Black Woman Paints Over Black Lives Matter In Front Of Trump Tower

Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.
They were not vandalizing but rather removing vandalization and returning to original state
You break my window, I fix it=you and not me defaced and you are the vandal
The mural was installed by NYC. You lie. The only way for you to defend repeated consistent Trumpoholic vandal criminals is by lying. The mural has been vandalized 6 times. Each time the city repairs it and vandals pay. Vandals get choice. Pay the city or go to Rikers Island. They love white racist bigots over there.
So you are trying to offer that the city of New York sent its employees out to paint a racial slogan in front of Trump towers?
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.

They are graffiti artists....the same types you morons love when they tag businesses who then have to pay to clean off the spray paint......they are your heroes...right?
The street Black Lives Matter Mural was commissioned and paid for by the city, hence, not graffiti. The vandals will end up paying for cleaning up their vandalism, including paying for a new Mural, and probably a hefty fine.

No, dipshit....the Black woman, Trump supporter who spread the black paint over the black lives matter terrorist slogan is the graffiti artists....she should actually be getting a National Endowment for the Arts grant for defacing that racist artwork.
Graffiti is a crime in NYC and most other places. The Black Lives Matter Mural was commissioned and legal. Covering it up was vandalizing a commissioned piece of art.

Would they have commissioned an “All Lives Matter” mural? I’m betting on no.

So, if they were not willing to commission an “All Lives Matter” or a “Blue Lives Matter” mural for the sake of fairness and equal consideration, they should never have commissioned this one.

There were no city ordinance passed that allows "murals" in the street, since the city streets are under strict guidelines on what is set for TRAFFIC regulation and safety, they never should have been painted there anyway, as it doesn't meet the traffic guidelines
Quick, go inform the city council, streets department, and mayor of your expert legal opinion.
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.
They were not vandalizing but rather removing vandalization and returning to original state
You break my window, I fix it=you and not me defaced and you are the vandal
The mural was installed by NYC. You lie. The only way for you to defend repeated consistent Trumpoholic vandal criminals is by lying. The mural has been vandalized 6 times. Each time the city repairs it and vandals pay. Vandals get choice. Pay the city or go to Rikers Island. They love white racist bigots over there.
So you are trying to offer that the city of New York sent its employees out to paint a racial slogan in front of Trump towers?
Actually, they contract the work out to non-profits and the city streets department donates the paint. Tea bagger trumpoholics are keeping the local artist employed.
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.
They were not vandalizing but rather removing vandalization and returning to original state
You break my window, I fix it=you and not me defaced and you are the vandal
The mural was installed by NYC. You lie. The only way for you to defend repeated consistent Trumpoholic vandal criminals is by lying. The mural has been vandalized 6 times. Each time the city repairs it and vandals pay. Vandals get choice. Pay the city or go to Rikers Island. They love white racist bigots over there.
So you are trying to offer that the city of New York sent its employees out to paint a racial slogan in front of Trump towers?
Actually, they contract the work out to non-profits and the city streets department donates the paint. Tea bagger trumpoholics are keeping the local artist employed.
I’m sorry but it’s impossibke for me to believe, nor can I find confirming information, that the city of New York permitted and participated in any entity going onto a city street and paint BLM in front of a designated target on the street
Kick ass, love her.

You found a black tRumpling. Or paid one.

What does that make, like 3? Counting diamond and wool or whatever their names are

10,000 more subs. Are ya getting the message yet, petunia? :yes_text12:

4,000 more subs. 125,000 views. She will single handily kick you commies to the curb. :yes_text12:

20,000 subs in 21 hours. You commies didn't see this coming. Oh, and 132,000 views. :yes_text12:

Another 4,000 subs. 24,000 subs in 24 hours and her gofundme, which she didn't start, is about $15,000 now. 150,000 views. :yes_text12:

Thatll buy a lot of paint.


This just out. She states she has no gofundme. Good vid stating her beliefs.

There are a lot of classy Black people but you won't find them marching in the BLM parade. They're professional victims.
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.
Who's holding a gun to your head to make you stay here?

Oh, and way to bitterly cling to your racist and sexist idea that a black woman couldn't come up with this on her own.
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.

They are graffiti artists....the same types you morons love when they tag businesses who then have to pay to clean off the spray paint......they are your heroes...right?
The street Black Lives Matter Mural was commissioned and paid for by the city, hence, not graffiti. The vandals will end up paying for cleaning up their vandalism, including paying for a new Mural, and probably a hefty fine.
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.

They are graffiti artists....the same types you morons love when they tag businesses who then have to pay to clean off the spray paint......they are your heroes...right?
The street Black Lives Matter Mural was commissioned and paid for by the city, hence, not graffiti. The vandals will end up paying for cleaning up their vandalism, including paying for a new Mural, and probably a hefty fine.

No, dipshit....the Black woman, Trump supporter who spread the black paint over the black lives matter terrorist slogan is the graffiti artists....she should actually be getting a National Endowment for the Arts grant for defacing that racist artwork.
Graffiti is a crime in NYC and most other places. The Black Lives Matter Mural was commissioned and legal. Covering it up was vandalizing a commissioned piece of art.

Would they have commissioned an “All Lives Matter” mural? I’m betting on no.

So, if they were not willing to commission an “All Lives Matter” or a “Blue Lives Matter” mural for the sake of fairness and equal consideration, they should never have commissioned this one.

There were no city ordinance passed that allows "murals" in the street, since the city streets are under strict guidelines on what is set for TRAFFIC regulation and safety, they never should have been painted there anyway, as it doesn't meet the traffic guidelines
Quick, go inform the city council, streets , department, and mayor of your expert legal opinion.

Prithee, what is your expert legal opinion on a city giving special consideration and favoritism to one group to paint a “mural” (and I use that word loosely) on a city street that they would never allow other groups to do?
Kick ass, love her.

You found a black tRumpling. Or paid one.

What does that make, like 3? Counting diamond and wool or whatever their names are

10,000 more subs. Are ya getting the message yet, petunia? :yes_text12:

4,000 more subs. 125,000 views. She will single handily kick you commies to the curb. :yes_text12:

20,000 subs in 21 hours. You commies didn't see this coming. Oh, and 132,000 views. :yes_text12:

Another 4,000 subs. 24,000 subs in 24 hours and her gofundme, which she didn't start, is about $15,000 now. 150,000 views. :yes_text12:

Thatll buy a lot of paint.


This just out. She states she has no gofundme. Good vid stating her beliefs.

Lol, you guys are so thrilled to have one black person on your side.

It's funny, but I'm actually embarrassed for you.
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Nice rant... what evidence ya got that indicts Trump here? Jack shit none.. Lady is very religious, can not SUPPORT this leftist revolution.. That's pretty much all ya need to know about her...

And YET -- you can ignore every observation I made about the police being "aiders and abetters"... Asked the left WHY they let her paint another 20 yards before they stopped her...
Kick ass, love her.

You found a black tRumpling. Or paid one.

What does that make, like 3? Counting diamond and wool or whatever their names are

10,000 more subs. Are ya getting the message yet, petunia? :yes_text12:

4,000 more subs. 125,000 views. She will single handily kick you commies to the curb. :yes_text12:

20,000 subs in 21 hours. You commies didn't see this coming. Oh, and 132,000 views. :yes_text12:

Another 4,000 subs. 24,000 subs in 24 hours and her gofundme, which she didn't start, is about $15,000 now. 150,000 views. :yes_text12:

Thatll buy a lot of paint.


This just out. She states she has no gofundme. Good vid stating her beliefs.

Lol, you guys are so thrilled to have one black person on your side.

It's funny, but I'm actually embarrassed for you.

You have no idea how black people can think for themselves do you? Part of that "feeling sorry for them" tepid racism that Dems have to control from within....

ANY black person not singing the hymns to you is not really black... That's how non-accomodating you are for tolerating political independence...

The list is getting longer every time a black gets whacked or a black biz gets trashed in those Big Blue cities... You won't even see it coming.. Same with your loyal Jewish voters... The "big tent" is on fire.. Your party is in a very public, disgusting public suicide...

Dont be Nero.. Fiddling around while the whole thing gets gory and ugly.. Go be useful and FIX IT...
Last edited:
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????

He couldn't have watched that video showing two black women working with two white people, to spread the black paint around. It was obvious they were organized to cover over the BLM crap with the black paint.

Lots of black people very angry about the direction BLM (the movement) is heading.. There's a lot of push-back to this "abolish the police" brainlessness... It's obvious, all that garbage is making black lives WORSE by the day..

Maybe someone has to BRAND a new movement.. I suggest #Make Black Lives Better" or #SaveBlackLives or something like that... Get the clergy, role models, influencers immediately SIGNED up to discuss solutions/proposals that DONT stink....

How about know, something less racist in nature?

So much of what is called "systemic racism" is actually SYSTEMIC.. More whites as victims. So it's not totally systemically racial. So ALL the PRACTICAL solutions can only be designed if you DESIGN them for everyone..

Problems in the public interference to law/justice is cities that aren't run right for the economic conditions of their citizens.. It's local ineptness, lack of motivation and callousness.

BUT it's helpful for the black community as a MINORITY to HAVE a voice in the process bigger than their numbers.. So ANY efforts to DESIGN solutions from a black inspired movement perspective should be welcomed...

A better viral hashtag would be an excellent start...
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.
They were not vandalizing but rather removing vandalization and returning to original state
You break my window, I fix it=you and not me defaced and you are the vandal
The mural was installed by NYC. You lie. The only way for you to defend repeated consistent Trumpoholic vandal criminals is by lying. The mural has been vandalized 6 times. Each time the city repairs it and vandals pay. Vandals get choice. Pay the city or go to Rikers Island. They love white racist bigots over there.
So you are trying to offer that the city of New York sent its employees out to paint a racial slogan in front of Trump towers?
Actually, they contract the work out to non-profits and the city streets department donates the paint. Tea bagger trumpoholics are keeping the local artist employed.
I’m sorry but it’s impossibke for me to believe, nor can I find confirming information, that the city of New York permitted and participated in any entity going onto a city street and paint BLM in front of a designated target on the street

Big Bird DeBlasio was WITH THEM when it was painted. Was another one of his ugly failure to govern... You didn't see the photos?????

Wow, tell me more about how I think.
Kick ass, love her.

You found a black tRumpling. Or paid one.

What does that make, like 3? Counting diamond and wool or whatever their names are

10,000 more subs. Are ya getting the message yet, petunia? :yes_text12:

4,000 more subs. 125,000 views. She will single handily kick you commies to the curb. :yes_text12:

20,000 subs in 21 hours. You commies didn't see this coming. Oh, and 132,000 views. :yes_text12:

Another 4,000 subs. 24,000 subs in 24 hours and her gofundme, which she didn't start, is about $15,000 now. 150,000 views. :yes_text12:

Thatll buy a lot of paint.


This just out. She states she has no gofundme. Good vid stating her beliefs.

Lol, you guys are so thrilled to have one black person on your side.

It's funny, but I'm actually embarrassed for you.

You have no idea how black people can think for themselves do you? Part of that "feeling sorry for them" tepid racism that Dems have to control from within....

ANY black person not singing the hymns to you is not really black... That's how non-accomodating you are for tolerating political independence...

The list is getting longer every time a black gets whacked or a black biz gets trashed in those Big Blue cities... You won't even see it coming.. Same with your loyal Jewish voters... The "big tent" is on fire.. Your party is in a very public, disgusting public suicide...

Dont be Nero.. Fiddling around while the whole thing gets gory and ugly.. Go be useful and FIX IT...
Kick ass, love her.

You found a black tRumpling. Or paid one.

What does that make, like 3? Counting diamond and wool or whatever their names are

10,000 more subs. Are ya getting the message yet, petunia? :yes_text12:

4,000 more subs. 125,000 views. She will single handily kick you commies to the curb. :yes_text12:

20,000 subs in 21 hours. You commies didn't see this coming. Oh, and 132,000 views. :yes_text12:

Another 4,000 subs. 24,000 subs in 24 hours and her gofundme, which she didn't start, is about $15,000 now. 150,000 views. :yes_text12:

Thatll buy a lot of paint.


This just out. She states she has no gofundme. Good vid stating her beliefs.

Lol, you guys are so thrilled to have one black person on your side.

It's funny, but I'm actually embarrassed for you.

You have no idea how black people can think for themselves do you? Part of that "feeling sorry for them" tepid racism that Dems have to control from within....

ANY black person not singing the hymns to you is not really black... That's how non-accomodating you are for tolerating political independence...

The list is getting longer every time a black gets whacked or a black biz gets trashed in those Big Blue cities... You won't even see it coming.. Same with your loyal Jewish voters... The "big tent" is on fire.. Your party is in a very public, disgusting public suicide...

Dont be Nero.. Fiddling around while the whole thing gets gory and ugly.. Go be useful and FIX IT...

Wow, tell me more about how I think.

Kinda in YOUR court to tell us what you think or IF you think.. Because obviously, you have an issue with someone's skin color and independent thought and thinking...
Has anyone identified by name, the white Trump supporters operating the supply and support van? The operation was clearly funded and planned by those white people shown in the van.

Sure thing Bullwinkle... You didn't read her hashtag on Twitter that someone posted.. She's the genuine article.. Wasn't being paid.. BUT -- those COPS seemed to be "aiding and abetting"... They knew what she was doing and let her accomplish it...

Why ya think they let her do it Bullwinkle????
Great, a Mod calling a member a name. Maybe one reason USMB is known as a garbage site. Professional assholes like you. But hey, you used all those words Mr. Bigshot and never articulated an answer. Question was, who were the alleged white Trump supporters making the crime possible.

Your question was loaded, that is why it isn't worth answering.

Meanwhile did you watch the video?
So, you are unable to explain the suspected white Trumpoholic vandals on video opening paint cans and conspiring to commit various crimes.

They are graffiti artists....the same types you morons love when they tag businesses who then have to pay to clean off the spray paint......they are your heroes...right?
The street Black Lives Matter Mural was commissioned and paid for by the city, hence, not graffiti. The vandals will end up paying for cleaning up their vandalism, including paying for a new Mural, and probably a hefty fine.

No, dipshit....the Black woman, Trump supporter who spread the black paint over the black lives matter terrorist slogan is the graffiti artists....she should actually be getting a National Endowment for the Arts grant for defacing that racist artwork.
Graffiti is a crime in NYC and most other places. The Black Lives Matter Mural was commissioned and legal. Covering it up was vandalizing a commissioned piece of art.

Would they have commissioned an “All Lives Matter” mural? I’m betting on no.

So, if they were not willing to commission an “All Lives Matter” or a “Blue Lives Matter” mural for the sake of fairness and equal consideration, they should never have commissioned this one.

There were no city ordinance passed that allows "murals" in the street, since the city streets are under strict guidelines on what is set for TRAFFIC regulation and safety, they never should have been painted there anyway, as it doesn't meet the traffic guidelines
Quick, go inform the city council, streets department, and mayor of your expert legal opinion.

Go read the drivers education book about the rules of the streets.

I was trained to be a flagger for traffic control, due to construction. There I was taught that the ONLY markings on the streets are for traffic control and giving directions, no exceptions otherwise. Murals are illegal for a reason, they create distraction and doesn't aid drivers on the road.
Last edited:
Kick ass, love her.

You found a black tRumpling. Or paid one.

What does that make, like 3? Counting diamond and wool or whatever their names are

10,000 more subs. Are ya getting the message yet, petunia? :yes_text12:

4,000 more subs. 125,000 views. She will single handily kick you commies to the curb. :yes_text12:

20,000 subs in 21 hours. You commies didn't see this coming. Oh, and 132,000 views. :yes_text12:

Another 4,000 subs. 24,000 subs in 24 hours and her gofundme, which she didn't start, is about $15,000 now. 150,000 views. :yes_text12:

Thatll buy a lot of paint.


This just out. She states she has no gofundme. Good vid stating her beliefs.

Lol, you guys are so thrilled to have one black person on your side.

It's funny, but I'm actually embarrassed for you.

You have no idea how black people can think for themselves do you? Part of that "feeling sorry for them" tepid racism that Dems have to control from within....

ANY black person not singing the hymns to you is not really black... That's how non-accomodating you are for tolerating political independence...

The list is getting longer every time a black gets whacked or a black biz gets trashed in those Big Blue cities... You won't even see it coming.. Same with your loyal Jewish voters... The "big tent" is on fire.. Your party is in a very public, disgusting public suicide...

Dont be Nero.. Fiddling around while the whole thing gets gory and ugly.. Go be useful and FIX IT...

Wow, tell me more about how I think.

Kinda in YOUR court to tell us what you think or IF you think.. Because obviously, you have an issue with someone's skin color and independent thought and thinking...

Why? You knew all about how and what I thought a minute ago.

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