Black Women must resist temptations for Interracial marriage.

Anything i benifit from today, you benifit from as well, so lets not pretend im sitting on a million dollars because some guy in the past sold some slaves. No living white man today bares any responsibility for how blacks were used as slaves in the past, so you sound like a fucking idiot when you make this connection.

Now fool, lets talk about my ancestors. They werent slave owners, because they immigrated in the early 1900s, LONG after slavery was abolished. The fact is, there are very few people living in the US today who didnt immigrate here after World War 1 and World War 2, or they are children of people who did.

Your grasp on history and how it relates to today is pathetic. Go read a book, drop the homophobic racist insults, and for the sake of the reputation of black people world wide, please just shut your mouth.

Oh yes, this is the line you White cracker jacks are running now.My ancestors
never owned slaves, they came over in some huge European cracker swarm,
but you immigrant crackers reaped those same American benefits, that the White slave owner families received.Weather you owned slaves or not, all
whites did benefit, and are still benefiting in todays America.
And I am not Homophobic, I just feel it is another sick perverted part
of White America that you people seem be trying to condone or legalize.
Thank God , the Homosexual life style has never been accepted in the Black

And yes I have read a lot of books on history,And you white people have been, at the Murdering, raping ,pillaging and looting side of history.
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

I am now overwhelmed with pity for a man who is such an incredibly undesirable loser that his only hope of getting a date is appealing to racial guilt. Talk about a huge neon sign over your head saying, "I'm fat, poor, impotent, and smell bad!"
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

I am now overwhelmed with pity for a man who is such an incredibly undesirable loser that his only hope of getting a date is appealing to racial guilt. Talk about a huge neon sign over your head saying, "I'm fat, poor, impotent, and smell bad!"

he has no doubt been rejected by black woman all his life......and fellow black men push him around the circle when they see him....rejected by your own wonder he is so bitter.....:lol:
I hope this movement doesn't gain any traction. How am I ever going to nail Halle Berry if she won't hang with white guys?
I hope this movement doesn't gain any traction. How am I ever going to nail Halle Berry if she won't hang with white guys?

Hey, you've no worries. Halle prefers white boys!


I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

the mixing of genes is acually healthy, look at the opposite or just ask your sister/mother or what ever you call her, why you have six fingers and a small tail.
white genes are recesive so the more white dudes black chicks get with the less white there is.
you poor little freak of nature.
Oh yes, this is the line you White cracker jacks are running now.My ancestors
never owned slaves, they came over in some huge European cracker swarm,
but you immigrant crackers reaped those same American benefits, that the White slave owner families received.Weather you owned slaves or not, all
whites did benefit, and are still benefiting in todays America.

Oh yeah? Provide proof of your claim. In what way have i benifitted from slavery? I mean lets face it, if you have proof, then you should have no trouble providing it, but if you dont have proof of this, are you trying to fool me, or you trying to fool YOURSELF??
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Oh yeah? Provide proof of your claim. In what way have i benifitted from slavery? I mean lets face it, if you have proof, then you should have no trouble providing it, but if you dont have proof of this, are you trying to fool me, or you trying to fool YOURSELF??

Just look at the south, were slavery was legal a few hundred years ago.
Whites live better in the south than the Blacks that live in the South.Just
drive through any White neighborhood in the south, and then drive through
a black southern neighborhood. The White southeners' own most or all of the businesses.Will this be enough proof for you?.
Oh yes, this is the line you White cracker jacks are running now.My ancestors
never owned slaves, they came over in some huge European cracker swarm,
but you immigrant crackers reaped those same American benefits, that the White slave owner families received.Weather you owned slaves or not, all
whites did benefit, and are still benefiting in todays America.
And I am not Homophobic, I just feel it is another sick perverted part
of White America that you people seem be trying to condone or legalize.
Thank God , the Homosexual life style has never been accepted in the Black

And yes I have read a lot of books on history,And you white people have been, at the Murdering, raping ,pillaging and looting side of history.

right! on budrow. so what happened in Rawanda and Darfur! doyathink
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Just look at the south, were slavery was legal a few hundred years ago.
Whites live better in the south than the Blacks that live in the South.Just
drive through any White neighborhood in the south, and then drive through
a black southern neighborhood. The White southeners' own most or all of the businesses.Will this be enough proof for you?.

5-2....any black living in this country has benefited from slavery,including YOU.....the blacks in this country live better than most blacks anywhere,the black folkes in this country should actually thank their lucky stars that their ancestors were among those captured and brought here,otherwise you would still be living over there,very possibly in horrific conditions,with leaders like Mugabe.....remember the poor over there dont have cell phones,i-pods 300 dollar Nikes and running water.....
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

Oh well 52nd cul-de-sac! This must be a black day for you ('scuse the pun)! You'll now have a president of mixed race.

Somehow I suspect this demonstrates what a pileof bigoted, senseless garbage you spew out from that fart factory of yours.
Oh well 52nd cul-de-sac! This must be a black day for you ('scuse the pun)! You'll now have a president of mixed race.

Somehow I suspect this demonstrates what a pileof bigoted, senseless garbage you spew out from that fart factory of yours.

We need a All Black President. Not some one who's mother was a White Woman!, and father was Black. All Black! We don't need to promote the mixed race agenda.!!
We need a All Black President. Not some one who's mother was a White Woman!, and father was Black. All Black! We don't need to promote the mixed race agenda.!!

I wasn't aware that "mixed race" was an organized activist group, much less with an agenda. Do they also have matching jackets and a secret handshake?
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!


first of all if you are going to be telling anybody to marry their own kind you need to tell black men this. because many black are going outside their race leaving many black women single.

2nd of all as a black woman i find you post just disgusting. if i choose to be with a white,hispanic,asian, arab man it's my choice there is nothing wrong with marrying outside of your race. and it is possible to love outside of one's race. we are all human beings. i believe love in color blind. love is only color struck would people let it be an issue and who are bigots.
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!


first of all if you are going to be telling anybody to marry their own kind you need to tell black men this. because many black are going outside their race leaving many black women single.

2nd of all as a black woman i find you post just disgusting. if i choose to be with a white,hispanic,asian, arab man it's my choice there is nothing wrong with marrying outside of your race. and it is possible to love outside of one's race. we are all human beings. i believe love in color blind. love is only color struck would people let it be an issue and who are bigots.

Typical brainwashed,soap opra watching black female attitude . I sure you realize, that these same white men, that you are choosing to be with, are decendents of the same white men that raped and killed Black women during slavery. And yes there is lots wrong with marrying outside the Black Race. Which by the way, has enough white genes in some of us
already. This is one of the main reasons why we have 16 different shades of Black, with in
the Black race. And misguided, Black women such as you, want to mix up your genes once again with these disrepectful caucasians slave catchers!?Well let me tell you miss Sell out,
love has a color, its the Black and the Brown women that I love, and lot if these white boys
are after them also.And Race matters,I'am sure you have heard of a book by a Black brohter named Cornell West.

I feel what you are saying about marrying outside your race, is disgusting. I guess if you
sleep with enough white men, you may one day wake up and find that your skin will no longer be Black or Brown, but white.Would you be happy, if that gene for white ness made you white,?eventually.It can Happen.! I think black women like you are just lost, and traitors to the Black race.Women like you ,your day will coming one day in the Future.
Black men are no longer going allow our women to parade around with White men!,like
everything is all O.K., every thing is not O.K. in Black America.!!

P.S. I do tell Black men to marry Black women also.
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I hate to break this to you 52, but this skinny white boy has dated a number of Black girls in his life.

And I'll have you know I've been rejected by numerous black girls.

Just like all the white girls.

And the Hispanic girls.

And the Chinese girls.

And the French girls.

And the Italian girls.

And the Phillipino girls.

And the mulatto girls.

And the Scandinavian girls.

And the German girls.

And the Arabic girls.

And the ....

... and the Serbo-Croatian girls.

And the Ethiopian Jewish girls.

And the quadriplegic girls.

And the deaf, dumb and blind girls.

And the ...
You were rejected by all the deaf/ blind and paralyzed from the neck down girls, too? Bitches.

Poor Toro.

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