Blacks are walking away en masse from the Democrat party

This is why Democrats have to import voters from third world countries.
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

One guy = "en masse"? :lol:
Hey - Maybe Mr. Norman could parlay this into an all expenses paid gig traveling with Michael the Black man to all the Trump rallies.
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I have to say that in my lifetime this is a significant political groundswell.....just too many wtf? moments for blacks who now realize they got the bumpy cucumber from Soetero.:113:

Sure puts an exclamation point on "WINNING"
Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

Only in the minds of delusional loons suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

In any case, there is no black exodus from the Democratic party as much as the Trump Tards would like to believe and the November midterms will show that.
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

The Democratic party politicized the African American struggle for equal rights from the outset. However, the politicization of the civil rights movement was not done for the purpose of elevating the cause to some platform of national awareness, nor to provide it traction in federal level chambers of political power. Democrat politicians inserted themselves into the movement in order to weld their own public service careers to the fate of minority group grass roots lobbying organizations so they could be ideologically converted for use as weapons of political currency in Democrat candidate running platforms to serve the Democratic party as convenient and eternal martyrs whose quest for equality against the American majority skin tone would be turned into one that could never end or be solved.

In the exploitation of the great African American endeavor to cast off the stigma of second class American citizen, The DNC founded--and on its back constructed, a new doctrinal platform--one it surely must have expected to be both politically bulletproof and a depthless source of future party campaign victories. After all, what American voter could deny the horror of slavery and associated following decades of Black oppression from the 1870's to the 1960's? The long and hard fought Black American struggle for equality had become a depthless source of political revenue for the Democrats.

However, the value of the political currency of African American exploitation devaluated in the DNC bank the more equality Blacks achieved. The Democratic party's response to this was to directly aid in the creation of militant Black revolutionary cells to use as strategic cultural weapons for the purpose of reigniting the disparity of civil rights between races and Black hatred of whites. But that ploy eventually ran out of steam as generations of Blacks educated themselves, recognized the nefariousness of their Democratic party betrayers and achieved academic, political and professional career levels equal to those held by any other American. The decades running Democrat political strategy of Identity Politics by means of African American exploitation was failing at long last.

Then, from the 1970's to the mid-2000's African Americans, armed with the same potential for achieving any height of the American dream as any other cultural or racial demographic, found a degree of unprecedented contentment in their proliferation within the middle class. The decades of Democrat instigated race warfare seemed to have been broken on the truth that: any American could achieve the same dream through the putting forth of enough effort and paying heed to the American way of life of freedom governed by personal responsibility.

Something happened around 2008 which in a de facto manner (not a legal one) seemed to erase both culturally-- and in African American minds, all their progress made toward social and political equality since their very earliest civil rights victories. Once again the American Left was fanning the flames of race warfare through the MSM, pop culture, the music industry and university ideologues who then disseminated this new ideology of make believe rampant racial inequality, to the African American masses.

In our America of today, Democratic party instigated Identity Politics and race warfare are back in full operation and stoked to red hot daily on a nationally broadcast stage. And it is succeeding in its ultimate purpose of dividing the races and cultures who together as a whole have always made our country stronger for its demonstration to the rest of the Free World of peaceful cultural and racial integration. The radical American Left intelligentsia has very unfortunately succeeded in restarting that decades old racial war from out of American history where Blacks grow up despising whites as their ancient enemy oppressors, and where Whites are led by the throat into hating themselves, their traditions, ethnic origins and Old World cultural heritage.

The insidiousness of Democrat created and weaponized Identity Politics cannot be underestimated, nor can its comparison to Leninist class warfare be ignored.
"You put them first and they put you last. 'Cause you're a chump. A political chump! ... Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party -- you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race."


Message finally delivered!
Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

Only in the minds of delusional loons suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

In any case, there is no black exodus from the Democratic party as much as the Trump Tards would like to believe and the November midterms will show that.

What do you base that on?
Because I can show video, after video, after video showing the opposite.

The Democratic Party Just Apologized to Black Voters - The Atlantic

Time to #WalkAway: The Exodus of Blacks and Free Thinkers from the Democrat Party – Investment Watch Blog

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