Black Student Fights Teacher Over Cellphone

You might not realize this, but a good many parents are rightists, with badly behaved children.
The permissive, soft-on-crime attitude that is pervasive among leftists also plays out in their child-raising practices.

For example, as I write this, I have the TV on, and they just reported that two young teens in Chicago carjacked a van, and crashed into a family, killing a six-month old. (May the poor little guy RIP, deprived of a life by these two lowlifes.) The teens are being charged with a MISDEMEANOR only.

We have to stop the soft-on-crime policies of leftists, starting with Bragg who has reduced felony charges to misdemeanors. Kids see this, know how easily hard criminals get away with murder, and combined with their soft-on-misbehavior parents, well… see the results in the classroom.

The newest parenting trend is "bodily autonomy" which, because our society is ridiculous now, means that Grandma doesn't get a hug and worse, if the kid has strep throat and the dr. wants to look IN the throat, but the child says be it.

Yes. I am not making that up.

We are ridiculous.
OMG. These leftists have gone crazy.
That little girl has never had any discipline whatsoever. You can tell by the temper-tantrumacy.
What needed to be done 10 years ago when that spoiled little girl threw a tantrum or even “talked back”* is for the father to pick the child up (the father….I know, I know) and toss her little butt in her bedroom, and she remains there until dinner to “think about what you’ve done.”**

* remember how when we were kids, we weren’t allowed to “talk back” to our mother

** remember THAT phrase? Lordy.
What needed to be done 10 years ago when that spoiled little girl threw a tantrum or even “talked back”* is for the father to pick the child up (the father….I know, I know) and toss her little butt in her bedroom, and she remains there until dinner to “think about what you’ve done.”**

* remember how when we were kids, we weren’t allowed to “talk back” to our mother

** remember THAT phrase? Lordy.
Or any adult around. It was assumed all adults were decent. Almost all were.
In that case, why not accept what is inevitable? Why not experience being done to you what your ancestors did?
Da fuq are you on about, nimrod?

Would you like done to you what your ancestors did?

Tie you to a wagon wheel then start a fire, turn you upside down and burn the top of your head off in the fire, bitch?
For real, motherfucker! White people didn't invent that shit.
There is a long list of atrocities that white people DID do. Some of those things are giving smallpox infested blankets to children, burning women and children alive in a church (the mystic massacre) passing racist laws ( Indian Removal Act) The Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee where you killed hundreds for doing the Ghost Dance. Not to mention killing as many buffalo as possible ( kill the buffalo, kill the Indian), broken treaties, Catholic boarding schools which were designed to eliminate our culture. More recently Native women have gone missing and murdered at the highest rate in the country. It spawned to the MMIW movement which I am active in. Then I came me here and read about you poor oppressed white people. Truly you have no clue what oppression is.
There is a long list of atrocities that white people DID do. Some of those things are giving smallpox infested blankets to children, burning women and children alive in a church (the mystic massacre) passing racist laws ( Indian Removal Act) The Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee where you killed hundreds for doing the Ghost Dance. Not to mention killing as many buffalo as possible ( kill the buffalo, kill the Indian), broken treaties, Catholic boarding schools which were designed to eliminate our culture. More recently Native women have gone missing and murdered at the highest rate in the country. It spawned to the MMIW movement which I am active in. Then I came me here and read about you poor oppressed white people. Truly you have no clue what oppression is.
Yehbut, dem crackers ain't the ones that thought up tying a human being to a wagon wheel and then turning

their head into a fire. That was those of your kind.

As for all your bullshit grievances? Go fuck yourself, you fucking pussy.

If you wanna think I'm responsible for all the bad done to your people, what's wrong with me holding you accountable for all the

Indian violence done to my people? Butchering innocent families trying to eke out an existence in the midwest.

Tomahawking all of them. Well, really none of those were my people..but I'm still a cracker!

We actually got along with the Indians here; Not sure what your major malfunction is.

I get the feeling it's something that doesn't involve me and mine, ever. Yet you'd try to put it on me.
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Yehbut, dem crackers ain't the ones that thought up tying a human being to a wagon wheel and then turning

their head into a fire. That was those of your kind.

As for all your bullshit grievances? Go fuck yourself, you fucking pussy.

If you wanna think I'm responsible for all the bad done to your people, what's wrong with me holding you accountable for all the

Indian violence done to my people?
You invaded our land. We did nothing to provoke you except live on land you wanted to steal. What’s happening to you is karma. Enjoy it. You earned it.
To my utter disappointment and dismay, I wouldn't advise my worst enemy to go into it now. This breaks my heart. I love teaching and it has vastly enriched my life. But to start NOW--with our society where it is, with respect so low--no. Don't do it. I say this with sorrow.

You know believe it or not I feel bad for you. You seem like a good teacher. Blame the left for your horrible reputation. I'm sorry. Truly I am. ❤️
You invaded our land. We did nothing to provoke you except live on land you wanted to steal. What’s happening to you is karma. Enjoy it. You earned it.

And "you" stole the land from whom? How many Mexicans did you kill in the SW trying to hold on to your land? Eskimos up north?
Want to go all the way back to the caveman? Stuff happens lil man' Learn to live.
The Teacher made a mistake.
Teachers should never fight with students.
She should have sent the kid to the principal's office.
The student should have been suspended.
If that did not solve the problem, they should have called the police and had her removed from campus.
And "you" stole the land from whom? How many Mexicans did you kill in the SW trying to hold on to your land? Eskimos up north?
Want to go all the way back to the caveman? Stuff happens lil man' Learn to live.
Mexicans are also indigenous to this land.
Eskimos are also indigenous to this land.
What happened pre 1492 has nothing to with what happened after.
Stuff does happen. Wait and see what happens in the future.
The Teacher made a mistake.
Teachers should never fight with students.
She should have sent the kid to the principal's office.
The student should have been suspended.
If that did not solve the problem, they should have called the police and had her removed from campus.

Based on what I see in the video, I would probably agree, but there's probably a lot of background here. There are some schools where teachers are working under the constant threat of violence from their students. Wouldn't surprise me if she had been assaulted before.

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