteys and black on black crime. A lot of the white crime are crazy white people, anti-gov't gun crazy whites or domestic violence.

I would guess that the majority of white crime involves drugs in some manner.
And this is a valid point. I have a CHL (Concealed Handgun License), with that comes HUGE responsibility. I do watch a few youtube channels that cover situations, scenarios, etc., and review actual crimes that happen with or without guns. Most criminals, don't care about your race. They want something you have, they will do what they can with the tools they have to perpetrate the crime.
In many of the videos, there are plenty of instances of black crime on whiteys and black on black crime. A lot of the white crime are crazy white people, anti-gov't gun crazy whites or domestic violence.
There are crimes by whites against blacks on those videos, crimes adngainst other people of cholor also. As usual we get excuses made for white crime.
Wrong. But keep looking for excuses.

The conversation is over, bro. You're still a black race agitator who doesn't want to talk about black on black shootings.

Let's just leave it at that.

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