Blacks and "stand your ground" law


Nov 14, 2011
Does anyone here know if there have ever been a case of a black guy shooting a white person because he was in Florida and felt the "Stand your ground" was appropriate. I cant find stats on this, but I have a feeling it is a small number.

I have a feeling if all the shooters were black, killing white people, that law would cease to exist. It would be a 'shoot white people and get out of free' law. :doubt:
I have a feeling if all the shooters were black, killing white people, that law would cease to exist. It would be a 'shoot white people and get out of free' law. :doubt:

White people don't see criminals as heroes, the way Africans do.
I don't think there is a split between whites, blacks and other minorities. I think there's a split between the decent people and the thugs. I know some go strictly be color, but that is childish.

We all have the right to stand our ground and defend ourselves. It's a shame that the recent murder victims in Chicago couldn't defend themselves, but they never saw it coming. We have gang wars and drive by shootings every day in our cities and no one seems too concerned. Only when the race card can be inserted into the story does the press take the story nationwide.

Of course, the race card was played with the Martin case, but in order to do that, the media had to lie about Zimmerman's ethnicity. Once that was shown to be a lie, the racist charges shifted to the police and the DA and now they are blamed for not doing enough. Many insisted on making it about race, though the rules created by the left state that no minority can be accused of racism. Funny how Jackson and Sharpton were able to stick to their outline just by choosing a new target.

The left brings up race all the time. I think that's all they see.
I don't think there is a split between whites, blacks and other minorities. I think there's a split between the decent people and the thugs. I know some go strictly be color, but that is childish.

We all have the right to stand our ground and defend ourselves. It's a shame that the recent murder victims in Chicago couldn't defend themselves, but they never saw it coming. We have gang wars and drive by shootings every day in our cities and no one seems too concerned. Only when the race card can be inserted into the story does the press take the story nationwide.

Of course, the race card was played with the Martin case, but in order to do that, the media had to lie about Zimmerman's ethnicity. Once that was shown to be a lie, the racist charges shifted to the police and the DA and now they are blamed for not doing enough. Many insisted on making it about race, though the rules created by the left state that no minority can be accused of racism. Funny how Jackson and Sharpton were able to stick to their outline just by choosing a new target.

The left brings up race all the time. I think that's all they see.
You honestly believe that the Sansford PD handled that case by the book?
You honestly believe that the Sansford PD handled that case by the book?

If the SPD deviated from the book, your shit-for-brains racist lynch mob would have made it public knowledge. So, yes, I think the SPD handled the case by the book.

The only thing that comes from your side are lies and distortions motivated by the Left's racism. "We just want an arrest." Zimmerman was arrested. "Trayvon was a little boy." He was 6'3". "Zimmerman said f-ing coons". He said it's f-ing cold. Etc.
I don't think there is a split between whites, blacks and other minorities. I think there's a split between the decent people and the thugs. I know some go strictly be color, but that is childish.

We all have the right to stand our ground and defend ourselves. It's a shame that the recent murder victims in Chicago couldn't defend themselves, but they never saw it coming. We have gang wars and drive by shootings every day in our cities and no one seems too concerned. Only when the race card can be inserted into the story does the press take the story nationwide.

Of course, the race card was played with the Martin case, but in order to do that, the media had to lie about Zimmerman's ethnicity. Once that was shown to be a lie, the racist charges shifted to the police and the DA and now they are blamed for not doing enough. Many insisted on making it about race, though the rules created by the left state that no minority can be accused of racism. Funny how Jackson and Sharpton were able to stick to their outline just by choosing a new target.

The left brings up race all the time. I think that's all they see.
You honestly believe that the Sansford PD handled that case by the book?

Yes, and I honetly believe that it will be shown to the whole nation, as soon as the investigation is completed. The Sanford PD will be vindicated.
Does anyone here know if there have ever been a case of a black guy shooting a white person because he was in Florida and felt the "Stand your ground" was appropriate. I cant find stats on this, but I have a feeling it is a small number.

I have a feeling if all the shooters were black, killing white people, that law would cease to exist. It would be a 'shoot white people and get out of free' law. :doubt:

Let me ask this. How does the "duty to retreat" requirement work in the 'hood?

Exercing 2A rights and Castle Doctrine laws allow decent people to defend themselves without fear of procecution.

Do you think the young, tough gangbangers think first about retreating when their lives are in danger? No, of course not.

I think the civil rights leaders (Jackson, Sharpton) would do well to sovle the problems leading to the dozens to hundreds of black and latino youth murders that occur weekly in this country. Meanwhile, stay out of my life and leave my guns and right to protect me and my family alone.

My state has neither Castle or SYG laws. So far, good common sense and previous case law has protected us just fine.
I don't think there is a split between whites, blacks and other minorities. I think there's a split between the decent people and the thugs. I know some go strictly be color, but that is childish.

We all have the right to stand our ground and defend ourselves. It's a shame that the recent murder victims in Chicago couldn't defend themselves, but they never saw it coming. We have gang wars and drive by shootings every day in our cities and no one seems too concerned. Only when the race card can be inserted into the story does the press take the story nationwide.

Of course, the race card was played with the Martin case, but in order to do that, the media had to lie about Zimmerman's ethnicity. Once that was shown to be a lie, the racist charges shifted to the police and the DA and now they are blamed for not doing enough. Many insisted on making it about race, though the rules created by the left state that no minority can be accused of racism. Funny how Jackson and Sharpton were able to stick to their outline just by choosing a new target.

The left brings up race all the time. I think that's all they see.
You honestly believe that the Sansford PD handled that case by the book?

Yes, and I honetly believe that it will be shown to the whole nation, as soon as the investigation is completed. The Sanford PD will be vindicated.

Which is why the police chief "resigned temporarily".

You need a new playbook, man.

Even after watching the which without gloves..police were touching Zimmerman's clothing thus corrupting crucial post this.
Does anyone here know if there have ever been a case of a black guy shooting a white person because he was in Florida and felt the "Stand your ground" was appropriate. I cant find stats on this, but I have a feeling it is a small number.

I have a feeling if all the shooters were black, killing white people, that law would cease to exist. It would be a 'shoot white people and get out of free' law. :doubt:

Violent crime rarely cross races.

god this is a fucking dumb thread

negged for race baiting
You honestly believe that the Sansford PD handled that case by the book?

Yes, and I honetly believe that it will be shown to the whole nation, as soon as the investigation is completed. The Sanford PD will be vindicated.

Which is why the police chief "resigned temporarily".

You need a new playbook, man.

Even after watching the which without gloves..police were touching Zimmerman's clothing thus corrupting crucial post this.
Their bias, their prejudice, their racism knows no bounds.
Democrats believe that there is some right of black people to commit whatever crimes they wish against non-blacks. Everything is the fault of racisim. This is why crime, especially violent crime among blacks is totally out of control.

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