BlackLivesTerrorist harrass and scream at white people simply having dinner...

These displays of liberal ignorance and violence will drive voters to trump in droves

Those fucks are not liberals. More like fascist demanding compliance to the collective. Maybe the Borg.....
They are liberals and fascists too..

No they're not. You simply can't try to impose liberal ideals through fascist means. If you do, you're a fascist.

That's all the commies got.

They sound like kindergartners playing pretend, only PROGS aren't pretending, as a group they're bonkers and dangerous.

One of the things that bugs me most is they project their filth on others. For instance, I saw a video of an old man who's crime was needing gas. BLM surrounded him so he couldn't move. He accelerated a pinch where a baby could get out of the way. The fuckheads had the audacity to confront him for "trying to run them over" & "interfering with their rights to protest".

It's filthy. I cannot believe how far we've corrupted and dumbed down, it's so drastic. In my day those with crooked minds and this level of projection were criminals with bad intentions and no conscious. Today it's a major component of PROG. 99.9% the responsibility falls on Demonicrats, their media, politicians and commie elite.
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If you go out for dinner you are possibly a racist.
Chanting "white silence is violence" - which is about as fucking stupid as it gets... and berating anyone who refuses to raise their fist to signify they support being screamed at.

Once again showing BLM is a terrorist organization... by definition.
I say... keep it are certainly ensuring a Trump win.

I started a thread about this last night and it got deleted almost immediately.

Sneak Attack with a Glock... ...Aaaand GOOD AIM !

Double exclamation mark
These displays of liberal ignorance and violence will drive voters to trump in droves

Those fucks are not liberals. More like fascist demanding compliance to the collective. Maybe the Borg.....
Uh huh.... liberals gave $100 millions to this organization.
Say whatever you want.... nobody is buying it but you

Bullshit. Let um come to Texas and try that shit in one or two of our restaurants.
They already did, got thrown right the fuck out..... some black guy live-streamed it.
About a month ago in Dallas, I think?
Raise your fist ... in a solid uppercut to the knockout point of any person in your face.

A group of Black Lives Matter activists were caught on video in three separate instances harassing diners at Washington, D.C., restaurants on Monday who refused their demand to raise a fist in solidarity.

In your face: BLM activists force diners to raise fists in solidarity
Go, do it, if you've got the guts.

It'll never happen, "keyboard warriors" like yourself stay home and spew their bullsh!t, too afraid of actual confrontation.

Keep thinking like that, lol
People crowding you, menacing you, looming over you and invading your space in a threatening manner?
If you go out for dinner you are possibly a racist.
Chanting "white silence is violence" - which is about as fucking stupid as it gets... and berating anyone who refuses to raise their fist to signify they support being screamed at.

Once again showing BLM is a terrorist organization... by definition.
I say... keep it are certainly ensuring a Trump win.

Narcissistic based groupthink groupies will do anything for attention. The best thing to do is carry pepper spray & try to get a picture or facial ID of the groupie then file an attempted assault charge.
If you go out for dinner you are possibly a racist.
Well, you're having it served to you, quite possibly by a cook, dishwasher, waiter or waitress of a different race or races than yourselves. You are quite probably getting what you paid for. It's not a picnic exactly, and you're not cooking or preparing it yourselves.
Once again showing BLM is a terrorist organization... by definition.
You probably saw the news and were well aware of what was happening in that part of town when you chose to spend the money and go out to eat there. If you don't like those people or what they do there are probably other places to eat and they have other customers. People aren't exactly boycotting restaurants when their stomach is growling downtown, but then again, maybe it is time to go on a diet and lose some weight after all.
These displays of liberal ignorance and violence will drive voters to trump in droves

Those fucks are not liberals. More like fascist demanding compliance to the collective. Maybe the Borg.....
Uh huh.... liberals gave $100 millions to this organization.
Say whatever you want.... nobody is buying it but you

Bullshit. Let um come to Texas and try that shit in one or two of our restaurants.
They already did, got thrown right the fuck out..... some black guy live-streamed it.
About a month ago in Dallas, I think?
Here it is;
These displays of liberal ignorance and violence will drive voters to trump in droves

Those fucks are not liberals. More like fascist demanding compliance to the collective. Maybe the Borg.....

I agree they aren't liberals. They are however progressive assholes who want a stalinist government installed here in the USA.
Raise your fist ... in a solid uppercut to the knockout point of any person in your face.

A group of Black Lives Matter activists were caught on video in three separate instances harassing diners at Washington, D.C., restaurants on Monday who refused their demand to raise a fist in solidarity.

In your face: BLM activists force diners to raise fists in solidarity
Go, do it, if you've got the guts.

It'll never happen, "keyboard warriors" like yourself stay home and spew their bullsh!t, too afraid of actual confrontation.

brain washed morons going around acting like a bunch of peckerwoods..............

Raised by the LSD lunatics of the past.........who just as dumb............

Only liberal shit holes put up with this fuck with me just eating dinner.......YOU BETTER BE ABLE TO BACK IT UP

Put your dang animals on a leash.
These people have a toxic belief that not only will there not be any consequences for their bad behavior, but that there shouldn't be.
And that's on us as a society.

Sap them in the face and leave their teeth on the floor..... maybe the rest won't be as quick to open their dickholes.
These people have a toxic belief that not only will there not be any consequences for their bad behavior, but that there shouldn't be.
And that's on us as a society.

Sap them in the face and leave their teeth on the floor..... maybe the rest won't be as quick to open their dickholes.
The Military will be clearing their communist asses out of the cities following the November 3rd Election. :smoke:

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