Black VS White brawl breaks out on Alabama dock over dispute on boat parking

Video footage shows the moment a mass brawl broke out between a group of white and black people at an Alabama riverfront, with one woman seen getting beaten across the head with a chair.

A witness claimed the fight started with an argument over a pontoon boat that was blocking the dock where a riverboat was trying to moor.

Video shared on social media shows scenes of violence spill over, with sides seemingly divided over racial lines - although it is not yet clear whether the melee was racially aggravated.

Men are seen gouging eyes and hurling punches to each others’ heads, while one woman lies stricken on the floor as a man smashes a chair across her head in a vicious assault.

One man is even seen swimming across from the other side of the river to join the fracas.


Pictures shared on social media from after the fight show a woman with her hands behind her back being led away from the Alabama riverfront by a cop

Wait there's more:

Well I've never seen a pile of trash that didn't have multiple colors in it. ;)

I gotta say that it looked like everyone was having a good time! Well maybe not the lady that got hit with the chair.

My favorite is the guy awkwardly swimming into battle. :laughing0301:

Welcome to Joe Biden's America. 😐

Preview of the Next Civil War
I wonder why the white folks aren't talking about these white feral animals and thugs that attacked the black security guard who was just doing his job.
Take my AO for instance, hood rats from DC/MD/Philly come to hide from the law with relatives in the black area of my town. Usually they just keep a low profile and move on when their relatives have had enough of their shit but on occasion they fuck around and find out. ;)
All in the Family

That's why Emmett Till's disgusted relatives sent him off to Mississippi. Trying to be a pimp down there didn't play out very well for him.

His father had been executed by the Army for rape and murder, so he was a chip off the old block.
Video footage shows the moment a mass brawl broke out between a group of white and black people at an Alabama riverfront, with one woman seen getting beaten across the head with a chair.

A witness claimed the fight started with an argument over a pontoon boat that was blocking the dock where a riverboat was trying to moor.

Video shared on social media shows scenes of violence spill over, with sides seemingly divided over racial lines - although it is not yet clear whether the melee was racially aggravated.

Men are seen gouging eyes and hurling punches to each others’ heads, while one woman lies stricken on the floor as a man smashes a chair across her head in a vicious assault.

One man is even seen swimming across from the other side of the river to join the fracas.


Pictures shared on social media from after the fight show a woman with her hands behind her back being led away from the Alabama riverfront by a cop

Wait there's more:

Well I've never seen a pile of trash that didn't have multiple colors in it. ;)

I gotta say that it looked like everyone was having a good time! Well maybe not the lady that got hit with the chair.

My favorite is the guy awkwardly swimming into battle. :laughing0301:

Welcome to Joe Biden's America. 😐

Pontoon boat owner started something he couldn't finish.
Black dood who hit the White Lady in the Head ( Twice ) with a Deck Chair got a Felony Charge witnessed by 4 Officers
Hope he looses his right to own a firearm or have one in the household for ten years on a plea down that avoided jail time

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