Blacks on the war path in Austin Texas marching the streets


WTF.....That's not how you Woo.

This is how you Woo. ;)

View attachment 701957
Oh me likey! Me loves Galileo, Cetme, FALs, especially FALs.
Oh me likey! Me loves Galileo, Cetme, FALs, especially FALs.
I'd still take the butt-hole stock DR-200 Woo.....I'd just go to Stormwerks and get a P-grip, Type 1 stock adaptor, folder adaptor, and a ACE stock. Shorten the LOP on the ACE, bolt it all on and you are GTG. ;)
It wasn't as big as the parade, the Geronimo Gun club was involved in, with the Black Panthers back in March which had hundreds of gun owners armed and marching, and maybe not as big as the demonstration they did in August. Lots of Texans are stupid. They are used to seeing people marching around their streets with their guns. It isn't big news down there.
Oh, I bet…So what you’re saying is that if a white nationalists group like proud boys marched carrying weapons it wouldn’t be on the nightly news, even a mention? …. Right, don’t fool yourself.
It wasn't as big as the parade, the Geronimo Gun club was involved in, with the Black Panthers back in March which had hundreds of gun owners armed and marching, and maybe not as big as the demonstration they did in August. Lots of Texans are stupid. They are used to seeing people marching around their streets with their guns. It isn't big news down there.
Stupid people exercising their Constitutional right to petition for a redress of grievances and bear arms. How dare they !
Stop the Jews (immigrants) and Trump (Hitler) will bring prosperity to the working class Americans!
There are two options for civilizations in history. God, family, country with freedom or God, family, country with tyranny. The globalists have infected nations to remove God, family, country with freedom. And have advanced the new mantra of tyranny for Gaia, broken dysfunctional individuals and world control.

Armed and yelling guns up and shoot back. Blood thirsty geez. This does not accomplish anything . Talk about violent. The do not deserve reparations either. Anti-crime bill. How about they stop committing so much crime. Simple as that. These blacks think immigration have to do with them. Craziness in Texas folks.
This looks like perfectly legal 2nd Amendment activity to me. I also didnt hear anything about looting or violence. This is EXACTLY how black people should protest.
Stop the Jews (immigrants) and Trump (Hitler) will bring prosperity to the working class Americans!
immigrants aren’t all jews. Trump isn’t president
, nor did he want to stop all legal immigrant.

the issue we are seeing now is border state citizens who have had to deal with xiden open border surge policies and frankly are at a breaking point. You are right it’s crossing party lines, austin and el paso are run by dems and pretty liberal…xiden’s war on the working class has backfired
I can't bring myself to give a fuck if blacks come out with guns protesting something that needs attention.

That said when anyone comes out with guns protesting to advance a leftist agenda, which is ALWAYS WRONG, then I'll have a problem.

It was my perception that during the 60's when blacks were protesting police while brandishing long guns that we saw popular oppinion begin to embrace gun control. That was not productive.

But they weakened their position when they started screeching for reparations. I was with them until that point.
Those are bed wetting blacks. I doubt they're inclined to come out carrying weapons. They're the sort demanding disarmament. Of course I wasn't there and this is the first I heard of it. If I still give a fuck later I'll read up on it.

Those are bed wetting blacks. I doubt they're inclined to come out carrying weapons. They're the sort demanding disarmament. Of course I wasn't there and this is the first I heard of it. If I still give a fuck later I'll read up on it.

Well, it’s true they didn’t hurt anyone (as far as I’ve heard) and haven’t broken any laws (as far as I know). They certainly don’t compare to the BLM savages who burned, looted, and murdered their way across America. But my point is that they probably had most people on their side - definitely, the illegals are hurting blacks more than anyone - but they weaken their position when they add in demands for reparations.
But they weakened their position when they started screeching for reparations. I was with them until that point.

Yeah, they are certainly hurting themselves. They have been lied to by their leaders for so long that it is understandable.

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