Black Skin Privilege

Meathead -

Responsibility is not the same as guilt.

The people of Holland, Portugal, Sweden etc should all be aware of what their forefathers did, and take responsibility at a societal level for that (in the sense of understanding it and not denying it). That does not mean they need feel guilt or any kind of personal responsibility.

very few whites owned slaves, fewer were involved in the trade

We may have a different understanding the term "few".

Some 600 shipments of slaves sailed to what is now the US, I believe. Consider how many people were involved as crews, bankers, ship owners and ship builders, as legislators who backed the trade and the many people who bought slaves - including some founding fathers.

who were the original sellers?

Do you want to leave them off the hook, because you sure as hell make no mention of that.
Squueze Berry -

I have no idea why you would consider that important, but the original sellers were usually conquering African tribes who captured and sold their enenies, or African slave trading enterpreneurs. Of course there are also cases of Portuguese and Dutch sea captains simply rounding up innocent people and forcing them on to boats, but this was by no means the norm.

I see nothing in this to excuse a trade that was created, designed, funded and operated in such a way that white people could treat black people as subhuman pieces of merchandise.

Yidnar -

Yes, you are reading it incorrectly.
Squueze Berry -

I have no idea why you would consider that important, but the original sellers were usually conquering African tribes who captured and sold their enenies, or African slave trading enterpreneurs. Of course there are also cases of Portuguese and Dutch sea captains simply rounding up innocent people and forcing them on to boats, but this was by no means the norm.

I see nothing in this to excuse a trade that was created, designed, funded and operated in such a way that white people could treat black people as subhuman pieces of merchandise.

Yidnar -

Yes, you are reading it incorrectly.

seems you only want whites to squirm in their chairs.

duly noted.
Squeese -

seems you only want whites to squirm in their chairs.

Why does it 'seem' that?

Can you see anywhere in this thread any statement, inference or comment which would suggest other peoples are in some way NOT responsible for their actions?

Why is it that you feel white people should not be held accontable for slavery? Was it not their fault+
Squeese -

seems you only want whites to squirm in their chairs.

Why does it 'seem' that?

Can you see anywhere in this thread any statement, inference or comment which would suggest other peoples are in some way NOT responsible for their actions?

Why is it that you feel white people should not be held accontable for slavery? Was it not their fault+
are the 1st generation children of the black men that murdered my friend at fault for his death.
Yidnar -

As I explained earlier, at a personal level, none of us are responsible for actions others carry out.

But at the level of a country or people, then we are responsible for acts which were conducted in the name of our people or country.

For instance, Hitler murdered Jews in the name of Germany, so I believe German people have a reasponsibility for that in perpetuity.
Yidnar -

As I explained earlier, at a personal level, none of us are responsible for actions others carry out.

But at the level of a country or people, then we are responsible for acts which were conducted in the name of our people or country.

For instance, Hitler murdered Jews in the name of Germany, so I believe German people have a reasponsibility for that in perpetuity.
so the Egyptians today are responsible for the enslavement of Jews ??
white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms

I don't you think that could have anything to do with the fact that white men forced 20 million African people into slavery?

Holland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, England, Denmark and the UK have an obligation to teach young people the facts of how, for almost 500 years, they perpetrated a trade of inhumanity, ignorance and hatred.

I don't think young American people need feel guilty about slavery - I think young American people should be aware of slavery.

I agree, but let's tell the WHOLE story.

A number of Blacks were also slave owners. In fact, the first slave owner in the United States was Black:

America?s first slave owner was a black man.

When we teach our kids that some Whites and some Blacks owned slaves, let's also teach them how slavery originated in Africa by Blacks capturing other Blacks to sell to White slave traders. Let's also teach them how Whites, primarily in Britain and America, fought to end the world-wide African slave trade.

Finally, let's teach them that in parts of Africa, some tribes STILL capture and enslave other Blacks.

Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When it comes to slavery, some Whites were guilty, but most were innocent. While you condemn those Whites who – along with a small number of Blacks – owned slaves, lets not forget the overwhelming number of Whites who were instrumental in ending the practice.
Professor -

Certainly people of all races and cultures have kept slaves, and all been involved in slavery at some point. Slavery existed for hundreds of years prior to the Atlantic Slave Trade, and hundreds of years after it in some parts of the world. We know there were some Jewish slave traders, and a lot of Arabic and Muslim slave traders. No doubt there few a few black slave owners in the US as well, but they were obviously a tiny minority.

Nevertheless, the Atlantic Slave Trade is unique in human history. For 400 years, the most powerful and "civilised" nations on the planet (England, Holland, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Brazil, Spain and France) reduced Africa to the role of a human farm. It is a period of history every bit as awful, as nightmarish and evil as the Holocaust, and one that ultimately cost far more lives.

England did much to end the practive of slavery, utlimately, but nevertheless, entire British cities were built on the blood of slavery.
Negros should stop complaining already, the slaves were freed like, 150 years ago. Get over it already.
very few whites owned slaves, fewer were involved in the trade

One quarter of all families in the CSA owned slaves.
Bull, you have no idea what you're talking about. And our self-righteous Finnish friend is a bit challenged with his definition of "few", although all languages, even Finnish must have a comparable word with the exact definition:

United States Slavery and the 1860 Census

Of the 27 million whites counted in the 1860 census, 8 million lived in the slave owning states of the South. Of these, 385,000 owned slaves. Statistically, 4.8% of all Southern whites owned slaves. When factored by the entire population, 1.4% of all United States whites were slave owners.

Read more at Suite101: The 1860 Census and Slavery in the United States | Suite101
The 1860 Census and Slavery in the United States | Suite101

But that still doesn't matter. Why do some expect whites to feel guilty when they themselves never participated in the institution of slavery?
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Squeese -

seems you only want whites to squirm in their chairs.

Why does it 'seem' that?

Can you see anywhere in this thread any statement, inference or comment which would suggest other peoples are in some way NOT responsible for their actions?

Why is it that you feel white people should not be held accontable for slavery? Was it not their fault+


it was not even my ancestors yet as a white person I'm constantly accused of being guilty of slavery.

look around at the posts from blacks on this board.

the slavery card is played constantly. What am I supposed to do?

kiss their ass?
give them money?

they want all three plus exterminate us

wake up

You do not live here and have to deal with this shit on a daily basis
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Squeeze -

I don't know what you are 'supposed' to do, but I think what white American people should is to recognise that both slavery and the KKK/racism did happen, and that both were essentially crimes committed by white people against black people. That recognition involves some humility, I think.

Beyond that, I don't see that you need give anyone any money - nor dream up fantasies about them wanting to "exterminate us".
Squeeze -

I don't know what you are 'supposed' to do, but I think what white American people should is to recognise that both slavery and the KKK/racism did happen, and that both were essentially crimes committed by white people against black people. That recognition involves some humility, I think.

Beyond that, I don't see that you need give anyone any money - nor dream up fantasies about them wanting to "exterminate us".


having slavery shoved down my throat every fucking day?

how about you come over here and deal with it?

How about blacks stop committing crimes against us?

oh, and I'm not dreaming anything up
Squeeze -

I don't know what you are 'supposed' to do, but I think what white American people should is to recognise that both slavery and the KKK/racism did happen, and that both were essentially crimes committed by white people against black people. That recognition involves some humility, I think.

Beyond that, I don't see that you need give anyone any money - nor dream up fantasies about them wanting to "exterminate us".

Blacks in the US are suing for reparation $$$ for slavery. Not sure if it got thrown out of court or what.

White people know about slavery... I get it, but the blacks need to let go and move on. It was done with 150 years ago.
"There were lynchings in the Midwestern and Western states, mostly of Asians, Mexicans, and Native Americans. But it was in the South that lynching evolved into a semiofficial institution of racial terror against blacks. All across the former Confederacy, blacks who were suspected of crimes against whites—or even "offenses" no greater than failing to step aside for a white man's car or protesting a lynching—were tortured, hanged and burned to death by the thousands. In a prefatory essay in Without Sanctuary, historian Leon F. Litwack writes that between 1882 and 1968, at least 4,742 African Americans were murdered that way.

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, of related note:

" On Monday, the U.S senate passed a non-binding resolution to apologize for its failure to enact anti-lynching legislation. The resolution states that the Senate "expresses the deepest sympathies and most solemn regrets of the Senate to the descendants of victims of lynching, the ancestors of whom were deprived of life, human dignity and the constitutional protections accorded all citizens of the United States."

More than 200 anti —lynching bills were introduced in congress in the first part of the century and the House of Representatives passed anti-lynching bills three times. However, the legislation was repeatedly blocked by [Democrat] Senators from the South and almost 5,000 people -— mostly African-Americans — were lynched between 1882 and 1968."
Senate Apologizes For Not Enacting Anti-Lynching Legislation, A Look at Journalist and Anti-Lynching Crusader Ida B. Wells

"During the early years of the Wilson administration (1913-1917), the Democratic Representatives submitted more racist legislation than had been introduced to any previous Congress....Southern Democrats regularly blocked the efforts of a few liberal Congressmen to pass protective legislation for blacks."
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow | PBS

"However, the unstated causes that created the facts set forth in the resolution indisputably demonstrate that there is a specific group directly responsible for the Senate's egregious failure to pass an anti-lynching law. That group should join with the Senate and offer its deepest regret and humblest heartfelt apology to the families of lynching victims. Which group? The Democrat Party."
Why The Democratic Party Should Apologize To The Families of Lynching Victims | Worldview Weekend

 Indisputably, the Ku Klux Klan was the primary domestic terrorist group responsible for racial lynchings during and following Reconstruction.

 The Ku Klux Klan was formed by the Democrat Party in 1866-1867 as part of their efforts against Reconstruction. [1]

 In 1871, as lynchings were escalating in the nation, a bill was passed in Congress to punish Klan violence; not one Democrat in the House or Senate voted for that bill. [2]
Bill Text - 109th Congress (2005-2006) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Squeese -

seems you only want whites to squirm in their chairs.

Why does it 'seem' that?

Can you see anywhere in this thread any statement, inference or comment which would suggest other peoples are in some way NOT responsible for their actions?

Why is it that you feel white people should not be held accontable for slavery? Was it not their fault+
Those who should be held accountable, are DEAD......They've been DEAD for generations......Therefore, there is no one to hold responsible, period, because they are DEAD!.
Squeeze -

I don't know what you are 'supposed' to do, but I think what white American people should is to recognise that both slavery and the KKK/racism did happen, and that both were essentially crimes committed by white people against black people. That recognition involves some humility, I think.

Beyond that, I don't see that you need give anyone any money - nor dream up fantasies about them wanting to "exterminate us".
Uh, yeah, American people recognize that both slavery and KKK/racism happened......Sooooo, why should that recognition involve some humility?

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