Black September

Let's puncture another one of your fabrications:

"Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Confession is good for the soul.....

...just admit you favor another holocaust.
I don't favor murdering children in order to steal the land their families live on.
How' bout Jew?

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran. There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand. One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."

Have you read this from someone who was actually there

Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

He was in the hotel at the time and stated that hamas was firing rockets from the press hotel. Game set and match
He was in the hotel on August 9th and the incident I'm referring to took place on July 16; this is the second time I've pointed out your hasbara in this matter, but I'm sure you couldn't care less.

"In Spanish, Gutiérrez, who is writing for Melilla Hoy, tweeted, 'On Saturday,9th of August, Hamas launched a battery of rockets from the press hotel. What was their intent? To provoke Israel to kill us?'"

Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports Video - International Business Times
Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds
Let's puncture another one of your fabrications:

"Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Confession is good for the soul.....

...just admit you favor another holocaust.
I don't favor murdering children in order to steal the land their families live on.
How' bout Jew?

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran. There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand. One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."

Have you read this from someone who was actually there

Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

He was in the hotel at the time and stated that hamas was firing rockets from the press hotel. Game set and match
He was in the hotel on August 9th and the incident I'm referring to took place on July 16; this is the second time I've pointed out your hasbara in this matter, but I'm sure you couldn't care less.

"In Spanish, Gutiérrez, who is writing for Melilla Hoy, tweeted, 'On Saturday,9th of August, Hamas launched a battery of rockets from the press hotel. What was their intent? To provoke Israel to kill us?'"


Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

Gaza George appears to want to neglect all the other reporters who finally got out of Gaza and reported on what Hamas was actually doing. Actually Gaza George should have gotten out of his little room and talked his new friends into buying him a ticket so that he could have helped them build their tunnels into Israel to kill some of Gaza George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

By the way, in case no one knows about it, I wonder if the Spanish reporter Gutierrez realizes that he has an old Sephardic Speanish name. A Mexican Catholic woman once told me that the ierrez in that name means Israel. Lots of people in the Southwest territory of the U.S. have sent in samples of their DNA and found out that they have Sephardic roots. Their ancestors left Spain after the Inquisition.
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports Video - International Business Times
Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds
Your link:

"Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge."

Israel says Hamas uses human shields?
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports Video - International Business Times
Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds
Your link:

"Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge."

Israel says Hamas uses human shields?

Since this is the Middle East forum, let me say that my own husband while in the Middle East for our government saw the Arabs use the women and children as human shields. The women were in the middle, the children were out in front, and the men were shooting over the heads of the women and children. The people were protesting something or other, two Army tanks were called in, and they didn't care what position the people were in. They just started shooting. I am sure that Hamas, now the best buddies of Gaza George, wouldn't hesitate to use him as a human shield.
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports Video - International Business Times
Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds
Your link:

"Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge."

Israel says Hamas uses human shields?

Since this is the Middle East forum, let me say that my own husband while in the Middle East for our government saw the Arabs use the women and children as human shields. The women were in the middle, the children were out in front, and the men were shooting over the heads of the women and children. The people were protesting something or other, two Army tanks were called in, and they didn't care what position the people were in. They just started shooting. I am sure that Hamas, now the best buddies of Gaza George, wouldn't hesitate to use him as a human shield.

"In 2004, an instance of human shield use by the Israeli border police in the West Bank was caught on camera by Daily Mail reporters.

"The story reported that a 13-year-old boy was captured by Israeli police as he took part in a stone-throwing protest and put in front of the jeep in order to deter other youths from throwing stones at the vehicle.[20]

"The story was led by an infamous picture of a boy in his early teens tied up to a military jeep.[21]

"The Israel Defense Forces admitted it had used Palestinians as human shields 1,200 times during the Second Intifada.

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Last edited by a moderator:
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports Video - International Business Times
Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds
Your link:

"Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge."

Israel says Hamas uses human shields?

Since this is the Middle East forum, let me say that my own husband while in the Middle East for our government saw the Arabs use the women and children as human shields. The women were in the middle, the children were out in front, and the men were shooting over the heads of the women and children. The people were protesting something or other, two Army tanks were called in, and they didn't care what position the people were in. They just started shooting. I am sure that Hamas, now the best buddies of Gaza George, wouldn't hesitate to use him as a human shield.
How many children did your "own husband" tie to the front of his jeep while in the Middle East?

"In 2004, an instance of human shield use by the Israeli border police in the West Bank was caught on camera by Daily Mail reporters.

"The story reported that a 13-year-old boy was captured by Israeli police as he took part in a stone-throwing protest and put in front of the jeep in order to deter other youths from throwing stones at the vehicle.[20]

"The story was led by an infamous picture of a boy in his early teens tied up to a military jeep.[21]

"The Israel Defense Forces admitted it had used Palestinians as human shields 1,200 times during the Second Intifada.

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why, Gaza George, anyone can put into Wikipedia whatever they want to. Doesn't 1,200 seem like an exaggeration to you? By now the legitimate encyclopedias should have reported this. Have you something from them? Meanwhile, this is why some Los Angeles teacher, in an article about Wikipedia in the newpaper, said she never let her pupils use it for research purposes and that they had to go to regular encyclopedias. I think many of us can see why she takes this action.

It certainly looks like Gaza George has no problems with his new bestest friends in the world using their own people as human shields as long as there are dead bodies lying around to use for propaganda purposes.
"Palestinian teen: I was used as a human shield in Gaza
An affidavit obtained exclusively by +972 reveals what appears to be the first documented case of a ‘human shield’ used by the Israeli military during its invasion of the eastern Gaza town of Khuza’a."

Palestinian teen I was used as a human shield in Gaza 972 Magazine

I was used as a human shield when one of Gaza George's fellow Crips held me hostage in 2006.

As you can see, Gaza George is avoiding telling the readers that his new bestest friends use their own people as human shields.
DCI report says nothing about him wearing a chador or niqab.
He is not a child. Even the DCI report has him as 16 and 17. It should not by a DCI matter.
DCI report says nothing about him wearing a chador or niqab.
He is not a child. Even the DCI report has him as 16 and 17. It should not by a DCI matter.
Is he human?
"When he did, Abu Raida said an Israeli soldier took him to the open field, about 100 meters from the group of men, tied his hands with a plastic chord, and forced him to kneel down.

"According to Abu Raida, the soldier then proceeded to punch him in the stomach and face while saying repeatedly, 'You’re not human, you’re a dog.'”

Why are some Jews so racist, and why should the US continue supporting their apartheid state?

Palestinian teen I was used as a human shield in Gaza 972 Magazine
DCI report says nothing about him wearing a chador or niqab.
He is not a child. Even the DCI report has him as 16 and 17. It should not by a DCI matter.
Is he human?
"When he did, Abu Raida said an Israeli soldier took him to the open field, about 100 meters from the group of men, tied his hands with a plastic chord, and forced him to kneel down.

"According to Abu Raida, the soldier then proceeded to punch him in the stomach and face while saying repeatedly, 'You’re not human, you’re a dog.'”

Why are some Jews so racist, and why should the US continue supporting their apartheid state?

Palestinian teen I was used as a human shield in Gaza 972 Magazine

his face looked remarkably unmarked
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Are rockets being fired at Israeli children defending themselves, is murdering 3 innocent Israeli boys defending themselves. Do show how starting aggression is defending themselves, and then show what they are defending themselves against when they declared war in 1948 and have never rescinded it.

Why did it start in 1948?

Why did the Israelis have to murder hundreds of innocent Palestinians in retaliation for 3 Israelis being murdered? Is that a form of justice we should employ?

If a rightwing 'Sovereign Citizen' murders two policemen, should the US government kill 500 conservative women and children?

Why was gaza firing a hundred mortars and rockets at Israel each day?
Why was hamas planing the kidnapping of Israeli children?
Why was hamas unwilling to talk or accept any agreements that Abbas and Israel might come to?
Why was hamas hiding rocket launchers in and around hospitals, schools, UN buildings and civilians homes?
Why was hamas building illegal tunnels into Israel and Egypt?

There is no answer to any of those questions that can justify the indiscriminate collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Not to mention the latest theft of a thousand acres of Palestinian land that the Israelis perpetrated with this latest conflict as their pretext.

There is nothing that can justify the targeting of children by hamas.

Read res 242 and the Oslo accords and see that it is legal.
"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children
132 Israeli children and 2,045 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Jews kill Arab children deliberately while Hamas kills Jewish children by accident.

End the occupation and let all the children live.

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

The Palestinians have it in their power to stop the killings, but refuse to act. It would just take them to sit down and agree mutual borders, peace and a halt to terrorism, violence and belligerence and the occupation, blockade and killings would stop. Israel has a proven track record of sticking to peace deals and have shown a willingness to live in peace. What have the Palestinians done towards peace.
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Are rockets being fired at Israeli children defending themselves, is murdering 3 innocent Israeli boys defending themselves. Do show how starting aggression is defending themselves, and then show what they are defending themselves against when they declared war in 1948 and have never rescinded it.

Why did it start in 1948?

Why did the Israelis have to murder hundreds of innocent Palestinians in retaliation for 3 Israelis being murdered? Is that a form of justice we should employ?

If a rightwing 'Sovereign Citizen' murders two policemen, should the US government kill 500 conservative women and children?

Why was gaza firing a hundred mortars and rockets at Israel each day?
Why was hamas planing the kidnapping of Israeli children?
Why was hamas unwilling to talk or accept any agreements that Abbas and Israel might come to?
Why was hamas hiding rocket launchers in and around hospitals, schools, UN buildings and civilians homes?
Why was hamas building illegal tunnels into Israel and Egypt?

There is no answer to any of those questions that can justify the indiscriminate collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Not to mention the latest theft of a thousand acres of Palestinian land that the Israelis perpetrated with this latest conflict as their pretext.

There is nothing that can justify the targeting of children by hamas.

Read res 242 and the Oslo accords and see that it is legal.
"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children
132 Israeli children and 2,045 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Jews kill Arab children deliberately while Hamas kills Jewish children by accident.

End the occupation and let all the children live.

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

The Palestinians have it in their power to stop the killings, but refuse to act. It would just take them to sit down and agree mutual borders, peace and a halt to terrorism, violence and belligerence and the occupation, blockade and killings would stop. Israel has a proven track record of sticking to peace deals and have shown a willingness to live in peace. What have the Palestinians done towards peace.

You don't really think the problem is one of you?
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

How many times have you been shown the proof of hamas using human shields to protect the terrorists.

Here you go once again the evidence.

Hamas 8217 disturbing 8216 human shields 8217 manual New York Post

They’re putting their own people in the line of fire — and doing it by the book.
The Israeli military said it has captured a Hamas manual on urban warfare — called “Introduction to the City War” — that extols the benefits of civilian deaths and openly admits that Israel tries to avoid them.

Conclusive Proof Hamas Uses Palestinians as Human Shields Jewish Israel News

Sreenivasan Jain, a courageous reporter for New Delhi Television (NDTV), posted a detailed expose on August 5, showing Hamas terrorists assembling, and then firing, a rocket right in the middle of a neighborhood filled with residential buildings and hotels. His amazing report can be seen on the NDTV website.
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

How many times have you been shown the proof of hamas using human shields to protect the terrorists.

Here you go once again the evidence.

Hamas 8217 disturbing 8216 human shields 8217 manual New York Post

They’re putting their own people in the line of fire — and doing it by the book.
The Israeli military said it has captured a Hamas manual on urban warfare — called “Introduction to the City War” — that extols the benefits of civilian deaths and openly admits that Israel tries to avoid them.

Conclusive Proof Hamas Uses Palestinians as Human Shields Jewish Israel News

Sreenivasan Jain, a courageous reporter for New Delhi Television (NDTV), posted a detailed expose on August 5, showing Hamas terrorists assembling, and then firing, a rocket right in the middle of a neighborhood filled with residential buildings and hotels. His amazing report can be seen on the NDTV website.

Now how can Gaza George admit that his new bestest friends in the whole wide world would stoop to using their own people as human shields, even though the rest of the world knows about it?
Let's puncture another one of your fabrications:

"Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Confession is good for the soul.....

...just admit you favor another holocaust.
I don't favor murdering children in order to steal the land their families live on.
How' bout Jew?

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran. There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand. One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."

Have you read this from someone who was actually there

Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

He was in the hotel at the time and stated that hamas was firing rockets from the press hotel. Game set and match

the Jews always cover their wicked ways with their newspapers. How sweet the IDF boy kissing his mom before going out to kill kids. They are nothing but animals.

Not a Jewish newspaper is it, but a tweet on twitter by a freelance journalist with nothing to lose. You just hate the truth don't you when it shows the Palestinians are evil and twisted
DCI report says nothing about him wearing a chador or niqab.
He is not a child. Even the DCI report has him as 16 and 17. It should not by a DCI matter.
Is he human?
"When he did, Abu Raida said an Israeli soldier took him to the open field, about 100 meters from the group of men, tied his hands with a plastic chord, and forced him to kneel down.

"According to Abu Raida, the soldier then proceeded to punch him in the stomach and face while saying repeatedly, 'You’re not human, you’re a dog.'”

Why are some Jews so racist, and why should the US continue supporting their apartheid state?

Palestinian teen I was used as a human shield in Gaza 972 Magazine

Ask yourself the same question and see what answer you come up with, Why are you so racist
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

How many times have you been shown the proof of hamas using human shields to protect the terrorists.

Here you go once again the evidence.

Hamas 8217 disturbing 8216 human shields 8217 manual New York Post

They’re putting their own people in the line of fire — and doing it by the book.
The Israeli military said it has captured a Hamas manual on urban warfare — called “Introduction to the City War” — that extols the benefits of civilian deaths and openly admits that Israel tries to avoid them.

Conclusive Proof Hamas Uses Palestinians as Human Shields Jewish Israel News

Sreenivasan Jain, a courageous reporter for New Delhi Television (NDTV), posted a detailed expose on August 5, showing Hamas terrorists assembling, and then firing, a rocket right in the middle of a neighborhood filled with residential buildings and hotels. His amazing report can be seen on the NDTV website.
IDF says Hamas uses human shields?
"The Israeli military said it has captured a Hamas manual on urban warfare — called 'Introduction to the City War' — that extols the benefits of civilian deaths and openly admits that Israel tries to avoid them.

"The Israel Defense Forces also said the manual — whose cover shows images of militants wielding rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons — crows about the propaganda value of the deaths of innocents."

Do you know the definition of "human shield?"

Hamas 8217 disturbing 8216 human shields 8217 manual New York Post
DCI report says nothing about him wearing a chador or niqab.
He is not a child. Even the DCI report has him as 16 and 17. It should not by a DCI matter.
Is he human?
"When he did, Abu Raida said an Israeli soldier took him to the open field, about 100 meters from the group of men, tied his hands with a plastic chord, and forced him to kneel down.

"According to Abu Raida, the soldier then proceeded to punch him in the stomach and face while saying repeatedly, 'You’re not human, you’re a dog.'”

Why are some Jews so racist, and why should the US continue supporting their apartheid state?

Palestinian teen I was used as a human shield in Gaza 972 Magazine

Ask yourself the same question and see what answer you come up with, Why are you so racist
Holding Jews to the same moral standards as Christians and Muslims is not being racist; why do you continually lie about what I say?

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