Black Teens gang rape white girl and feed her to alligators.

Some girls so driven to prove they aren't racists that they pay for it with their lives. If she had to prove herself so desperately, find a Chinese or Japanese. They hardly ever feed girlfriends to alligators.

They're not with these thugs because they feel guilty about race. They are there because something about women, especially white women, have a taste for being bad and being with the bad.

Not ALL white women thank goodness, actually most white women find it sickening to even think of even kissing a black man, never mind being in a sexual situation with a black man.

The same probably with men, would you want to kiss a Serena Williams look-a-like or be in a sexual situation with her?


Here in the U.S. white millennial females prefer black men. It's been a complete sea change in this country. They view black males as a trophy.

That's because of your MSM pushing this stuff, which I commented before, most of that crowd are barely coherent, the black males I mean.

These self-hating white girls are just destroying their own Gene Pool which has taken Centuries to cultivate into bringing them into life on this planet, they now choose to flush that Gene Pool down the toilet by diluting it with defective product.
i'm disgusted by the crime. i'm aslo disgusted by the racism in this thread.

now that i've answered your question - will you answer mine? does the race of the victim and the race of the perpetrator make the crime any more or less heinous?

Yet you dismiss the racism in the crimes they committed on don't believe her being a white girl had anything to do with what happened to her?

They wanted to desecrate a white girl, ANY white girl, because they think they have a right to do this because of Slavery and black people picking cotton in cotton fields on Plantations etc, all which ended 200 years ago.

The Leftist MSM has put it into their low IQ little brains, that they have a right to do this because of what happened Centuries ago.
you are making a lot of assumptions.
She's fact-challenged.
17 yr old living in a flea bag motel.....against her parents wishes......bad choices......damn shame....the closure is so bad for the family

The parents should just have gone and got her, even against her wishes, at 17 years-old she was still underage.
Where in any of these articles did it state that they knew where she was?

You're not really fact-based, are you?

They could have hired a Private Detective to find her, I don't know.
i'm disgusted by the crime. i'm aslo disgusted by the racism in this thread.

now that i've answered your question - will you answer mine? does the race of the victim and the race of the perpetrator make the crime any more or less heinous?

Yet you dismiss the racism in the crimes they committed on don't believe her being a white girl had anything to do with what happened to her?

They wanted to desecrate a white girl, ANY white girl, because they think they have a right to do this because of Slavery and black people picking cotton in cotton fields on Plantations etc, all which ended 200 years ago.

The Leftist MSM has put it into their low IQ little brains, that they have a right to do this because of what happened Centuries ago.
you are making a lot of assumptions.
She's fact-challenged.

You were denying that it was black males who committed this heinous act, that was just a few pages back.

Oh and have you posted a thread today about your new paid to post about Pet Project, the Alt-Right?
because of Slavery and black people picking cotton in cotton fields on Plantations etc, all which ended 200 years ago.
200 years ago? Is that a fact?


209 years ago, The Slave Trade Act of 1807, this abolished the Slave Trade, which included the Atlantic Slave Trade, that was shipping your prized African's coming to you to work picking cotton etc.

You're not very well-educated are you, thought not.
i'm disgusted by the crime. i'm aslo disgusted by the racism in this thread.

now that i've answered your question - will you answer mine? does the race of the victim and the race of the perpetrator make the crime any more or less heinous?

Yet you dismiss the racism in the crimes they committed on don't believe her being a white girl had anything to do with what happened to her?

They wanted to desecrate a white girl, ANY white girl, because they think they have a right to do this because of Slavery and black people picking cotton in cotton fields on Plantations etc, all which ended 200 years ago.

The Leftist MSM has put it into their low IQ little brains, that they have a right to do this because of what happened Centuries ago.
you are making a lot of assumptions.
She's fact-challenged.

You're just a Troll, go and post a new thread on your paid to post new Pet Project, the Alt-Right, you need to earn your crust today.
Like a lot of white women today, she likely wanted the "bad boy". Looks like it bit her in the ass.

This is the MSM fault, telling white girls it's good to lower themselves and hop into bed with feral, low IQ knuckledraggers.

This girl should have been with a young man of her own kind, then she's most certainly still be alive today.

What is her own kind?

A white man, she was a white girl.

Black people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with white people, white people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with black people, it's not natural or normal to go against your own people.

Personally I have nothing against black people in general, I just don't want any of them with our people and vice versa.

There should be no barriers to romantic involvements among consenting adults. Race shouldn't even enter into it. Race is an entirely artificial construct.

The only way the race situation with all the conflicts and violence that's happening across America is going to be stopped is to re-introduce Segregation.

Pre-1964 Civil Rights Bill that De-Segregated America, there wasn't the sort of conflicts and violence that has occurred since, it's gradually got worse year on year, to now 2016 where you get BLM who want a full-scale Race War against white people.

So Re-Segregation is the only solution, the blacks can keep all the other things in the 1964 Civil Rights Bill, like voting and being treated with a degree of civility, but they'd have to be in Black Only Zones.

I was reading the other day, they're almost Segregating themselves in areas anyhow, they have Black Only schools, bizarrely THIS was something that the Civil Rights Movement fought against, only for it now to return to America by the choice of blacks themselves.
i'll ask again since none of the posters so distraught in the thread seem to want to answer..

does the race of the victim and the races of the perpetrators make the crime more heinous? would you care as much if the victim were not a white woman?

If the victim were not a white woman then I'd say the same. If anyone, regardless of colour, gender or religion, was taken and gang-raped for days and tortured and then shot and thrown into a river infested with alligators, I'd say the same thing, the perpetrators should be doused with kerosene and burnt alive.

Forget about this human rights stuff, if a group of people decide to act like a group of basic, feral savages then they forfeit all human rights and civil rights and should be treated according to their savage actions.

They don't care about their innocent victims human rights or civil rights whilst they're committing the most vicious and sadistic acts on them, so when they're caught why should they be treated any differently than something rabid.
Damn thats fucked up
Even that girl who was held captive by Isis and one day the leader "married" her. The thought is horrific to me and I'm not even her parents. Imagine knowing before they killed your daughter sheik Omar rahmanijad raped your daughter.

I can tell you America could send me in to Isis territory as a suicide bomber after that
Damn thats fucked up
Even that girl who was held captive by Isis and one day the leader "married" her. The thought is horrific to me and I'm not even her parents. Imagine knowing before they killed your daughter sheik Omar rahmanijad raped your daughter.

I can tell you America could send me in to Isis territory as a suicide bomber after that

Situations like this Bobo just make so many people incensed, if someone doesn't have a reaction and just want to incinerate these monsters, then they're not operating with the full set of emotions that human beings possess.
i'll ask again since none of the posters so distraught in the thread seem to want to answer..

does the race of the victim and the races of the perpetrators make the crime more heinous? would you care as much if the victim were not a white woman?

If the victim were not a white woman then I'd say the same.
i have to say, i doubt your sincerity. nothing you've posted in this thread leads me to believe you would care a whit if the victim were not white.

i sincerely hope i'm wrong.
i'll ask again since none of the posters so distraught in the thread seem to want to answer..

does the race of the victim and the races of the perpetrators make the crime more heinous? would you care as much if the victim were not a white woman?

If the victim were not a white woman then I'd say the same.
i have to say, i doubt your sincerity. nothing you've posted in this thread leads me to believe you would care a whit if the victim were not white.

i sincerely hope i'm wrong.

You are wrong.

Please don't think because I advocate that white people and black people should be separated for the basic health and safety of the community and society as a whole, that this means I want tons of black people lynched or thrown into rivers infested with alligators because I don't.
If the victim were not a white woman then I'd say the same.

Really? Then why did you go racial if you'd say the same thing if it was the other way around? Here's what you said:

This is the MSM fault, telling white girls it's good to lower themselves and hop into bed with feral, low IQ knuckledraggers.

This girl should have been with a young man of her own kind, then she's most certainly still be alive today.

End quote

But when called on your bullshit you sat race isn't important like a good back peddling racist.
If the victim were not a white woman then I'd say the same.

Really? Then why did you go racial if you'd say the same thing if it was the other way around? Here's what you said:

This is the MSM fault, telling white girls it's good to lower themselves and hop into bed with feral, low IQ knuckledraggers.

This girl should have been with a young man of her own kind, then she's most certainly still be alive today.

End quote

But when called on your bullshit you sat race isn't important like a good back peddling racist.

My original comments changes nothing, I stick to my original comments, my subsequent comments aren't backpeddling.

My original comments I say that the races should be separated, my subsequent comments I say that the races should be separated.

The MSM do push for in particular white women to sleep with black men, if the MSN were not pushing this unnatural Agenda then we wouldn't have so many of these distressing incidents.

Can you show where the same amount of black women are raped and murdered by white men as there are white women raped and murdered by black men?
Of course you'll stick with your original comments making it about race AND of course you stick to the second point where you say it's not about race. You wouldn't be a liar if you had to admit that you're full of shit. You made it about race over and over then have the nerve to say you'd day the same if the roles were reversed.

You would call white guys feral knuckle daggers with low IQ savages? No, you just say everyone makes mistakes and then cry about anyone who says the races are treated differently.
Of course you'll stick with your original comments making it about race AND of course you stick to the second point where you say it's not about race. You wouldn't be a liar if you had to admit that you're full of shit. You made it about race over and over then have the nerve to say you'd day the same if the roles were reversed.

You would call white guys feral knuckle daggers with low IQ savages? No, you just say everyone makes mistakes and then cry about anyone who says the races are treated differently.

You're not making any sense now, you're attempting to spin this to fit the Agenda that you're paid to push.
Of course you'll stick with your original comments making it about race AND of course you stick to the second point where you say it's not about race. You wouldn't be a liar if you had to admit that you're full of shit. You made it about race over and over then have the nerve to say you'd day the same if the roles were reversed.

You would call white guys feral knuckle daggers with low IQ savages? No, you just say everyone makes mistakes and then cry about anyone who says the races are treated differently.

You're not making any sense now, you're attempting to spin this to fit the Agenda that you're paid to push.

Shit as soon as you contridict yourself again you'll just claim you didnt.

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