Black Student Fights Teacher Over Cellphone

Most likely a child living in a single parent household with no discipline and lacking a father figure.
Nothing that a really good throat-punch wouldn't cure. Bruising that larynx has a way of focusing the mind, WONDERFULLY.
I know exactly what is needed.
I remember being up front in a class in 5th grade for a spelling bee and laughing and jostling around with a buddy. The teacher was a rarity at that time (1970) in that he was male. He called us out of line and took a long ruler to our open palms. You'd be amazed just how much that can hurt ;) The worst part was that it was done in front of the whole class. Needless to say, I never got into that situation again.

These days there is simply no way to succeed as a teacher IF your aspiration is to actually TEACH children to prepare for a productive life in our society. The deck is so stacked against them that it's a stupid career path.
I remember being up front in a class in 5th grade for a spelling bee and laughing and jostling around with a buddy. The teacher was a rarity at that time (1970) in that he was male. He called us out of line and took a long ruler to our open palms. You'd be amazed just how much that can hurt ;) The worst part was that it was done in front of the whole class. Needless to say, I never got into that situation again.

These days there is simply no way to succeed as a teacher IF your aspiration is to actually TEACH children to prepare for a productive life in our society. The deck is so stacked against them that it's a stupid career path.
I wouldn't be amazed. My 5th grade teacher gave me 17 hard licks with a paddle bigger than the one I showed, the last week of school. I hated her for it and rejoice when she was moved to a different school the following year. Still, I do not believe teachers should have to take crap in their classroom, if they cannot instill a love of learning, a fear of a pain in the ass will help most learn not to disrupt, while other learn.
I remember being up front in a class in 5th grade for a spelling bee and laughing and jostling around with a buddy. The teacher was a rarity at that time (1970) in that he was male. He called us out of line and took a long ruler to our open palms. You'd be amazed just how much that can hurt ;) The worst part was that it was done in front of the whole class. Needless to say, I never got into that situation again.

These days there is simply no way to succeed as a teacher IF your aspiration is to actually TEACH children to prepare for a productive life in our society. The deck is so stacked against them that it's a stupid career path.

Yesterday I had to abide an angry child sitting at my desk throwing my own personal stuff around.

Because she was angry that she didn't get exactly what she wanted.

I have to abide this because she is "traumatized".

Wish I were making this up. I'm not.
I wouldn't be amazed. My 5th grade teacher gave me 17 hard licks with a paddle bigger than the one I showed, the last week of school. I hated her for it and rejoice when she was moved to a different school the following year. Still, I do not believe teachers should have to take crap in their classroom, if they cannot instill a love of learning, a fear of a pain in the ass will help most learn not to disrupt, while other learn.

No to paddling. No to hitting kids with rulers. No to physical punishment.

But here's a big joke: "All behavior is communication". This is what the "education system" has asked us to swallow now. Sure, right. Sometimes--a lot of times--the so-called "communication" is: what can I get away with? Can I make my friends laugh? How much will the teacher endure?

This classroom-management-as-therapy stuff is junk.
Based on what I see in the video, I would probably agree, but there's probably a lot of background here. There are some schools where teachers are working under the constant threat of violence from their students. Wouldn't surprise me if she had been assaulted before.

I have personally been hit, kicked, bitten, pushed and had stuff thrown at me.
And your own people didn't war over anything before the white man got here. It was all roses and peacepipes, all the time.
That same old irrelevant arguement. Tell me what did YOUR ancestors do before they got here? All cultures war at some point. For some reason its easy for you to justify genocide because we had tribal wars. We never did half the evil shit that white people did. Burning children alive? Thats you, not us. Poisoning children? You. Black Wall Street? You.
Not to mention are according to your Declaration of Independance, Merciless Indian Savages. You guys always talk about how civilized you were when in reality you were killers. Killers of women and children. It's documented.
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That same old irrelevant arguement. Tell me what did YOUR ancestors do before they got here? All cultures war at some point. For some reason its easy for you to justify genocide because we had tribal wars. We never did half the evil shit that white people did. Burning children alive? Thats you, not us. Poisoning children? You. Black Wall Street? You.
Not to mention are according to your Declaration of Independance, Merciless Indian Savages. You guys always talk about how civilized you were when in reality you were killers. Killers of women and children. It's documented.

Wrong to all of it. Wrong.

Your religion must put your culture above others. What you are essentially doing then is the same you accuse others of doing. Your certain strain or brand of humanity is actually superior to others. Thus, you blame my brand of humanity for what was done to yours. And round and round we go with this, until we finally blow up the planet, or something does.

My faith says we are all spiritual rot in our natural state. All of us, at the individual level, are sinners. I am a sinner. You are a sinner. My ancestors were sinners. So were yours. There is none righteous, no, not one. The "out" for this is not trying to figure out who in the mud puddle has the least amount of mud on them.

It's Who can make us clean.

That's it.
Wrong to all of it. Wrong.
Thanks you for your opinion. Means nothing.
Your religion must put your culture above others
We have no religion.
My faith says we are all spiritual rot in our natural state. All of us, at the individual level, are sinners. I am a sinner. You are a sinner. My ancestors were sinners. So were yours. There is none righteous, no, not one. The "out" for this is not trying to figure out who in the mud puddle has the least amount of mud on them.
Sin does not exist. God does not exist. Satan does not exist.
Thanks you for your opinion. Means nothing.

We have no religion.

Sin does not exist. God does not exist. Satan does not exist.

Everyone worships something. It seems you worship your ancestry and culture. That makes you short-sighted.
Everyone worships something. It seems you worship your ancestry and culture. That makes you short-sighted.
It would appear you know next to nothing about me and my culture. Thats another thing white people did to us. You forced your religion on us. We (including myself) were not allowed to be who we are. We were forced to go to Catholic schools. We were not allowed to speak our own language. You cut off our hair. Long hair is sacred to us. The only time we cut our hair is to show respect to a loved one who has gone to the spirit world. We never did anything close to this.
It would appear you know next to nothing about me and my culture. Thats another thing white people did to us. You forced your religion on us. We (including myself) were not allowed to be who we are. We were forced to go to Catholic schools. We were not allowed to speak our own language. You cut off our hair. Long hair is sacred to us. The only time we cut our hair is to show respect to a loved one who has gone to the spirit world. We never did anything close to this.

Yeah? You never heard of the "Torture tree"? Senecas. They cut open people's abdomens, tied their intestines around a tree, and forced them to walk around the tree--thus unwinding their entrails--until they died.
Thanks. It continues to baffle me why "workplace assault" is a big deal for everyone except

It's a scary time to be a teacher.

I never did K-12 but was an adjunct off and on at community colleges and universities for the better part of 10-11 years and we had to watch out for the crazies there, too. Every teacher probably has at least one story of a student that spooked them, made them wonder if they weren't going to see the sharp end of a knife or barrel end of a gun one day. Most of my students - even ones who were extremely pissed off about their grades or some perceived slight - were harmless and I knew it. But there were about 2 or 3 who were wildcards.

I got out of teaching because of all the crap you gotta do for shit pay. Much happier now. But it sucks for the students that so many teachers - at all levels - are coming to the same conclusion we are: it ain't worth it. There's going to be a crisis in education and that's going to have enormous ramifications 10-15 years from now.

Best of luck to you, whatever you decide to do in the future. Don't let your sense of mission destroy you though. Take care of yourself first. Nobody else will.

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