
Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Troublemakers are going around the country disrupting townhall meetings with rude and aggressive nonsensical behavior. I don't think anyone supports this movement.

What would you suggest candidates do if these assholes show up and try to disrupt meetings?



Troublemakers are going around the country disrupting townhall meetings with rude and aggressive nonsensical behavior. I don't think anyone supports this movement.

What would you suggest candidates do if these assholes show up and try to disrupt meetings?



Arrest them for causing a public disturbance... Even for Bernie!!!!

Troublemakers are going around the country disrupting townhall meetings with rude and aggressive nonsensical behavior. I don't think anyone supports this movement.

What would you suggest candidates do if these assholes show up and try to disrupt meetings?



Arrest them for causing a public disturbance... Even for Bernie!!!!

Watch the video I put in it. It's filled with great commentary on this shit.
The facts show that blacks kill far more whites then the other way around...Blacklivesmatters is based on lies and bs.

If they mattered so much,,,,why not look at the real killer of blacks? Other blacks.

Now I do feel that we should reduce prison sentences for non-violent crimes, legalize pot and fund education,,,but lets be serious.
Its a fact that we need to pay tax dollars for infrastructure, science, r&d and education,,,but I am called a clown for saying such by some people here. It is simply called civilization...

The fact that blacks are the main killer of other blacks needs to be focused on....I believe both sides have a problem with such facts.
He should have tol them "We dont negotiate with terrorists" and had them hauled off. It is disgraceful. Dems created the BLM movement, as they fostered the OWS movement. They will rue the day. I foresee endless riots in cities induced by these knuckleheads.
Facts do not rule the days of Blacks, minorities, and Liberals.

Irrational nonsensical emotions do.
Black Lives Matter wants to change America's societal racism into institutional racism.

They released a list of demands on their website:

  • We will seek justice for Brown’s family by petitioning for the immediate arrest of officer Darren Wilson and the dismissal of county prosecutor Robert McCullough. Groups that are part of the local Hands Up Don’t Shoot Coalition have already called for Wilson’s swift arrest, and some BLM riders also canvassed McCullough’s neighborhood as a way of raising the public’s awareness of the case.
  • We will help develop a network of organizations and advocates to form a national policy specifically aimed at redressing the systemic pattern of anti-black law enforcement violence in the US. The Justice Department’s new investigation into St Louis-area police departments is a good start, but it’s not enough. Our ride was endorsed by a few dozen local, regional and national organizations across the country – like the National Organization for Women (Now) and Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation – who, while maintaining different missions, have demonstrated unprecedented solidarity in response to anti-black police violence. We hope to encourage more organizations to endorse and participate in a network with a renewed purpose of conceptualizing policy recommendations.
  • We will also demand, through the network, that the federal government discontinue its supply of military weaponry and equipment to local law enforcement. And though Congress seems to finally be considering measures in this regard, it remains essential to monitor the demilitarization processes and the corporate sectors that financially benefit from the sale of military tools to police.
  • We will call on the office of US attorney general Eric Holder to release the names of all officers involved in killing black people within the last five years, both while on patrol and in custody, so they can be brought to justice – if they haven’t already.
  • And we will advocate for a decrease in law-enforcement spending at the local, state and federal levels and a reinvestment of that budgeted money into the black communities most devastated by poverty in order to create jobs, housing and schools. This money should be redirected to those federal departments charged with providing employment, housing and educational services.
Black lives matter is nothing more than our version of Islamic violence that is taking place in the Middle-East. Every time someone does something to piss them off.....they riot.

If a thug gets killed in a altercation with a cop, BlackLivesMatter starts protesting.....and the protests are becoming more and more violent.

Black Lives Matter demands apology after fatal police shooting

I've never seen a more racist group than this," Black lives matter". Here they are asking for everything under the sun because some nut with a hammer wants to not obey a policeman. I tell you, if I came face to face with a guy with a hammer, I'm sure going to shoot him before he gets me. This guy was nuts, and most likely came at the cop, or threatened him. Never mind this racist shit, and trying to paint him as some saint. Let's check out how much this guy sent to his family over seas. Show some proof of what your saying. Somebody was obviously scared enough of him to call the police. Who the hell do you think you are? What your doing is using the black people to fulfil your own needs. Trying to drum up trouble where no trouble exist.​
i fully support this movement and hope the continue doing what they do!!

not because i agree with these douchebags, but normal people need to see the real face of the Left before voting carefully

they may be ranting at Democrat campaign rallies too, but that is only because they see their best hopes for people caving into their racist demands lie with the Democrat party, the Pandercrat Party
Let's do an interesting experiment. Close down all of Hillary's bank accounts and see if the disturbances by these thugs stop.

Doesn't it seem coincidental that the two candidates that are getting heckled are her opponents?
What is it about this movement that has you white people so freaked out?

why do you assume people who criticize this band of far-left racists have to be white?

is it because you're admitting they are largely black racists?
What is it about this movement that has you white people so freaked out?

why do you assume people who criticize this band of far-left racists have to be white?

is it because you're admitting they are largely black racists?

No, because I've been around USMB for a while. You're all white and you're all freaked out. Why? What about this movement bothers you so much?

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