Black Teens gang rape white girl and feed her to alligators.

i'll ask again since none of the posters so distraught in the thread seem to want to answer..

does the race of the victim and the races of the perpetrators make the crime more heinous? would you care as much if the victim were not a white woman?
is anybody going to answer?
Some girls so driven to prove they aren't racists that they pay for it with their lives. If she had to prove herself so desperately, find a Chinese or Japanese. They hardly ever feed girlfriends to alligators.

Neither do blacks. Let's stick with reality.
Some girls so driven to prove they aren't racists that they pay for it with their lives. If she had to prove herself so desperately, find a Chinese or Japanese. They hardly ever feed girlfriends to alligators.

They're not with these thugs because they feel guilty about race. They are there because something about women, especially white women, have a taste for being bad and being with the bad.

Not ALL white women thank goodness, actually most white women find it sickening to even think of even kissing a black man, never mind being in a sexual situation with a black man.

The same probably with men, would you want to kiss a Serena Williams look-a-like or be in a sexual situation with her?

What's wrong with kissing a black man? I see lots of interracial relationships and marriages where I am.

We're not talking different species here dude....

Of course we are...this isn't about "skin color" and we all know it. Black males between the ages of 15-40 are the most dangerous species on this earth.
Like a lot of white women today, she likely wanted the "bad boy". Looks like it bit her in the ass.

This is the MSM fault, telling white girls it's good to lower themselves and hop into bed with feral, low IQ knuckledraggers.

This girl should have been with a young man of her own kind, then she's most certainly still be alive today.

What is her own kind?

A white man, she was a white girl.

Black people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with white people, white people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with black people, it's not natural or normal to go against your own people.

Personally I have nothing against black people in general, I just don't want any of them with our people and vice versa.
Like a lot of white women today, she likely wanted the "bad boy". Looks like it bit her in the ass.

This is the MSM fault, telling white girls it's good to lower themselves and hop into bed with feral, low IQ knuckledraggers.

This girl should have been with a young man of her own kind, then she's most certainly still be alive today.

What is her own kind?

A white man, she was a white girl.

Black people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with white people, white people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with black people, it's not natural or normal to go against your own people.

Personally I have nothing against black people in general, I just don't want any of them with our people and vice versa.

There should be no barriers to romantic involvements among consenting adults. Race shouldn't even enter into it. Race is an entirely artificial construct.
Girls should choose who they want to associate with. Race shouldn't have anything to do with it.
What if a girl, or anyone for that matter, wants to associate with people of one race to the exclusion of others? Then she/they shouldn't be able to choose?

Do you consider the things you write, especially where there is such an inherent contradiction?
There should be no barriers to romantic involvements among consenting adults. Race shouldn't even enter into it. Race is an entirely artificial construct.

Tell the survivors of Nichole Simpson and the thousands of other dead white women that.
Like a lot of white women today, she likely wanted the "bad boy". Looks like it bit her in the ass.

This is the MSM fault, telling white girls it's good to lower themselves and hop into bed with feral, low IQ knuckledraggers.

This girl should have been with a young man of her own kind, then she's most certainly still be alive today.

What is her own kind?

A white man, she was a white girl.

Black people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with white people, white people shouldn't be in romantic involvements with black people, it's not natural or normal to go against your own people.

Personally I have nothing against black people in general, I just don't want any of them with our people and vice versa.

There should be no barriers to romantic involvements among consenting adults. Race shouldn't even enter into it. Race is an entirely artificial construct.

"Race is an entirely artificial construct."

So why do white people constantly get called racist then? Yet blacks can be as vile as they want in their comments about white people and never get called racist?

How about Black Lives Matter? The use of the word Black, straight away that's racist.

How about a White Lives Matter? Yes, that'd be racist say the Left and the MSM.

A student had an All Lives Matter campaign, it was shutdown within hours thanks to the SJW bedwetters and deemed racist.
i'll ask again since none of the posters so distraught in the thread seem to want to answer..

does the race of the victim and the races of the perpetrators make the crime more heinous? would you care as much if the victim were not a white woman?
is anybody going to answer?
Apparently you are easilly confused by simple things. The complaint is about a consistant pattern of violence that only exists in the black community. Are retarded or something?

By the way, retard, it has nothing to do with race. This is the fault of an inferior sub culture that EVERYONE in the country should be pissed off about.
Some girls so driven to prove they aren't racists that they pay for it with their lives. If she had to prove herself so desperately, find a Chinese or Japanese. They hardly ever feed girlfriends to alligators.

Neither do blacks. Let's stick with reality.
Except for Taquan and Da'shaun.

It isn't that black men kill white women, it's the particularly novel ways they choose to murder. Like the man who poured lighter fluid down some poor girl's throat and set her on fire.

Murder isn't good enough any more. Now it has to be murder by torture.
Some girls so driven to prove they aren't racists that they pay for it with their lives. If she had to prove herself so desperately, find a Chinese or Japanese. They hardly ever feed girlfriends to alligators.

They're not with these thugs because they feel guilty about race. They are there because something about women, especially white women, have a taste for being bad and being with the bad.

Not ALL white women thank goodness, actually most white women find it sickening to even think of even kissing a black man, never mind being in a sexual situation with a black man.

The same probably with men, would you want to kiss a Serena Williams look-a-like or be in a sexual situation with her?


Here in the U.S. white millennial females prefer black men. It's been a complete sea change in this country. They view black males as a trophy.
According to FBI investigators, 17-year-old Brittanee Drexel was abducted, repeatedly gang-raped by blacks, shot dead and fed to the alligators in a swamp near McClellanville, South Carolina when her disappearance created too much media attention.

The shocking new details about Drexel’s disappearance came from a prison inmate who claims he witnessed the crime along with several other accounts from various witnesses, according to FBI agent Gerrick Munoz’s testimony to a federal court obtained by The Post and Courier.

Nowhere in either of your links, or the same story at the NY Post say anything about these thugs being Black.

I'm not saying they weren't, but this is just more evidence that conservatives and wingnuts are obsessed with race.
Taquan Brown and Da'Shaun Taylor give it away.
I agree. But it still wasn't in the OP links. The OP author/racist inserted that they were Black without knowing that when he created the OP.
17 yr old living in a flea bag motel.....against her parents wishes......bad choices......damn shame....the closure is so bad for the family

The parents should just have gone and got her, even against her wishes, at 17 years-old she was still underage.
Where in any of these articles did it state that they knew where she was?

You're not really fact-based, are you?

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