black Wisconsin Reporter Says She Fled Country Thunder Music Festival After a Man Called Her the ‘N-Word’

So we are to believe a "reporter" isn't savvy enough to turn on her phone and record the incident?
You need to tell her to go to her settings and to active the Nword alert and when a racist coward calls her that, her phone will automatically start recording.
Even if it did happen, she seems to be condemning the thousands that were there for what ONE (probably drunk) jerk said. You can find racists anywhere and they sure as hell aren't all white. In fact, Blacks and Asians are some of the worst.
Excuse making at its best.
What's more ... the "n" word is just a word. It's not like it's going to have some life altering effect on her. The LibTards on this site call me all sorts of names. I take them as badges of honor.
Only thing I have ever seen anyone call you is a racist and you wear that with honor.
I never could figure out why they're so sensitive about being called a Niqqer.
You can call me a Honky or any other white slur and I'll just laugh.
It has to hold some kind of meaning to be offensive.
How many black folks have you called that to their face?
They have to make up stuff to get noticed and BS each other over their failed culture and the wasted money thrown at them for decades and yet over half of them are still dumbass feral animals actually worse off than they were in the 1950's. They badly need excuses.
Spoken like a true idiot. Gotta give it to you dumb dudley, you don't disappoint.
Spoken like a true idiot. Gotta give it to you dumb dudley, you don't disappoint.
We have a civilization now where lying is a virtue. So, anything legitimate is questioned. I see nothing wrong if the questionable statement is made against an authoritarian who has screwed anyone over.
We have a civilization now where lying is a virtue. So, anything legitimate is questioned. I see nothing wrong if the questionable statement is made against an authoritarian who has screwed anyone over.
LOL, you have been lying since this country was taken.
Didn't answer my question, some of you love to use the word freely on this anonymous forum I'm just curious to know if you will say it to a black man's face.
I'm curious to know what names you use for “whitie” on a routine basis. But that's beside the point. In day to day life, I believe in being respectful to all people because all lives matter.
If the nword is so bad then has she ever publicly said black people need to stop using it? Because blacks say it alllllllllllllllllllllllllll the time..

And where is that chicks proof at? People like her have turned me into what is know as a "victim blamer".

So in other words I do not believe anyone called her the nword and she is lying for attention. Or, if someone actually did call her a nword it's probably due to the fact she was acting like an nword.

All of that aside, if blacks can say nword then white people can also. So fuck her

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