Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record

Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

perhaps they are just being typuical white people.

the black guy can't possibly be wrong. He has black skin privilege after all.

Po-boy is a typical black racist. constantly stirring up shit and posting lies. he and his white counterparts are the real racist problem in the country today.

and the current president is encouraging it.

ooh, the white racists are getting nervous, and realizing that their game is "up". Whites are fastly becoming the new minority and Hispanics the new majority. Soon, you won't be running things, as the playing field continues to level.
Po-boy? And that is not racist, on your part? And then you accuse whites who believe as I do as being the "real racist problem" in the country? Do you realize how stupid and paranoid you appear?
Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

BS. Racism has increased, from whites, as backlash of President Obama's presidency. It's never been about his policies that have drawn ire from the right, but his race. What his presidency has revealed is that the racism thought to be subsiding was just bubbling below the surface, all the long.
And lies...President Obama has united groups like no other president in history.

you are wrong PO. racism has increased from all sides under obama. Sure, there were some white racists that hate obama because he is half black, but the vast majority are opposed to his left wing ideas, and would be opposed if he was a lilly white red headed irishman.

you have to constantly blame it on race because even you cannot defend obama's terrible record of failure.

we have more people on food stamps than when he took office'
more in poverty
more on welfare
more unemployed
Gitmo still open
troops still dying in afghanistan
ambassador killed in Benghazi
boston bombed by islamic terrorists
ft hood-called workplace violence rather than islamic terrorism

face it PO, obama has failed

The Great Southern Cracker Roadshow brings to life the ways of the Cracker in a foot-stomping, knee-slapping show featuring two homegrown Crackers, pure bluegrass music, traditional foods, folklore and a mess of surprises — from whip-cracking to buck-dancing and everything in between.
Last edited by a moderator:
Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...

The truth of the matter is that the racist "right", lost, and are dumbfounded that they did....and have no clue that the solution is to change or at least moderate their stance.
Stubborn children, throwing tantrums is all that they are.
perhaps they are just being typuical white people.

the black guy can't possibly be wrong. He has black skin privilege after all.

Po-boy is a typical black racist. constantly stirring up shit and posting lies. he and his white counterparts are the real racist problem in the country today.

and the current president is encouraging it.

ooh, the white racists are getting nervous, and realizing that their game is "up". Whites are fastly becoming the new minority and Hispanics the new majority. Soon, you won't be running things, as the playing field continues to level.
Po-boy? And that is not racist, on your part? And then you accuse whites who believe as I do as being the "real racist problem" in the country? Do you realize how stupid and paranoid you appear?

only you would consider PO-Boy a racist comment. Its a joke, grow up, grow some balls, act like a man not a whining baby.

BTW, the hispanics that I know are all hard working, christian, family oriented people who feel as I do about the welfare culture. They are not in your left corner, Po. Sorry.
what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...

Don't preach to me dude. I live in New Orleans, a true racial, ethnic, and cultural melting pot. We embrace diversity every day. Come down to Jazz fest, Mardi gras, a Saints game and you will see people of every color, creed, and orientation working and playing together and enjoying each other.

Yes, we have problems, mostly the result of years of the welfare culture and democrat government. I will say that the current mayor, a dem, is doing a pretty good job.

My points about obama are valid. He is following the Alinsky rules for radicals playbook to the letter, divide the people, demonize business, demonize the rich, give to the poor in exchange for their votes, grow government power and reach, corrupt the media into an arm of the government.

Its all happening, and the USA is being screwed.

Do you have a business? Are you rich? Do you have contempt for the poor? Funny, Jesus Christ didn't. Corrupt the media into an arm of the government??? You mean, like Fox News that was essentially a "mouthpiece" for the Bush administration, issuing their "talking points" of the day?
here ya go, biaaatch. I pushed the search button for you since you don't know how to do an internet search

snopes liberal bias - AT&T Yahoo! Search Results

WTF? That doesn't prove anything. Blogs????? Try a credible news source. Next?

Poor poor PO-boy, I gave you a long list of sources, not just blogs. Did you bother to look? If you think the cites are wrong how about providing some proof that snopes is not partisan or left wing biased.

But you won't, because its your job to post bullshit and racist remarks. What happened to you to fill you with so much hate?

I didn't ask you to post a list of sources...I asked you to post a specific link to back up your assertions. I do, to back up mine. Are you simply too lazy or afraid that your link won't hold up? I guess you're "special", utilizing your "white privilege" which means you don't have to go out of your way to do anything, and you're to be believed simply because, well..."you're white". BS. You pick one and post it...and I'll tear it apart, point by point. But don't expect me to pick from a list and assume that it's the one you are advocating. What kind of shit is that?
Truth is I don't post BS, although your mindset might view it that way. Racist remarks? How about "truth", and obviously, it "hurts". What happened to fill me with hate? Seeing the country go to shit under Reagan and Bush I and II. The assassinations of JFK, RFK, Medgar Evers, MLK, and losing my job to discrimination, might have something to do with it.
Po-boy is a typical black racist. constantly stirring up shit and posting lies. he and his white counterparts are the real racist problem in the country today.

and the current president is encouraging it.

ooh, the white racists are getting nervous, and realizing that their game is "up". Whites are fastly becoming the new minority and Hispanics the new majority. Soon, you won't be running things, as the playing field continues to level.
Po-boy? And that is not racist, on your part? And then you accuse whites who believe as I do as being the "real racist problem" in the country? Do you realize how stupid and paranoid you appear?

only you would consider PO-Boy a racist comment. Its a joke, grow up, grow some balls, act like a man not a whining baby.

BTW, the hispanics that I know are all hard working, christian, family oriented people who feel as I do about the welfare culture. They are not in your left corner, Po. Sorry.

Are you insane? Po-Boy is not my name nor my ID. A joke? Who said you could joke with me, and why? Are we friends? Do you know me or I, you? You don't joke with folks you don't know. Weren't you taught any better? And why are you being familiar with me? Did I give you permission to do that? Who do you think you are? Again, white privilege comes to the fore. "I can do whatever the fuck I want, say whatever the fuck I want, joke with whomever I want, because I'm white". You are insane.

And thanks, you just revealed, in open forum, your resentment, bias and hate for blacks. Good job.
Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...

Don't preach to me dude. I live in New Orleans, a true racial, ethnic, and cultural melting pot. We embrace diversity every day. Come down to Jazz fest, Mardi gras, a Saints game and you will see people of every color, creed, and orientation working and playing together and enjoying each other.

Yes, we have problems, mostly the result of years of the welfare culture and democrat government. I will say that the current mayor, a dem, is doing a pretty good job.

My points about obama are valid. He is following the Alinsky rules for radicals playbook to the letter, divide the people, demonize business, demonize the rich, give to the poor in exchange for their votes, grow government power and reach, corrupt the media into an arm of the government.

Its all happening, and the USA is being screwed.

Do you have a business? Are you rich? Do you have contempt for the poor? Funny, Jesus Christ didn't. Corrupt the media into an arm of the government??? You mean, like Fox News that was essentially a "mouthpiece" for the Bush administration, issuing their "talking points" of the day?

business, no, I am retired. when working I was an independent manufacturer's representative specializing in international constuction and defense equipment.

rich, depends on how much you need to be rich, I am quite comfortable

contempt for the poor, absolutely not, I came from low middle class backgrounds. again poor depends on how you define it. I hold contempt only for liars, frauds, and those who would destroy this great country

the MSM has become an arm of the govt, and that is very bad

some Fox commentators are right wing, fox news is unbiased and gives equal time to both sides-------and that is what you find objectionable.

no one in their right mind would consider MSNBC unbiased an any moment of their 24 hours per day on the air. the good thing about that is that their audience is tiny.
ooh, the white racists are getting nervous, and realizing that their game is "up". Whites are fastly becoming the new minority and Hispanics the new majority. Soon, you won't be running things, as the playing field continues to level.
Po-boy? And that is not racist, on your part? And then you accuse whites who believe as I do as being the "real racist problem" in the country? Do you realize how stupid and paranoid you appear?

only you would consider PO-Boy a racist comment. Its a joke, grow up, grow some balls, act like a man not a whining baby.

BTW, the hispanics that I know are all hard working, christian, family oriented people who feel as I do about the welfare culture. They are not in your left corner, Po. Sorry.

Are you insane? Po-Boy is not my name nor my ID. A joke? Who said you could joke with me, and why? Are we friends? Do you know me or I, you? You don't joke with folks you don't know. Weren't you taught any better? And why are you being familiar with me? Did I give you permission to do that? Who do you think you are? Again, white privilege comes to the fore. "I can do whatever the fuck I want, say whatever the fuck I want, joke with whomever I want, because I'm white". You are insane.

And thanks, you just revealed, in open forum, your resentment, bias and hate for blacks. Good job.

I have no contempt for anyone based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, wealth, or sexual orientation. I have contempt for liars, frauds, and traitors. I have friends of all races, religions, and ages.

unlike you, I do not base my life on hate and prejudice.
ooh, the white racists are getting nervous, and realizing that their game is "up". Whites are fastly becoming the new minority and Hispanics the new majority. Soon, you won't be running things, as the playing field continues to level.
Po-boy? And that is not racist, on your part? And then you accuse whites who believe as I do as being the "real racist problem" in the country? Do you realize how stupid and paranoid you appear?

only you would consider PO-Boy a racist comment. Its a joke, grow up, grow some balls, act like a man not a whining baby.

BTW, the hispanics that I know are all hard working, christian, family oriented people who feel as I do about the welfare culture. They are not in your left corner, Po. Sorry.

Are you insane? Po-Boy is not my name nor my ID. A joke? Who said you could joke with me, and why? Are we friends? Do you know me or I, you? You don't joke with folks you don't know. Weren't you taught any better? And why are you being familiar with me? Did I give you permission to do that? Who do you think you are? Again, white privilege comes to the fore. "I can do whatever the fuck I want, say whatever the fuck I want, joke with whomever I want, because I'm white". You are insane.

And thanks, you just revealed, in open forum, your resentment, bias and hate for blacks. Good job.

you can say whatever the fuck you want and do whatever the fuck you want. But your hero obama and his minions are trying to limit what YOU can say and do.

are you comfortable with a state controlled media? would you be if the GOP was in power and the media was their spokesman?

be careful what you wish for PO-Boy
what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...

Don't preach to me dude. I live in New Orleans, a true racial, ethnic, and cultural melting pot. We embrace diversity every day. Come down to Jazz fest, Mardi gras, a Saints game and you will see people of every color, creed, and orientation working and playing together and enjoying each other.

Yes, we have problems, mostly the result of years of the welfare culture and democrat government. I will say that the current mayor, a dem, is doing a pretty good job.

My points about obama are valid. He is following the Alinsky rules for radicals playbook to the letter, divide the people, demonize business, demonize the rich, give to the poor in exchange for their votes, grow government power and reach, corrupt the media into an arm of the government.

Its all happening, and the USA is being screwed.

Yea this is Louisiana alright

Member of the Louisiana House of Representatives
from the 81st district
In office

Jim Crow/Segregation | Entries | KnowLA, Encyclopedia of Louisiana

One week after the presidential election, Louisiana joins Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee for the distinction of tweeting the most racist comments during election week, a group devoted to geocoding online information has concluded. concluded that, by far, Alabama and Mississippi had the highest ratio of racist tweets on the social website Twitter, but that much of the racist sentiment extended to states such as Louisiana that bordered one of these states.

Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement -- Voter Literacy Test Questions
Last edited:
Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...

Don't preach to me dude. I live in New Orleans, a true racial, ethnic, and cultural melting pot. We embrace diversity every day. Come down to Jazz fest, Mardi gras, a Saints game and you will see people of every color, creed, and orientation working and playing together and enjoying each other.

Yes, we have problems, mostly the result of years of the welfare culture and democrat government. I will say that the current mayor, a dem, is doing a pretty good job.

My points about obama are valid. He is following the Alinsky rules for radicals playbook to the letter, divide the people, demonize business, demonize the rich, give to the poor in exchange for their votes, grow government power and reach, corrupt the media into an arm of the government.

Its all happening, and the USA is being screwed.

Yea this is Louisiana alright

Member of the Louisiana House of Representatives
from the 81st district
In office

Jim Crow/Segregation | Entries | KnowLA, Encyclopedia of Louisiana

Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement -- Voter Literacy Test Questions

There are things in the past that we are not proud of. But they are in the past. If you are honest about this, you could find similar things in every state.

want to see racism? look at the way native americans have been treated in the western states. look at the way irish and poles were treated in the northeastern states.

bias and racism are not limited to the south.

The Great Southern Cracker Roadshow brings to life the ways of the Cracker in a foot-stomping, knee-slapping show featuring two homegrown Crackers, pure bluegrass music, traditional foods, folklore and a mess of surprises — from whip-cracking to buck-dancing and everything in between.

You planning to suicide bomb it, Polecat?
what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

BS. Racism has increased, from whites, as backlash of President Obama's presidency. It's never been about his policies that have drawn ire from the right, but his race. What his presidency has revealed is that the racism thought to be subsiding was just bubbling below the surface, all the long.
And lies...President Obama has united groups like no other president in history.

you are wrong PO. racism has increased from all sides under obama. Sure, there were some white racists that hate obama because he is half black, but the vast majority are opposed to his left wing ideas, and would be opposed if he was a lilly white red headed irishman.

you have to constantly blame it on race because even you cannot defend obama's terrible record of failure.

we have more people on food stamps than when he took office'
more in poverty
more on welfare
more unemployed
Gitmo still open
troops still dying in afghanistan
ambassador killed in Benghazi
boston bombed by islamic terrorists
ft hood-called workplace violence rather than islamic terrorism

face it PO, obama has failed

Since you cannot be respectful and address me by my ID, I'm out.
what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

BS. Racism has increased, from whites, as backlash of President Obama's presidency. It's never been about his policies that have drawn ire from the right, but his race. What his presidency has revealed is that the racism thought to be subsiding was just bubbling below the surface, all the long.
And lies...President Obama has united groups like no other president in history.

you are wrong PO. racism has increased from all sides under obama. Sure, there were some white racists that hate obama because he is half black, but the vast majority are opposed to his left wing ideas, and would be opposed if he was a lilly white red headed irishman.

you have to constantly blame it on race because even you cannot defend obama's terrible record of failure.

we have more people on food stamps than when he took office'
more in poverty
more on welfare
more unemployedu
Gitmo still open
troops still dying in afghanistan
ambassador killed in Benghazi
boston bombed by islamic terrorists
ft hood-called workplace violence rather than islamic terrorism

face it PO, obama has failed


The Great Southern Cracker Roadshow brings to life the ways of the Cracker in a foot-stomping, knee-slapping show featuring two homegrown Crackers, pure bluegrass music, traditional foods, folklore and a mess of surprises — from whip-cracking to buck-dancing and everything in between.

Great Southern Cracker Roadshow - Promo I - YouTube

Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...

Don't preach to me dude. I live in New Orleans, a true racial, ethnic, and cultural melting pot. We embrace diversity every day. Come down to Jazz fest, Mardi gras, a Saints game and you will see people of every color, creed, and orientation working and playing together and enjoying each other.

Yes, we have problems, mostly the result of years of the welfare culture and democrat government. I will say that the current mayor, a dem, is doing a pretty good job.

My points about obama are valid. He is following the Alinsky rules for radicals playbook to the letter, divide the people, demonize business, demonize the rich, give to the poor in exchange for their votes, grow government power and reach, corrupt the media into an arm of the government.

Its all happening, and the USA is being screwed.

Yea this is Louisiana alright

Member of the Louisiana House of Representatives
from the 81st district
In office

Jim Crow/Segregation | Entries | KnowLA, Encyclopedia of Louisiana

One week after the presidential election, Louisiana joins Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee for the distinction of tweeting the most racist comments during election week, a group devoted to geocoding online information has concluded. concluded that, by far, Alabama and Mississippi had the highest ratio of racist tweets on the social website Twitter, but that much of the racist sentiment extended to states such as Louisiana that bordered one of these states.

Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement -- Voter Literacy Test Questions

Louisiana joins other Southern states for most racist election week tweets: analysis |

La.'s racism and bigotry is legendary.
we have a terrible crime problem in New Orleans and its 98% black on black in the welfare community-------liberalism in action.

BS. Having nothing to do with liberalism. Welfare community? Who might that be, since more whites are on welfare than any other group?

the crime in this city is almost solely in the black communities that are subsisting on welfare payments. That is just a fact. Generational welfare destroys families and people, it has done a terrible diservice to the black community in this city and others.

obama and the libs always preach jobs, but what they create is more welfare and more poverty.

Yes, whites are also on welfare and the white welfare communities are no better than the black ones-----------the problems are not racial, they are the result of liberal policies and sadly those policies hurt blacks disproportionately.

Once again the lying dickwad claims there are more whites than blacks on welfare.
The Commerce Department, part of the Executive Branch has welfare demographics available:

Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

I have posted this info several times, so I'm done posting the link.
Statistics show that there are slightly MORE blacks than whites on welfare and since whites outnumber blacks by nearly 6:1, this shows that African Americans are 6 times as likely to be on welfare.

Someone not on po-boy's ignore list, please quote this. I want him to respond.

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