Black Skin Privilege

]Uh, yeah, American people recognize that both slavery and KKK/racism happened......Sooooo, why should that recognition involve some humility?

Because if I am a German person talking to a Jewish person, I think it is befitting that I show them a little respect....given my granddad might have slaughtered their granddad.
]Uh, yeah, American people recognize that both slavery and KKK/racism happened......Sooooo, why should that recognition involve some humility?

Because if I am a German person talking to a Jewish person, I think it is befitting that I show them a little respect....given my granddad might have slaughtered their granddad.
Really?.....'cause none of my ancestors had anything to do with slavery or racism....Sooooo, why should I be any more humble, or feel less important when interacting with a black person?

I was raised to treat everybody with a "little respect", when dealing with them face to face.

No disrespect intended, but you're posting some of the dumbest shit i've ever seen up here, and that's saying something.
More than 200 anti —lynching bills were introduced in congress in the first part of the century and the House of Representatives passed anti-lynching bills three times. However, the legislation was repeatedly blocked by [Democrat] Senators from the South and almost 5,000 people -— mostly African-Americans — were lynched between 1882 and 1968."
Senate Apologizes For Not Enacting Anti-Lynching Legislation, A Look at Journalist and Anti-Lynching Crusader Ida B. Wells

Yes, that's true, and it is to the eternal shame of the Democrats that they did so little to end lynchings. I'd have thought the party might have issued an apology as well.

It's amazing to think that it was not until the Freedom Riders in 1961 that some southern states desegregated bus stations. I suspect many of our posters here were alive during that era - but still don't feel the white people have anything to feel guilty about.
Really?.....'cause none of my ancestors had anything to do with slavery or racism....Sooooo, why should I be any more humble, or feel less important when interacting with a black person?

I was raised to treat everybody with a "little respect", when dealing with them face to face.


You should be more humble because you carry the burden of what previous generations of your people did to another people, just as much as Germans carry the weight of what their people did to the Jews.

I knew a Jewish woman in Israel who had the tattoes from Auschwitz. The kibbutz asked us international volunteers not to speak German (we had some German volunteers) and did not allow the keeping of alsation dogs on kibbutz out of respect to her. Fourty years on from the war the sound of the dogs or the German language reduced her to hysteria. She had experienced trauma that would haunt for every day of the rest of her life. I also imagine her children might have felt quite strongly about German people, given they grew up seeing those scars. That is what I mean by the weight of history.

I am not surprised you think this is stupid.
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Great Saigon, then we could all go around apologizing to every one else. Think of the possibilities: In addition to the US apologizing to Indians. Blacks, Chinese and anyone else who was mistreated in your self-righteous world view, but also Australians - Aborigines, All Latin America - Indians, Vietnamese - Hmong, New Zealanders - Maori, Zulu - Khoikhoi (Bushmen) and of course Russians/Brits/Turks/French/Belgians/Dutch/Mongols/etc - (to many to list)... and while we're at it, you may as well apologize the the Sami (Lapps).
Really?.....'cause none of my ancestors had anything to do with slavery or racism....Sooooo, why should I be any more humble, or feel less important when interacting with a black person?

I was raised to treat everybody with a "little respect", when dealing with them face to face.


You should be more humble because you carry the burden of what previous generations of your people did to another people, just as much as Germans carry the weight of what their people did to the Jews.

I knew a Jewish woman in Israel who had the tattoes from Auschwitz. The kibbutz asked us international volunteers not to speak German (we had some German volunteers) and did not allow the keeping of alsation dogs on kibbutz out of respect to her. Fourty years on from the war the sound of the dogs or the German language reduced her to hysteria. She had experienced trauma that would haunt for every day of the rest of her life. I also imagine her children might have felt quite strongly about German people, given they grew up seeing those scars. That is what I mean by the weight of history.

I am not surprised you think this is stupid.
First of all, I carry no burden whatsoever.....Zip....Nada....NONE!........I had nothing to do with slavery, or the KKK, Nor did any of my ancestors.

Secondly, WTF does your story about the Jewish lady have to do with me?

And last, but certainly not least.....What I find "stupid", is you trying to project your spineless white guilt on other whites, in an obvious attempt to say that ultimately we're somehow guilty of perpetrating events we had absolutely nothing to do with.

Look, here's the bottom line.....I'm too busy enjoying life. I've got a great marriage, wonderful wife, amazing twin daughters, an awesome dog, beautiful home, Two custom Harleys, a nice collection of cars, money in the bank, retired young, turned 49 years old today,......and I don't spend one iota of my time wallowing in humility or guilt over anything I had nothing to do with.
white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms

I don't you think that could have anything to do with the fact that white men forced 20 million African people into slavery?

Holland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, England, Denmark and the UK have an obligation to teach young people the facts of how, for almost 500 years, they perpetrated a trade of inhumanity, ignorance and hatred.

I don't think young American people need feel guilty about slavery - I think young American people should be aware of slavery.

Did you know that slavery is still happening in Africa today? That most of those slaves that crossed the Atlantic Ocean (those that survived) were sold by their own race to slave traders?

Did you know that blacks in America also owned slaves?
There is not a single race or ethnicity in the world that was not both slave or slave master. For most of them, far longer than blacks have been slaves and way worse treated. Spare me the fake sympathy.
Squeese -

seems you only want whites to squirm in their chairs.

Why does it 'seem' that?

Can you see anywhere in this thread any statement, inference or comment which would suggest other peoples are in some way NOT responsible for their actions?

Why is it that you feel white people should not be held accontable for slavery? Was it not their fault+

Sure it was, in the same way that prostitution is the fault of the johns. Funny how you completely ignore the pimps.
First of all, I carry no burden whatsoever.....Zip....Nada....NONE!........I had nothing to do with slavery, or the KKK, Nor did any of my ancestors.

Secondly, WTF does your story about the Jewish lady have to do with me?

And last, but certainly not least.....What I find "stupid", is you trying to project your spineless white guilt on other whites, in an obvious attempt to say that ultimately we're somehow guilty of perpetrating events we had absolutely nothing to do with.

If you had read my posts, I specifically said that I do not think you need bear any guilt. What I do think Americans carry is a sense of responsibility as a people.

Learn the difference.
Did you know that slavery is still happening in Africa today? That most of those slaves that crossed the Atlantic Ocean (those that survived) were sold by their own race to slave traders?

Did you know that blacks in America also owned slaves?

Actually, they generally weren't sold by their own tribe, but by neighbouring or competing tribes. But to be fair to the original traders, many people did this purely and simply as a means of avoiding being seized by the rapacious slavers themselves.

I'm not sure why the denial is necessary - at one point WHITE slavers had 80 slave centers built along the western African coastline. Portugal alone shipped 4.65 million people over 400 years.

btw, there is very little slavery in Africa today. Some, certainly, but there has been no lare scale slavery since around 1810.

Sure it was, in the same way that prostitution is the fault of the johns. Funny how you completely ignore the pimps.

Nonsense - the slave industry was created, designed, built, funded and run by white people for white people. Yes, some local tribesmen got rich doing it as well, but in the end many of them were also shipped.
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I'm still waiting for the Brits to take revenge on Rome for the Roman occupation. The Greeks owe the Romans a round or two also. Come to think of it, the descendants of Spartan Greeks owe some sort of reparations to the descendants of Thracian Greeks. What is Egypt due from Greece to begin with. All that killing, enslaving and raping by Alexander's army should be worth something.

Black Americans really have no cause to complain about centuries old slavery. No more than Brits or Greeks. It is all about creating a sense of guilt, to justify a thirst for revenge.

Historical slavery was ultimately a good thing and very necessary for human progression.
Historical slavery was ultimately a good thing and very necessary for human progression.

Um......I'm speechless.

I hope everyone on this board takes very, very careful note of what you just said.

That's because you know absolutely NOTHING about history. We no longer educate and haven't for years. We indoctrinate.

Slavery was the "internet" of its age. Slavery, the buying and selling of human beings, their knowledge, skill and expertise was how information spread. Slavery and war were two of the most beneficial experiences of humankind. We would not have the civilizations or inventions we have today were it not for slavery.

We can say TODAY that slavery is bad, even though every country still practices slavery including ours. But historically, there was no such thing as working for wages or employer paid benefits. There were no benefits at ALL unless you were a slave.

How did we get to be so ignorant? Really how did we get to be so willfully unknowing?
Did you know that slavery is still happening in Africa today? That most of those slaves that crossed the Atlantic Ocean (those that survived) were sold by their own race to slave traders?

Did you know that blacks in America also owned slaves?

Actually, they generally weren't sold by their own tribe, but by neighbouring or competing tribes. But to be fair to the original traders, many people did this purely and simply as a means of avoiding being seized by the rapacious slavers themselves.

I'm not sure why the denial is necessary - at one point WHITE slavers had 80 slave centers built along the western African coastline. Portugal alone shipped 4.65 million people over 400 years.

btw, there is very little slavery in Africa today. Some, certainly, but there has been no lare scale slavery since around 1810.

Sure it was, in the same way that prostitution is the fault of the johns. Funny how you completely ignore the pimps.

Nonsense - the slave industry was created, designed, built, funded and run by white people for white people. Yes, some local tribesmen got rich doing it as well, but in the end many of them were also shipped.

You really need to do some research: 2001/marafrica.htm

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms

In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more (2).

According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
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......I'm speechless.

If that were EVER true you might be half the person you want to think you are. As it stands, you're nowhere near even that. Your strangely mutated ego won't let you seriously consider this, but it's true nonetheless.
Historical slavery was ultimately a good thing and very necessary for human progression.

Um......I'm speechless.

I hope everyone on this board takes very, very careful note of what you just said.
While I don't agree, then I'm not squirming in my seat either. I do understand your consternation in being unable to make others feel guilty. It's not necessarily that you're not good at it, but we're use to race pimps like yourself and have become somewhat immure.

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