Blacks are getting way more roles in Hollywood, but what about other minorities?

Without Remorse with John Clark being a Negro? LOL!

A Pickinny Annie?

A Wheel in Time is about 75% Negro or other minorities.

HBO did a series about the Iliad and Troy. Most of the characters were Negroes including Achilles.

It goes on and on.

Hollywood is sick in the mind.

I wondered on the Iliad thing how that is NOT cultural appropriation?

Maybe a remake of Shaka Zulu with Matt Damon as Shaka? But some folk would be up in arms...
I really don't care about "representation."

I don't want to see a black man play George Washinton - it's fucking stupid.

I don't want to see a white man play Martin Luther King - it's equally stupid.

Match the performer to the part.
So you won’t be watching BLAnnie?
The 12% of the population? It's something we call "The Census."

Every 10 years we take one.

As for 90% of the leading roles being black, that's just an obvious observation.
Conservatives never address arguments presented. The claim - “90% of leading roles are black” is a bullshit statistic. Look how quickly the conservative backs off when called out on the lie.
So you won’t be watching BLAnnie?

I don't care about Annie being black, but it was really a shitty movie.

I think this is what will sink the wokesters - the only thing they care about is promoting their racism. What they are putting out is utter shit.

"Get Out" was supposed to be some masterpiece - it was utter shit. Sam Raimi did better on $300 and a super-8

I'm not kidding...
Conservatives never address arguments presented. The claim - “90% of leading roles are black” is a bullshit statistic. Look how quickly the conservative backs off when called out on the lie.

Not so bullshit, wokester.

We all know it.

Still, because you of the fascist left don't give a fuck about anything other than skin color, what is coming out is reeking shit.

The problem will solve itself in VERY short order.
Now the conservative begs for “real number.” This is an admission of lying. Conservatives post bullshit that helps them feel better.
I never claimed to have the number…I’m in the Southern Californian T.V. market where the woke contest amongst dumbasses runs around the clock…I’d say people of color are featured 7-9 in 10 commercials right now.
So 70-90%.
TV ratings are tanking.
If they continue their fucking social engineering bullshit, TV programs and commercials will have to pay people to watch.

It'll be interesting over time to see if most of the TV audience simply stops watching the garbage now filling our airwaves.

I'll bet advertisers are going to shit their pants when they get data showing that huge numbers of people are using the mute function on their remote, and turning away from the screen while the fucking 'woke' commercials are running.

And if the data shows that all the black commercials cannot attract large numbers of viewers the advertisers will pull their money out of these ads in a heartbeat.

It'll be interesting to see the results of all the changes.
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Conservatives never address arguments presented. The claim - “90% of leading roles are black” is a bullshit statistic. Look how quickly the conservative backs off when called out on the lie.
90% is damn close.
Based on what evidence?

Based upon the fact that every fucking time you turn on the TV all you see are goddamn Negroes. Commercials, TV shows, movies, you name it.

If it isn't a Negro then it is some other kind of minority or a queer.

What evidence do you have that it isn't 90%?
Based upon the fact that every fucking time you turn on the TV all you see are goddamn Negroes. Commercials, TV shows, movies, you name it.

If it isn't a Negro then it is some other kind of minority or a queer.

What evidence do you have that it isn't 90%?
Conservative has no proof for his bullshit statistic. He pulled a number out of thin air to make himself feel better. Conservatives always gaslight themselves.
Conservative has no proof for his bullshit statistic. He pulled a number out of thin air to make himself feel better. Conservatives always gaslight themselves.

Have you turned on the TV lately? Obviously not.

All you see are Negroes, other minorities and queers. "All" is not 100% but it is damn close.

Hollywood has gone bat shit crazy.

This country is going to hell in a handbasket.

Now ever a goddamn Jungle Monkey Santa Clause.

This Santa Clause won't be coming into your house late at night to bring you gifts. he will be there to steal your stuff and rape your wife.


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