black Wisconsin Reporter Says She Fled Country Thunder Music Festival After a Man Called Her the ‘N-Word’

If the nword is so bad then has she ever publicly said black people need to stop using it? Because blacks say it alllllllllllllllllllllllllll the time..

And where is that chicks proof at? People like her have turned me into what is know as a "victim blamer".

So in other words I do not believe anyone called her the nword and she is lying for attention. Or, if someone actually did call her a nword it's probably due to the fact she was acting like an nword.

All of that aside, if blacks can say nword then white people can also. So fuck her
Yeah, be sure to use the same ideology when addressing that criminal crackah Trump and the fact that his convictions in court do make him a criminal when all he does is claim he is the victim.
Who witnessed this specific incident besides herself? She’s upset because allegedly a white hayseed called her a slur. Where is her outrage on Black Rap Music stars making millions dropping n-bombs in their music and glorifying violence against women?
How do you know she isn't outraged about it and WTF dies it have to do with cowards calling her the Nword at a public event. Why are you scared to deal with that.
How do you know she isn't outraged about it and WTF dies it have to do with cowards calling her the Nword at a public event. Why are you scared to deal with that.
Has she written about Black rappers use of n slurs and beating women? I’m not scared of someone getting called a slur. I’ve been called slurs as has my wife.

It’s not newsworthy material.
Who fucking cares.

People get called names every day, so what?

What the hell makes you special, leftard?

Well, they think they're going be given milliyunz in Bling cash any minute now, and the more they lie and snivel the bigger their checks will be or something.
If the nword is so bad then has she ever publicly said black people need to stop using it? Because blacks say it alllllllllllllllllllllllllll the time..

And where is that chicks proof at? People like her have turned me into what is know as a "victim blamer".

So in other words I do not believe anyone called her the nword and she is lying for attention. Or, if someone actually did call her a nword it's probably due to the fact she was acting like an nword.

All of that aside, if blacks can say nword then white people can also. So fuck her

You get called whatever I want to call you.

End of story.

I'm not a mean guy, I dont run around deliberately inflaming good people or emphasizing their weaknesses over their accomplishments.

But try muzzling my communications and I'll get fierce. Not only will I get fierce, I'll make a point of my fierceness
Might of happened, if so she acted reasonably....I never forget being in a bar in NYC and heard some idiot say it, I finished my drink and left.
I'm not buying it. There's no recording or video of any of her allegations. Sounds like she's a female version of Jussie Smollett.

If this really did take place, my only question is this one. Was that woman already done with her assignment before she decided to leave? I ask because if she was not already done, she should've stuck around until her job there was complete. If other people did like her being there, that was their own problem.

God bless you and the lady always!!!

If this really did take place, my only question is this one. Was that woman already done with her assignment before she decided to leave? I ask because if she was not already done, she should've stuck around until her job there was complete. If other people did like her being there, that was their own problem.

God bless you and the lady always!!!

No kidding. Snowflakery on display.
I'm not buying it. There's no recording or video of any of her allegations. Sounds like she's a female version of Jussie Smollett.

Why would she flee over a naughty word? We know it never happened, but even if it did, who gives a shit? People are called bad words every day. Sorry, but black people need to grow thicker skins. I dont give a shit if someone calls you an asshole and i dont care if they called you a n*gger. I dont fucking care about your daily petty greviences! It means less than nothing to me.

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