Blacks on the war path in Austin Texas marching the streets

I can't bring myself to give a fuck if blacks come out with guns protesting something that needs attention.

That said when anyone comes out with guns protesting to advance a leftist agenda, which is ALWAYS WRONG, then I'll have a problem.

It was my perception that during the 60's when blacks were protesting police while brandishing long guns that we saw popular oppinion begin to embrace gun control. That was not productive.

And Reagan is the asshole who pushed it. For all the good people think Reagan did, I really have a hard time seeing it. He was a gun grabbing spend-thrift who only talked a good game.
Wrong, bitch.

We are glad to see people exercising there unalienable rights and they are harming NO ONE in so doing.

I'll bet if they came to your neighborhood protesting with guns, you would shit on that broom stick you fly around on.
So glad you guys made a post stating how frightening it is. How very white of you
The white wing is worried about guns? Say it isn’t so.
You really can't read can you?

Then again you are one of those freakishly stupid bed wetters.

And Reagan is the asshole who pushed it. For all the good people think Reagan did, I really have a hard time seeing it. He was a gun grabbing spend-thrift who only talked a good game.
I have to agree, he was not a pro-2A stalwart and we haven't had a POTUS that is. That's why I'm hoping Ted Cruz or someone like him gets elected and purges the ATF of the authoritarian pukes that abuse their positions and terrorize the public.
Oh, I bet…So what you’re saying is that if a white nationalists group like proud boys marched carrying weapons it wouldn’t be on the nightly news, even a mention? …. Right, don’t fool yourself.
Personally, I don't think anybody should be allowed on the streets in parade/demonstration with weapons, period.
In this day and age, it does not matter if it is mainstream news or not, as it is known, whether mainstream makes a big deal or it or not. We know about the Geronimo Gun Club sponsored/organized/participating demonstrations, reported here. I easily looked up the other two events this year when they took to the streets, armed and in numbers. As far as I know, these are events are established under permit on the streets. Cities or states that authorize by permit these demonstrations on their streets are fools. It is the essence of brandishing a weapon or weapons with intent to intimidate. The term “brandish” means, with respect to a firearm, to display all or part of the firearm, or otherwise make the presence of the firearm known to another person, in order to intimidate that person, regardless of whether the firearm is directly visible to that person. 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(4).

It should simply be illegal to have a demonstration march, where the intent or actions of the participant is to show their weapons at or in conjunction with the event.

I have weapons and am frequently a weapons carrier, legally as a permit holder and as constitutional carry is legal in my state. You will never see a weapon hanging off me and visible, unless the wind momentarily catches my clothes just right, and never intentional. I intimidate, nobody. Unless hunting or on a range, a weapon in my hand or carried is likely the last thing you would ever see, and I do not participate in staged events.
Which is true, but the black population is being affected first, and the worst.
we all our. black dont hurt worst then everybody. we all hurt the same. this narcissim in the black community needs stop. all american's are effected equally buy this./
we all our. black dont hurt worst then everybody. we all hurt the same. this narcissim in the black community needs stop. all american's are effected equally buy this./

Not entirely true. The blacks are being pushed out of the lower paying jobs. Thus they are impacted first.

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