Black student assaults White student over Dreadlocks

And yet black women wear European white woman's blond hair styles all the time.

Is this racist against white people? ........ :cool:

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^^^^^^ They have a white great grandfather from Sweden in their gene pool. ....... :lol:
^^^^^^ They have a white great grandfather from Sweden in their gene pool. ....... :lol:
Actually they dont. White people arent the only people that have naturally blond hair. The gene developed in more places than in europe. :cool-45:
Can you imagine what would happen if the video was reversed. And the white guy told a blond haired black woman she couldn't wear a European hair style and grabbed her arm.

He would be arrested for a racist Hate Crime, kicked out of school, and Bro. Jessie and Al would be leading a campus protest. ...... :cuckoo:
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I know that you are a dishonest person Asslips and don't mind misleading people to try and win a argument.

But these two children are part of an aboriginal tribe and have zero to do with Africa. ....... :cool:
Really? ONLY Blacks can get away with derogative terms. Women are "b*tches and black men are N*ggers. Wow, listen to any rap lately? Wow.
And yet black women wear European white woman's blond hair styles all the time.

Is this racist against white people? ........ :cool:

They arent copying white women. Sorry. :itsok:

Their hair isnt straight, so you failed to prove your point. If you cant find naturally blonde straight hair on an AFRICAN, then you will prove that black people have low IQs. Good luck, Mr 70 IQ.
This white boy is a prime ex. Of a weak progressive, he probably fights for these same animals that attacked him. I hope all whites on the left watch this, because when they finally wake up we'll take them back but a tax will n involved,Lmao. Where I'm from people get shot for less.
I predict that chick is going to have a lot of trouble in her life. We'll probably see her on a cop video soon enough with her alligator mouth running full bore.
I know that you are a dishonest person Asslips and don't mind misleading people to try and win a argument.

But these two children are part of an aboriginal tribe and have zero to do with Africa. ....... :cool:
Bullshit. These people came directly from Africa and if one walked up to you and kicked your ass you would claim it was a Black guy. :cool-45:
And yet black women wear European white woman's blond hair styles all the time.

Is this racist against white people? ........ :cool:

They arent copying white women. Sorry. :itsok:

Their hair isnt straight, so you failed to prove your point. If you cant find naturally blonde straight hair on an AFRICAN, then you will prove that black people have low IQs. Good luck, Mr 70 IQ.
Like most monkeys you have no idea what the point is at any given point in the discussion Try again to keep up.
Bullshit. These people came directly from Africa and if one walked up to you and kicked your ass you would claim it was a Black guy.
Their DNA says that they are polynesian with no direct connection to Africa. ..... :cool:
Bullshit. These people came directly from Africa and if one walked up to you and kicked your ass you would claim it was a Black guy.
Their DNA says that they are polynesian with no direct connection to Africa. ..... :cool:
Nice try. I already know their DNA says the exact opposite of your claim. Polynesians are not Melanesians dummy. Even if they were...Polynesians also came from Africa. :laugh:
Nice try. I already know their DNA says the exact opposite of your claim. Polynesians are not Melanesians dummy. Even if they were...Polynesians also came from Africa.
^^^^^^^ :link: ^^^^^^^
Nothing you say can make them white. They are Afrians mixed with Desonivan. Dont be a lazy chimp. Look it up. I dont have time to play with monkeys. :cool-45:


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