Blacks 7 Times More Likely to Have AIDS

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Homosexuals, Blacks Bear the Heaviest Burden of HIV Infections

The CDC researchers couldn’t tell for sure what was the reason laying behind this high incidence among young black gay men. However, the report allegedly blames homophobia, poverty and discrimination when it comes to this category of people. Moreover, young black men are more likely to get behind bars, a place where homosexuality increases the risk of infection. And finally, it is not the first time when a report acknowledges that blacks generally are neglected when it comes to medical care and programs which could teach them how to prevent the spreading of the virus.

How about, blacks just fuck a lot more indiscriminately than other races because that's what evolution's programmed them to do?
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How about, blacks just fuck a lot more indiscriminately than other races because that's what evolution's programmed them to do?
What a stupid remark! ANd you guys wonder why people become liberal!
How about, blacks just fuck a lot more indiscriminately than other races because that's what evolution's programmed them to do?
What a stupid remark! ANd you guys wonder why people become liberal!

People "become Liberals" for the same reason that people become queers... they're idiots with severely limited means to reason and as a result they make poor choices as they grope for external validation amongst the other losers.
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People "become Liberals" for the same reason that people become queers... they're idiots with severely limited means to reason and as a result they make poor choices as they grope for external validation amongst the other losers.

You just proved my point once more. I would never want to be associated with anyone who thinks the way you do. The best part is you think you are Christian I am sure but the way you think your god will never let you into heaven.
Homosexuals, Blacks Bear the Heaviest Burden of HIV Infections

The CDC researchers couldn’t tell for sure what was the reason laying behind this high incidence among young black gay men. However, the report allegedly blames homophobia, poverty and discrimination when it comes to this category of people. Moreover, young black men are more likely to get behind bars, a place where homosexuality increases the risk of infection. And finally, it is not the first time when a report acknowledges that blacks generally are neglected when it comes to medical care and programs which could teach them how to prevent the spreading of the virus.

How about, blacks just fuck a lot more indiscriminately than other races because that's what evolution's programmed them to do?

This is an open forum and you own your opinion as do I mine. That being said...

I find it hard to believe that a man could be proud to present himself as you did in this post.

You either posted your interpretation of this report to incite an argument against it (I hope) or you are truly one of, if not the most loathesome man I've ever encounter. One can't feel anger at one so damaged in his thought. But, one can pity them... and, you sir, have my pity.
Homosexuals, Blacks Bear the Heaviest Burden of HIV Infections

The CDC researchers couldn’t tell for sure what was the reason laying behind this high incidence among young black gay men. However, the report allegedly blames homophobia, poverty and discrimination when it comes to this category of people. Moreover, young black men are more likely to get behind bars, a place where homosexuality increases the risk of infection. And finally, it is not the first time when a report acknowledges that blacks generally are neglected when it comes to medical care and programs which could teach them how to prevent the spreading of the virus.

How about, blacks just fuck a lot more indiscriminately than other races because that's what evolution's programmed them to do?

You dind't even bother to read the quote you brought to our attention?

Moreover, young black men are more likely to get behind bars, a place where homosexuality increases the risk of infection.

Blacks are more likely to get AIDES because intravenous drug injection is more common in Blacks and because of their higher incidence of being in prison.

Yes, I think most of us are aware of that.

PI said:
People "become Liberals" for the same reason that people become queers... they're idiots with severely limited means to reason and as a result make poor choices as they grope for external validation among the other losers.
You just proved my point once more. I would never want to be associated with anyone who thinks...

It's unlikely that you'll ever be associated with people who think. So don't sweat it.
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You dind't even bother to read the quote you brought to our attention?

Blacks are more likely to get AIDES because intravenous drug injection is more common in Blacks and because of their higher incidence of being in prison.

Yes, I think most of us are aware of that.


AIDS is more prevalent in Blacks because Blacks are more prone to deviant behavior. AIDS is just one of Nature's way of culling the human herd of deviants. Now you may not like it that Nature holds people accountable for their actions, but the Darwin Awards are undeniable... when people do stupid shit; such as shoving their penis into the anus of their bestest good buddy, they're working against the biological tied and that will more often than not come back to bite you... Nature is not prone to leftist PC cries to strip people of responsibility, she's BIG on accountability.
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Oh no, Team 19th Century is at it again.

Yes... That's right... The antiquated thinking of cause and effect; the borish notion that people that poor gsoline on them and lignite it DESERVE TO BE DIE TRYING TO PUT THEMSELVES OUT!

ROFL... You people crack me up. You demand that society spend billions of dollars to find a cure for AIDs, when all you have to do to avoid AIDS is keep your friends needle (syringe and dick) out of your body...
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you are truly one of, if not the most loathesome man I've ever encounter.

Not bad for a Sunday afternoon.

So, got a theory on why blacks have AIDS rates so far out of proportion to whites? Is it an evil white scientist somewhere who's putting the AIDS virus in bottles of Colt 44?
Homosexuals, Blacks Bear the Heaviest Burden of HIV Infections

The CDC researchers couldn’t tell for sure what was the reason laying behind this high incidence among young black gay men. However, the report allegedly blames homophobia, poverty and discrimination when it comes to this category of people. Moreover, young black men are more likely to get behind bars, a place where homosexuality increases the risk of infection. And finally, it is not the first time when a report acknowledges that blacks generally are neglected when it comes to medical care and programs which could teach them how to prevent the spreading of the virus.

How about, blacks just fuck a lot more indiscriminately than other races because that's what evolution's programmed them to do?

Stupid racist peckerwood, thats talking about gay black men, not all black men.
Stupid racist peckerwood, thats talking about gay black men, not all black men.

And yet my understanding is that "gay" black men encompasses drastically different concepts than the white straight/homosexual distinction. The "down low" phenomenon means that many black males who deny being "gay" because that's whitey's gig do, in fact, have frequent and dangerous sex with other black males. And then give AIDS to their wives/girlfriends/etc.
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Check the rates in Black Majority regions.

Cross reference to poor White Majority regions (since most Black Majority regions are poor), like Bosnia and Romania.

Also look at the correspondence between increase in HIV and the Haitian influx under Carter.
I find it funny that not one of those posting on this thread actually went to the CDC website to even verify the account from an obviously one sided publication. Here are the actual observations:

AIDs transmitted through homosexual behavior is down ins spite of an increase in the number of openly gay people, while the occurances for heterosexual transmission is up.

As for skin coloring, the changes are almost the same, increasing in all categories equally, with the dark skinned or those of close African bloodlines having only a slightly higher rate than others, easily explained with the African nations political problems and the number of rape cases there from their lighter skinned leaders taking advantage of the darker skinned workers and children.

Now, let's look at the real issue these stats show, since the advent of teaching abstinence in schools instead of sex ed, the rates for children have sky rocketed.

Here's the link:
Basic Statistics | Statistics and Surveillance | Topics | CDC HIV/AIDS
Is AIDS a man made virus? Special Report

Is AIDS a man made virus? Special Report - Doctor Alan Cantwell discusses the facts, fallacies, and con...

The Secret Origin of AIDS in America:
Facts, Fallacies and Conspiracy Theories

In 2006 the AIDS epidemic will be a quarter-century old. Officially starting in June 1981 as a mysterious and fatal disease exclusively found in several dozen young white gay men from New York City and Los Angeles, the disease has now killed 20 million people with 40 million more currently infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), widely accepted as the sole cause of AIDS. One million Americans are now infected with HIV; and almost half of the new cases are African-American.
SOME interesting info on why Africans/arabs/eastern europeans are more susceptible:

Black Death Aids

In Africa Aids is proving a real scourge, in Europe less so.

New research suggests that Europeans have inherited a resistance to Aids because of the devastating effects of the bubonic plague. Science In Action reports.

Listen to Science In Action

In the battle against Aids, scientists have acquired what looks like a potent new weapon. HIV, the virus that causes Aids, doesn’t infect everybody. Some people are simply born immune.

It’s all down to their particular genetic make-up and researchers are beginning to understand where that genetic protection comes from.

Stephen O’Brien from the US National Cancer Institute has discovered that a mutant form of one particular gene, called CCR5, confers protection against HIV.

That same gene variant may well have arisen in Europe, as a direct response to the Black Death.

Genetic distribution

The idea comes from a careful analysis of where in the world this particular gene variant shows up.

According to the researchers the mutation is absent in Africa and throughout East Asian populations and evident in varying amounts across Europe. O’Brien explains:

‘It was present as high as 15% in Scandinavia; it was less in Europe, about 10% in France, Germany and England. Further south it was 5% and in Saudi Arabia and Sub-Saharan Africa it was 0%.’

Believing that this ‘genetic drift’ was probably not random, the scientists looked to their history books to find out when this mutation was last prevalent in human history and what conditions may have favoured it.

The Black Death

Using the tools of molecular population genetics to identify exactly when the allele was last in force, the researchers were able to estimate that the gene variant was under a strong selection advantage approximately 700 years ago.

This period coincided with the period in history when bubonic plague was sweeping through Europe.

continued: Black Death Aids | Science and Technology | BBC World Service
AIDS is more prevalent in Blacks because Blacks are more prone to deviant behavior. AIDS is just one of Nature's way of culling the human herd of deviants. Now you may not like it that Nature holds people accountable for their actions, but the Darwin Awards are undeniable... when people do stupid shit; such as shoving their penis into the anus of their bestest good buddy, they're working against the biological tied and that will more often than not come back to bite you... Nature is not prone to leftist PC cries to strip people of responsibility, she's BIG on accountability.

Blacks are more prone to deviant behavior? I can't believe what I just read. How ignorant are you? Do you know what century you live in? This is the 21st century time to you leave your ignorant ideas back in the middle ages where it belongs.

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