Blacks are getting way more roles in Hollywood, but what about other minorities?

I just watched Warrior (2 seasons on HBO MAX). Mostly Asians and whites. It takes place in 1880 San Fran so its a time period show. No real room for Latinos there. Maybe we should just watch the shows and enjoy them instead of looking at demographics?

Well...we whites would but...turn about is fair play right?

When whites play roles that were intended to be, or perceived as non-white characters there is open, and accepted blowback.

But white people?

Well we can just sit down and STFU...right?

It goes both ways.
Has anyone else noticed a paradigm shift in how hollywood has been casting their tv shows? I've seen at least 3 tor 4 tv shows recently where at least half, if not most of the cast was black. It's good that more black actors are being represented in roles that they were likely passed over for previously, but hiring so many black actors presents another issue. From my viewpoint, they seem to just be concentrating on hiring blacks. What about other minorities like american indian, southeast asian, mexican/latinos and italians, etc? By virture of focusing on one minority to hire for additional roles they are actually becoming exclusionary to everyone else. That doesn't make sense to me. If they really want to be equal and fair, then every race should be represented on the cast.
George Floyd is still giving orders from 6’ under. He RUNS all of Hollywood, the Democrap Party, academia, professional sports, media / social media, our executive branch and the governors and mayors of all blue shitholes.
Dudes a badass motherfucker.
If they really want to be equal and fair, then every race should be represented on the cast.
Well, activists for African Americans have often said (correctly) that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease."

A few years ago, those activists threatened to boycott the Oscars.

Well, Hollywood got on its knees and promised to change the status quo if they called off the boycott. So every year one can expect a quota of Oscars for that ethnicity.

I have noticed that diversity has really taken over TV commercials in 2021. Of course, African Americans have been the main beneficiaries, but the number of Asians has soared this year. And a few commercials have bravely shown two gay men giving each other a peck on the cheek.

TV commercials are so sweet.

They are portraying the ideal society that many people hope will eventually emerge.
I rarely watch anything made from 2017 - current with a female lead for the same reason. Hollywood is incapable of writing strong women characters that are likeable.

Sometimes a woman lead can be OK. For instance, Ripley in Alien.

However, you are right. Hollywood has gone way overboard the last few years.
Illegal immigration?

He is?
Yeah….he’s wise enough not to be clear on his position…he plays word games and avoids being concise. He’s always bragging about his illegal kids and how he loves to spend his time teaching them english instead of teaching American kids math.
Yeah….he’s wise enough not to be clear on his position…he plays word games and avoids being concise. He’s always bragging about his illegal kids and how he loves to spend his time teaching them english instead of teaching American kids math.

^ Translation: "I just really hate black people. Anybody else with me?"

^ Translation: I have horrible reading comprehension and I'm proof both sides are equally dumb :laugh:

Where am I saying, i hate black people? LOL.

I just watched Warrior (2 seasons on HBO MAX). Mostly Asians and whites. It takes place in 1880 San Fran so its a time period show. No real room for Latinos there. Maybe we should just watch the shows and enjoy them instead of looking at demographics?

That's a show about chinese gang wars. How many shows are like that? I'm talking about a sweeping policy to have 50/50 or 60/40 black to white actors on every show across all genres to the complete exclusion of all other minorities. Nothing else has changed with regards to hiring any other minorities, just blacks. I can still enjoy the shows i'm watching while choosing not to ignore such a blatantly flawed agenda.
^ Translation: I have horrible reading comprehension and I'm proof both sides are equally dumb :laugh:

Where am I saying, i hate black people? LOL.

That's a show about chinese gang wars. How many shows are like that? I'm talking about a sweeping policy to have 50/50 or 60/40 black to white actors on every show across all genres to the complete exclusion of all other minorities. Nothing else has changed with regards to hiring any other minorities, just blacks. I can still enjoy the shows i'm watching while choosing not to ignore such a blatantly flawed agenda.
Not just Chinese gang wars. But I do see your POV. Truly.

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