Black Soldier from the Bronx killed during incident with another black soldier

hang them both for treason. i don't care anymore

I was at Ft Bragg when some guy opened up with a gun during PT and started shooting at everyone.
Course...I never used my Entrenching Tool.
They suck for digging.
I always used a regular shovel.
The Russian Spetnaz have one that they use not only for digging but fighting.
COL92SFX.jpg of my feet is screwed up from when I was in the Army.
Stress fracture.
Never healed properly.

Stress fractures and knee problems seem to be a very common malady with those in the Army and the Marines. But, when a person carries that much gear on their backs, that's kinda something to be expected.

Yet one of the reasons I'm glad I made a career in the Navy. While I had to carry heavy stuff (especially when working on a combat stores ship), it's not something that I did for days on end without rest, nor did I have to constantly carry it for long periods of time. Generally, it was from the cargo hold to the elevators, and vice versa. Never had to carry anything heavy more than a few hundred feet at a time.
Muslims in the army. What could go wrong?

He probably raped the dude that killed him.

Projects ain't got shit on black Army barracks.
Muslims in the army. What could go wrong?

He probably raped the dude that killed him.

Projects ain't got shit on black Army barracks.

How in the hell would a person who was killed rape someone?

And, isn't homosexuality against Muslim beliefs?
How in the hell would a person who was killed rape someone?

And, isn't homosexuality against Muslim beliefs?
Yes....but once the Sun goes down the queers come out of the woodwork. They figure Allah can't see them after Sundown.
Depends on the country...but there were a few of them in Kuwait when I was training them.
The Taliban don't go for that, nor do the Iranians.
But it happens.
Hmm..................when did you serve? Because I know that all the barracks I lived in while in the Navy since 1982 were integrated, none of them were segregated. The only grouping that ever happened was by command, not by race.
Everything was integrated by 1978.
When I was in Boot Camp in 74' they wouldn't let 'minorities' into most rates except cook and storekeeper.
Everything was integrated by 1978.
When I was in Boot Camp in 74' they wouldn't let 'minorities' into most rates except cook and storekeeper.
i went to boot camp in 1980. I really do not recall thinking much about race.

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