Black Tea Party member wants al "tawana brawley" sharpton fired....


I guess they are racists too...or did the tea party reject their application because they were black? Self segregation or forced.

I don't know, but it doesn't seem likely that they'd want any association with a group if they'd been rejected by them.
Say Whaaat? A black guy who is a member of the Tea Party........of course there are a lot of black Americans who are members of the Tea Party, in fact a black, female radio host on WLS here in Chicago is a member of the Tea Party.....

This particular guy is an author, a radio host and is seeking to get al "tawana brawley" sharpton fired for inciting violence and riots......

Tea Party Black Author Aims To Get Al Sharpton Fired

Black author, radio personality and the purveyor of conservative website TheBlackSphere Kevin Jackson told Breitbart News political analyst Matt Boyle that liberals have “succumb to the idea of color.”

Jackson pointed to the events in Ferguson as a good example of this saying that liberals “take the death of a thug and they want to call it the second civil rights movement. They want blacks to rally around this idiotic idea that this kid that tries to rob a store deserves to have all the accolades of a MLK Jr..”

The former electrical engineer and author of two political books says that he joked earlier while giving a speech at the South Carolina Tea Party Convention ,where Boyle was interviewing him for Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot radio, that people have gotten so politically correct that when he was asked to get a black case out of his car he asked, “Do you mean an African American case.”

You don't punish someone for expressing their opinions.

This guy is acting like the PC Police. We already have more than enough of them.

Let him speak, and then, nice and clear, point at him as part of the problem.

Which he is.

Yeah that orrrr maybe its shit like this:


Or maybe they are called racist because of something else.. take a random picture and smear the Tea Party......when do you get your reward from your democrat master.....

Are you denying this came from a Tea Party event or not?

Have you proven it has....and have you proven those are Tea Party watched the early Tea Party rallies...they were prepared for this and had people deal with these plants......

The party of racism is the democrat raza (the race) the naacp, al sharpton, jesse jackson, all of the real racists call the old slave owning party home......

I asked if you were denying this was at a Tea Party event or not. Are you?

I don't have shown no evidence it was.....and if it was it wasn't a Tea Party member doing it.....

Racist Leftist Infiltrators Driven From Tea Party Rallies - Breitbart

So are you denying it or is the fence so comfortable that you cannot put your foot on either side?
Here we go....they have had to deal with democrats at the Tea Parties....

As usual at a Tea Party, the LaRouche Democrats showed up with their Obama-with-Hitler-mustache signs:
LaRouche has run seven times for the Democratic nomination for President. Although his supporters freely describe his philosophy as FDR-inspired, the "unbiased" media is happy to pretend that they are tea partiers.

This Tea Party was organized by the San Francisco Bay Area Patriots. As you can see, they planned ahead to deal with infiltrators. take a random picture and smear the Tea Party......when do you get your reward from your democrat master.....

Are you denying this came from a Tea Party event or not?

Have you proven it has....and have you proven those are Tea Party watched the early Tea Party rallies...they were prepared for this and had people deal with these plants......

The party of racism is the democrat raza (the race) the naacp, al sharpton, jesse jackson, all of the real racists call the old slave owning party home......

I asked if you were denying this was at a Tea Party event or not. Are you?

I don't have shown no evidence it was.....and if it was it wasn't a Tea Party member doing it.....

Racist Leftist Infiltrators Driven From Tea Party Rallies - Breitbart

So are you denying it or is the fence so comfortable that you cannot put your foot on either side?
The Tea Party is not is as simple as that......when democrats go to the rallies with racists signs...the Tea Party has had people ready for it...but of course....the minions in the media wing of the democrat party don't show the truth of the situation.....

As usual at a Tea Party, the LaRouche Democrats showed up with their Obama-with-Hitler-mustache signs:
LaRouche has run seven times for the Democratic nomination for President. Although his supporters freely describe his philosophy as FDR-inspired, the "unbiased" media is happy to pretend that they are tea partiers.

This Tea Party was organized by the San Francisco Bay Area Patriots. As you can see, they planned ahead to deal with infiltrators.
Yeah that orrrr maybe its shit like this:


Or maybe they are called racist because of something else.. take a random picture and smear the Tea Party......when do you get your reward from your democrat master.....

Are you denying this came from a Tea Party event or not?

Have you proven it has....and have you proven those are Tea Party watched the early Tea Party rallies...they were prepared for this and had people deal with these plants......

The party of racism is the democrat raza (the race) the naacp, al sharpton, jesse jackson, all of the real racists call the old slave owning party home......

I asked if you were denying this was at a Tea Party event or not. Are you?

I don't have shown no evidence it was.....and if it was it wasn't a Tea Party member doing it.....

Racist Leftist Infiltrators Driven From Tea Party Rallies - Breitbart
Here we go...its a great conspiracy against the tea party. Every thing they say and is a liberal in disguise. :rofl:

Edit: Notice, they never denounce the racism...they just excuse it, justify it, or blame someone else.
It’s been difficult for the Tea Party faithful to simply admit that yes, they do have racists among them. Every party does, why should they be any different? It obviously doesn’t mean they are all racist any more than it means that Democrats or Republicans are all racist because they have racists in their ranks. It does though raise important questions that American’s have to weigh when looking at the party, or any party for that matter. There are racists in all parties. Even the Tea Party. But, for some reason, they resist it. My intuition tells me this is because they are hiding the ugly fact that for some one of their primary motivations against Obama is racism. It wouldn’t be new in the annals of American conservative extremism and nativism. So, along comes confirmation of my intuition.
And here we had another event that was targeted by racist democrats...

St. Charles Violent Tea Party Infiltrator Steve Belosi Dem Official Truther Code Pink Contributor - Breitbart

On Thursday April 15, two violent leftist infiltrators disrupted the St. Charles Tax Day Tea Party Rally. St. Charles is located just a few miles west of St. Louis. The two men threatened and attacked elderly protesters and shouted down speaker Lt. Governor Peter Kinder during his speech.

One was identified as John Durajczyk, the Secretary of the St. Charles County Democratic Committee.

John Durajczyk’s infiltrator pal, identified as Steve Belosi, attacked an elderly womanat the rally until she started to cry.

democrats are vile.....racists and willing to do anything to hold onto their power and control.....
Here is how BillC whitewashes racism:


Uhhh....Although rude and crude, this isnt racist. This refers to religion not race.


They are just reversing the Slavery cliche!


Whats wrong with comparing Obamacare to voodoo? Not racist

And so on and so on
And here we had another event that was targeted by racist democrats...

St. Charles Violent Tea Party Infiltrator Steve Belosi Dem Official Truther Code Pink Contributor - Breitbart

On Thursday April 15, two violent leftist infiltrators disrupted the St. Charles Tax Day Tea Party Rally. St. Charles is located just a few miles west of St. Louis. The two men threatened and attacked elderly protesters and shouted down speaker Lt. Governor Peter Kinder during his speech.

One was identified as John Durajczyk, the Secretary of the St. Charles County Democratic Committee.

John Durajczyk’s infiltrator pal, identified as Steve Belosi, attacked an elderly womanat the rally until she started to cry.

democrats are vile.....racists and willing to do anything to hold onto their power and control.....

Ok then, Are there ANY racist in the Tea Party?

Yes...this Tea Party member obviously hates obama because obama is black.....
Oh look...another member of the Tea Party who hates obama because he is black....

an obvious democrat, racist, union thug confronts a member of the Tea Party.....

It’s been difficult for the Tea Party faithful to simply admit that yes, they do have racists among them. Every party does, why should they be any different? It obviously doesn’t mean they are all racist any more than it means that Democrats or Republicans are all racist because they have racists in their ranks. It does though raise important questions that American’s have to weigh when looking at the party, or any party for that matter. There are racists in all parties. Even the Tea Party. But, for some reason, they resist it. My intuition tells me this is because they are hiding the ugly fact that for some one of their primary motivations against Obama is racism. It wouldn’t be new in the annals of American conservative extremism and nativism. So, along comes confirmation of my intuition.

I was with you until the last 3 sentences. I think the denial came so fast and hard as a result of when all the racist accusations started being thrown around so excessively in '08, it put the TP in hyper defensive mode. In politics, if you're on the defensive, you're usually it was a smart play by those who wanted to discredit them. At this point most people, including the TP, seem pretty immune to those labels...yes, people know there will be racists among us, but they don't buy into it being the majority.
Ever wonder why the Tea Party is segregated. Why can't there just be one tea party...why does the black tea party have to be separate from the white tea party?
If there is they got the idea from democrats, the party of segregation and abject bigotry. Any democrat making accusations of racism, sexism, segregation or bigotry is a blatant hypocrite.
Here is a minion of the media wing of the democrat party confronting a black man at a Tea Party the minion tries to push the meme that the Tea Party is racist.......her journalism credentials should be yanked...what a f*****g hack....

Ever wonder why the Tea Party is segregated. Why can't there just be one tea party...why does the black tea party have to be separate from the white tea party?
If there is they got the idea from democrats, the party of segregation and abject bigotry. Any democrat making accusations of racism, sexism, segregation or bigotry is a blatant hypocrite.
Are you a teaper? What is the significane of your screen that your real name?
Here we go.....a racist Tea Party communication person...she states she manages the media communications for her Tea Party group....she must hate obama because he is black.....or something....right?


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