Black Woman Paints Over Black Lives Matter In Front Of Trump Tower

Kick ass, love her.

You found a black tRumpling. Or paid one.

What does that make, like 3? Counting diamond and wool or whatever their names are

10,000 more subs. Are ya getting the message yet, petunia? :yes_text12:

4,000 more subs. 125,000 views. She will single handily kick you commies to the curb. :yes_text12:

20,000 subs in 21 hours. You commies didn't see this coming. Oh, and 132,000 views. :yes_text12:

Another 4,000 subs. 24,000 subs in 24 hours and her gofundme, which she didn't start, is about $15,000 now. 150,000 views. :yes_text12:

Thatll buy a lot of paint.


This just out. She states she has no gofundme. Good vid stating her beliefs.

Lol, you guys are so thrilled to have one black person on your side.

It's funny, but I'm actually embarrassed for you.

You have no idea how black people can think for themselves do you? Part of that "feeling sorry for them" tepid racism that Dems have to control from within....

ANY black person not singing the hymns to you is not really black... That's how non-accomodating you are for tolerating political independence...

The list is getting longer every time a black gets whacked or a black biz gets trashed in those Big Blue cities... You won't even see it coming.. Same with your loyal Jewish voters... The "big tent" is on fire.. Your party is in a very public, disgusting public suicide...

Dont be Nero.. Fiddling around while the whole thing gets gory and ugly.. Go be useful and FIX IT...

Wow, tell me more about how I think.

Kinda in YOUR court to tell us what you think or IF you think.. Because obviously, you have an issue with someone's skin color and independent thought and thinking...

Why? You knew all about how and what I thought a minute ago.

Yeah.. Detected a big whiff of latent Dem party racism in your statements that black people can't think for themselves and you wont tolerate it.. Gave you the chance to clarify.. And APPARENTLY, I nailed it...

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