Blacks 8 Times More Likely To Commit Crimes Against Whites!!


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
Following is a video that I found on C-SPAN's website. It postulates (using hardcore documentation) that blacks are far more likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. Blacks are slightly more likely to commit crimes against whites than against other blacks. The video is about 47 minutes long but most of the hardcore data is revealed in the first few minutes of the video:

Race and Crime Report
Mr. Taylor announced the publication of the foundation’s report called “The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Violence in America.” The findings included the fact that, of the approximately 1.7 million interracial crimes committed in the U.S. each year, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. The report also found that racial prejudice is not part of the profiling police use in making traffic stops. After his prepared remarks, he took questions from the media. The foundation studies race relations in the U.S.
Race Crime Report Video

Important points:

1) 90% of the 1.7 million interracial crimes committed in the USA are black on white crimes. (1:16 into the video)
2) Individual blacks are 50% more likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. (1:35)
3) In multiple offender crimes, blacks are 200% more likely to commit crimes against whites than vice versa. (1:45)
4) There is slightly more black on white crime than black on black crime in the USA. (2:00)
5) Blacks commit violent crimes at a rate 4-8 times higher than whites. Hispanics commit about 3 times more violent crimes than whites. Asians commit about 1/2 as many violent crimes than whites do. (2:05)
6) Of all hate crimes, blacks are twice as likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. (2:45)
7) If a white commits a crime against an Hispanic for racial reasons it's recorded as a "hate crime." If an Hispanic commits a crime against a white for racial reasons it is recorded as a "white on white" crime and is NOT recorded as a "hate crime" (according to the FBI statistics). (3:00)

Moral of the story. If you are a peace-loving, law-abiding, taxpaying white person I strongly suggest that you buy a gun; learn how to use it safely; keep it loaded and handy; and prepare to protect yourself from all of those "haters" out there. Your life and the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors may very well depend upon it.
Yoohoo. No comment from the white-hating, Liberal mouthpieces? *chirp* *chirp* *chirp*
Following is a video that I found on C-SPAN's website. It postulates (using hardcore documentation) that blacks are far more likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. Blacks are slightly more likely to commit crimes against whites than against other blacks. The video is about 47 minutes long but most of the hardcore data is revealed in the first few minutes of the video:

Race and Crime Report
Mr. Taylor announced the publication of the foundation’s report called “The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Violence in America.” The findings included the fact that, of the approximately 1.7 million interracial crimes committed in the U.S. each year, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. The report also found that racial prejudice is not part of the profiling police use in making traffic stops. After his prepared remarks, he took questions from the media. The foundation studies race relations in the U.S.
Race Crime Report Video

Important points:

1) 90% of the 1.7 million interracial crimes committed in the USA are black on white crimes. (1:16 into the video)
2) Individual blacks are 50% more likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. (1:35)
3) In multiple offender crimes, blacks are 200% more likely to commit crimes against whites than vice versa. (1:45)
4) There is slightly more black on white crime than black on black crime in the USA. (2:00)
5) Blacks commit violent crimes at a rate 4-8 times higher than whites. Hispanics commit about 3 times more violent crimes than whites. Asians commit about 1/2 as many violent crimes than whites do. (2:05)
6) Of all hate crimes, blacks are twice as likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. (2:45)
7) If a white commits a crime against an Hispanic for racial reasons it's recorded as a "hate crime." If an Hispanic commits a crime against a white for racial reasons it is recorded as a "white on white" crime and is NOT recorded as a "hate crime" (according to the FBI statistics). (3:00)

Moral of the story. If you are a peace-loving, law-abiding, taxpaying white person I strongly suggest that you buy a gun; learn how to use it safely; keep it loaded and handy; and prepare to protect yourself from all of those "haters" out there. Your life and the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors may very well depend upon it.

another rightwing southern jackanape freaking out about the demographic shift in America, they see black people out to get them. paranoia runs wild as they clutch their guns in Jesus land


I see guno (as usual) sweeping the hardcore facts under the rug. Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43
Hard to run with your pants down around your knees.
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43

you do know whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1, right? lol.. blacks have more murderers than whites even though whites outnumber them 7 to 1.
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43

you do know whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1, right? lol.. blacks have more murderers than whites even though whites outnumber them 7 to 1.

So? Population differences doesn't matter walking down the street and becoming another statistic. Only matter if using the difference in an arguement. Not in the real-world. In the real-world, there's more reason to fear whites than blacks.
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43

you do know whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1, right? lol.. blacks have more murderers than whites even though whites outnumber them 7 to 1.

So? Population differences doesn't matter walking down the street and becoming another statistic. Only matter if using the difference in an arguement. Not in the real-world. In the real-world, there's more reason to fear whites than blacks.

not really. In the real world blacks commit more crime where people live (in cities)- just look at your fav. lib cities- det, chic, la, etc etc.. blacks and minorities, gangs etc...
and I cal BS on you Delta. I know you would rather walk in front of a white man at night than a black. Btw blacks aged 16-26 commit HALF of all crime, even though they are only 3% of the pop.
and I cal BS on you Delta. I know you would rather walk in front of a white man at night than a black. Btw blacks aged 16-26 commit HALF of all crime, even though they are only 3% of the pop.

Ethnicity doesn't effect what's gonna happen to you if you decide to try and mess with me. You'll be dying before you can think "woops, bad idea." :) Consequently I quit caring who's behind me a long time ago. I know you're there, and I know what you're going to do or not do before you do.
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43

Whites 63% of the population
Blacks 13% of the population
And the numbers are close....


I wonder what that tells us.
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43

Have you done a study as to the overall population of whites vs. the population of blacks in the USA? Your own statistics prove that blacks committed more murders and yet there are FAR fewer blacks in the USA than there are whites. But you miss the point of the OP. The OP is comparing "interracial crimes." That is "black on white" vs. "white on black." Let's stick to the core issue.
According to stats, whites are FAR more likely to be arrested than blacks.

6,578,133 for whites, vs 2,697,539 for blacks.

4,000 murders for whites vs 4,149 for blacks.
9,504 forcible rapes; 4,811
194,981 agg. assault; 102,597
151,934 burglery; 72,244
6,479 arson; 2,302
625,330 other assaults; 304,083

on n on. Seems to me whites are far more inclined to criminal behaviours than blacks.

FBI mdash Table 43

you do know whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1, right? lol.. blacks have more murderers than whites even though whites outnumber them 7 to 1.

So? Population differences doesn't matter walking down the street and becoming another statistic. Only matter if using the difference in an arguement. Not in the real-world. In the real-world, there's more reason to fear whites than blacks.
That is just soooo stupid.
and I cal BS on you Delta. I know you would rather walk in front of a white man at night than a black. Btw blacks aged 16-26 commit HALF of all crime, even though they are only 3% of the pop.

Ethnicity doesn't effect what's gonna happen to you if you decide to try and mess with me. You'll be dying before you can think "woops, bad idea." :) Consequently I quit caring who's behind me a long time ago. I know you're there, and I know what you're going to do or not do before you do.

and I cal BS on you Delta. I know you would rather walk in front of a white man at night than a black. Btw blacks aged 16-26 commit HALF of all crime, even though they are only 3% of the pop.

Ethnicity doesn't effect what's gonna happen to you if you decide to try and mess with me. You'll be dying before you can think "woops, bad idea." :) Consequently I quit caring who's behind me a long time ago. I know you're there, and I know what you're going to do or not do before you do.

Don't kid yourself. Most people (even the ones who THINK they're totally trained and prepared) totally freeze when they actually find themselves in a violent or potentially violent situation. In most cases, when humans are confronted with violence their logical thought processes fly out the window and their animal instincts kick in. The animal instinct tells the body to do one of three things: fight (as in with flailing fists); flight (as in run away as fast as they can); or freeze. This has been proven when humans are confronted by angry bears. The human mind knows that fighting a bear won't work because the bear is bigger, more fierce, and far more adept at fighting. The human mind knows that running won't work because the bear is much faster. So, in almost every case the human mind tells the body to freeze and play dead. Most people are found dead in a fetal position. Even when a person is getting eaten he/she will play dead with the hope that the bear will run off. That's actually worked but not always and not usually.

Even highly trained cops have lost their lives in gun fights when their regular training turned to panic. So ... don't kid yourself.
Following is a video that I found on C-SPAN's website. It postulates (using hardcore documentation) that blacks are far more likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. Blacks are slightly more likely to commit crimes against whites than against other blacks. The video is about 47 minutes long but most of the hardcore data is revealed in the first few minutes of the video:

Race and Crime Report
Mr. Taylor announced the publication of the foundation’s report called “The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Violence in America.” The findings included the fact that, of the approximately 1.7 million interracial crimes committed in the U.S. each year, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. The report also found that racial prejudice is not part of the profiling police use in making traffic stops. After his prepared remarks, he took questions from the media. The foundation studies race relations in the U.S.
Race Crime Report Video

Important points:

1) 90% of the 1.7 million interracial crimes committed in the USA are black on white crimes. (1:16 into the video)
2) Individual blacks are 50% more likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. (1:35)
3) In multiple offender crimes, blacks are 200% more likely to commit crimes against whites than vice versa. (1:45)
4) There is slightly more black on white crime than black on black crime in the USA. (2:00)
5) Blacks commit violent crimes at a rate 4-8 times higher than whites. Hispanics commit about 3 times more violent crimes than whites. Asians commit about 1/2 as many violent crimes than whites do. (2:05)
6) Of all hate crimes, blacks are twice as likely to commit crimes against whites than the other way around. (2:45)
7) If a white commits a crime against an Hispanic for racial reasons it's recorded as a "hate crime." If an Hispanic commits a crime against a white for racial reasons it is recorded as a "white on white" crime and is NOT recorded as a "hate crime" (according to the FBI statistics). (3:00)

Moral of the story. If you are a peace-loving, law-abiding, taxpaying white person I strongly suggest that you buy a gun; learn how to use it safely; keep it loaded and handy; and prepare to protect yourself from all of those "haters" out there. Your life and the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors may very well depend upon it.
Moral of the story, buy a gun because in spite of this bullshit troll post, whites are still killed by other whites 87% of the time...

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