Black Women must resist temptations for Interracial marriage.

You people have a double standard.When Blacks talk about marrying blacks only,or any kind of Afrocentric ideology, we get called racist.Well,our ancestors experienced slavery,and
we blacks in America today are the by product of a slave society.So for you white people
to say,oh "Black women marry as many White men as you want",you people have got to
be crazy, or you want to promote your melting pot philosophy.Thank God, many Blacks
are smart enough not to accept interracial marriage as an option today.Or the Black race would have disappeared a long time ago.Why are White men rejecting White Women, for Black Women?
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!
I work with a Black woman who has two children from a Black man who keeps delaying their marriage. She has confided to me that he seems to be not interested in marrying her and taking care of their children.
Another worker said to her once, jokingly: "Maybe you should start going out with White guys!" to which she replied:

"Yeah, maybe I should!".
I work with a Black woman who has two children from a Black man who keeps delaying their marriage. She has confided to me that he seems to be not interested in marrying her and taking care of their children.
Another worker said to her once, jokingly: "Maybe you should start going out with White guys!" to which she replied:

"Yeah, maybe I should!".

Oh sure ,everybody wants to blame black men, when White people who run the American society are at the root of Black peoples problems.Been that way ever
since slavery days!.
You people have a double standard.When Blacks talk about marrying blacks only,or any kind of Afrocentric ideology, we get called racist.Well,our ancestors experienced slavery,and
we blacks in America today are the by product of a slave society.So for you white people
to say,oh "Black women marry as many White men as you want",you people have got to
be crazy, or you want to promote your melting pot philosophy.Thank God, many Blacks
are smart enough not to accept interracial marriage as an option today.Or the Black race would have disappeared a long time ago.Why are White men rejecting White Women, for Black Women?

White women are mean and unappreciative. Black women KNOW when they got a good thing. Besides--if one parent is NOT from a slave culture the kid ain't quite tarnished. :lol:
Oh sure ,everybody wants to blame black men, when White people who run the American society are at the root of Black peoples problems.Been that way ever
since slavery days!.

You must attend church at the Jeramiah Bullfrog Wrigheoutousness Church! Doncha? You know he moved into a gated white community? After filling yer head with all that nonsense? :eusa_whistle:
Oh sure ,everybody wants to blame black men, when White people who run the American society are at the root of Black peoples problems.Been that way ever
since slavery days!.

No, everyone doesn't blame all black men, only black men like you. It's black bigots like you who are at the root of black's problems!

You keep harking back to slavery. Have you forgotten that it was black men who kidnapped their black brothers and sold them into slavery. So, you see, black bigots like you really are at the root of black's problems.
My draft pick has to be black too ????? Indian giver !!!
That was the deal. I trade you for a black guy, Will Smith, you get to pick the black celebrity of your choice. We are trying to mix the races here. Do your part!
That was the deal. I trade you for a black guy, Will Smith, you get to pick the black celebrity of your choice. We are trying to mix the races here. Do your part!

And what is the results of your "mixed race agenda", well I'll tell you what you get, You get a smorgasboard, mixed up, mongrel race of people who don't know if they are black or white!, that what you get. I have dated a few mixed up, mixed race women.They were very confused.They didn't want any thing to do with White men either.I thought that was a bit odd.
White women are mean and unappreciative. Black women KNOW when they got a good thing. Besides--if one parent is NOT from a slave culture the kid ain't quite tarnished. :lol:

Are white Women"Mean and unappreciative, and Sarcastic"?So is this why all
you white boys are after Black women now?.Please go back to those White
unappreciatve,mean and , sarcastic women, leave our Black women alone.!
I have dated a few mixed up, mixed race women.They were very confused.

Yeh, they must have been. After all, no level headed woman would ever consider going out with a racist bigot who constantly talks out of his fart factory.
That was the deal. I trade you for a black guy, Will Smith, you get to pick the black celebrity of your choice. We are trying to mix the races here. Do your part!

my choice of black celebrity AND a first round draft pick--she's probably not German/Swedish so it would still count as an effort at "blending".
Yeh, they must have been. After all, no level headed woman would ever consider going out with a racist bigot who constantly talks out of his fart factory.

Better me than you, she used to tell me that she would never sleep with a
British Royal Commando named "Bootyneck" haha ha.
She told me you guys could never get it up long enough for her to get climax!!
hahaha Mr. Bootyonhisneck?!?

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