Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record

I'm not happy unless I can expose stupidity.

What kind? Expose the stupidity of your people first. The stupidity of your sons blowing each other away and maybe you can question mine.

Your people? My people may be problematic, but you are the ultimate arbiter of situ.
When you get your people to stop blowing away innocent theater-goers and school children, then perhaps, I'll talk to "my people" about putting away their guns.
Actually I'm a proponent for banning all firearms. All. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
I said it.

I think we should work towards raising our children to respect human life. Don't you? I hate people that blow away innocent people. :( :( :(
Exposed by a right wing hack???? LOLOLOL

Website* Gender: Male * Industry: Science * Occupation: Mad Social Scientist; Zen Christian * Location: San Antonio : Texas : United States About Me Durn near six feet tall. Wears reading glasses. Speaks English, French, and Sign Language - understands some German and Spanish. Strong as a bear, and about as big and hirsute as one, too. Weird sense of humor. Bachelor's in Psychology and works as an LVN Nurse -- working on his RN degree. Wife's relatives live in London, Brussells, Paris, and Mauritius, so we tend to Globe-trot. Been married nineteen years; have a 16-year-old son who knows everthing in the world -- just ask him. All entries copyright year of publication by the author; unauthorized use is copyright infringement, dammit. Don't make me come over there! If you could peer far enough into the night sky, you'd see a star in any direction you looked. When would you sleep? Anytime I wanted to. I'm a nurse; we sleep 24/7 depending on the shift we're working. I may very well be asleep right now. Doofus! Interests * Zen Christianity * Politics * Psychology * Sociological intricacies of modern society * finding a way to sample every single type of chocolate known to man. Favorite Movies * Who goes to movies anymore? Mel Gibson's THE PASSION -- THE GOSPEL OF JOHN; The STAR WARS series; and Disney's THE THREE MUSKETEERS is an underrated classic. Favorite Music * K-Love (Listen to Contemporary Christian Music online or find a radio station near you - Positive Encouraging K-LOVE). Otherwise * see below. Favorite Books * I've got an Amazon Widget on my blog. Feel free to send me anything on it (except the first two books -- I've already got them * and love them!) "This precious gift of life . . . demands on an intellectual and spiritual level that I fight hard for the things I believe in . . . This is merely my written manifesto of how I live my daily life. I put my heart and soul into being the best that I can be, I am irrefutably and conclusively in the asset column at the end of every day of my life. I'm not for myself, I'm for my family, and my neighborhood and this country . . . Those that would argue with that are either stoned or so recently stoned their logic is all but gone." --Ted Nugent, October 2008, The Village Voice

And who quotes Ted Nugent, to boot. :cuckoo::cuckoo::stupid:

there are many that have exposed snopes left wing bias---that is just one of them. If you are really interested google it. you might learn something

No, bitch...provide the documentation, so that I can dismiss it, as I did this one.

here ya go, biaaatch. I pushed the search button for you since you don't know how to do an internet search

snopes liberal bias - AT&T Yahoo! Search Results
What kind? Expose the stupidity of your people first. The stupidity of your sons blowing each other away and maybe you can question mine.

Your people? My people may be problematic, but you are the ultimate arbiter of situ.
When you get your people to stop blowing away innocent theater-goers and school children, then perhaps, I'll talk to "my people" about putting away their guns.
Actually I'm a proponent for banning all firearms. All. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
I said it.

I think we should work towards raising our children to respect human life. Don't you? I hate people that blow away innocent people. :( :( :(

we have a terrible crime problem in New Orleans and its 98% black on black in the welfare community-------liberalism in action.
I must have hit a nerve as the negative reps are coming fast and furious!! :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

What did you expect when you just used the term cracker? That would be like me loosely throwing around the n word.

Stop whining and lie in the bed you just made.

Uh, he used it, to describe someone of his own race, I'm presuming. Just like me using the n-word, couldn't be construed as racist, but you using it would. One cannot be racist against one's own racist, now can they?

Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
What did you expect when you just used the term cracker? That would be like me loosely throwing around the n word.

Stop whining and lie in the bed you just made.

Uh, he used it, to describe someone of his own race, I'm presuming. Just like me using the n-word, couldn't be construed as racist, but you using it would. One cannot be racist against one's own racist, now can they?

Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.
What did you expect when you just used the term cracker? That would be like me loosely throwing around the n word.

Stop whining and lie in the bed you just made.

Uh, he used it, to describe someone of his own race, I'm presuming. Just like me using the n-word, couldn't be construed as racist, but you using it would. One cannot be racist against one's own racist, now can they?

Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

perhaps they are just being typuical white people.

the black guy can't possibly be wrong. He has black skin privilege after all.
Uh, he used it, to describe someone of his own race, I'm presuming. Just like me using the n-word, couldn't be construed as racist, but you using it would. One cannot be racist against one's own racist, now can they?

Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

perhaps they are just being typuical white people.

the black guy can't possibly be wrong. He has black skin privilege after all.

Po-boy is a typical black racist. constantly stirring up shit and posting lies. he and his white counterparts are the real racist problem in the country today.

and the current president is encouraging it.
A bunch of white Christians stayed home back in November, not because they were white, but because they were Christians. As the GOP discovered, the best way to deflate the enthusiasm of that particular voting block is to offer them a candidate they might actually see as a potential antichrist.
Uh, he used it, to describe someone of his own race, I'm presuming. Just like me using the n-word, couldn't be construed as racist, but you using it would. One cannot be racist against one's own racist, now can they?

Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...


  • $obama-witchdoctor-_f2dc8.jpg
    39.1 KB · Views: 49
What kind? Expose the stupidity of your people first. The stupidity of your sons blowing each other away and maybe you can question mine.

Your people? My people may be problematic, but you are the ultimate arbiter of situ.
When you get your people to stop blowing away innocent theater-goers and school children, then perhaps, I'll talk to "my people" about putting away their guns.
Actually I'm a proponent for banning all firearms. All. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
I said it.

So you would like a country where only criminals and the government had guns? really? would you sleep well knowing that?

That was Hitler's germany and its Cuba and North Korea today. wonderful places to live, right?

you never cease to amaze with your ignorance.

Do you understand what outlawing all guns means? It means no guns for anyone, including criminals.
What kind? Expose the stupidity of your people first. The stupidity of your sons blowing each other away and maybe you can question mine.

Your people? My people may be problematic, but you are the ultimate arbiter of situ.
When you get your people to stop blowing away innocent theater-goers and school children, then perhaps, I'll talk to "my people" about putting away their guns.
Actually I'm a proponent for banning all firearms. All. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
I said it.

I think we should work towards raising our children to respect human life. Don't you? I hate people that blow away innocent people. :( :( :(

I don't have any children. I don't like children. I think many people who have children shouldn't. Not everyone is "parent material".
there are many that have exposed snopes left wing bias---that is just one of them. If you are really interested google it. you might learn something

No, bitch...provide the documentation, so that I can dismiss it, as I did this one.

here ya go, biaaatch. I pushed the search button for you since you don't know how to do an internet search

snopes liberal bias - AT&T Yahoo! Search Results

WTF? That doesn't prove anything. Blogs????? Try a credible news source. Next?
Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

Lib plan? That why you saw posters of Obama and questioning his country of birth as Africa by the teabaggers? Instead of being against his policies he was attacked for being black,as to blacks hating whites and Vice versa, here in NYC people of all races and cultures live and work together and have may family and friends of different races and cultures. Where you find the problems are in the red states where racism was formally institutionalized in its laws and in small towns where there was never any diversity.

Just look at some of the republican leaders calling Obama Lazy and shucking and jiving knowing full well the racial implications, and why did the majority of not only African Americans but Asians and Latinos and the MAJORITY of young people and College EDUCATED people vote for him? The demographics are changing fast in America and rationalizing why Obama was elected because of the hate of minorities doesn't fly.

Now I sure you will get a chuckle out of this as it has NO racial overtones does it:eusa_whistle: Remember I have been around these type people as I look like an average middle aged christian white guy to peple who don't know me ...

Don't preach to me dude. I live in New Orleans, a true racial, ethnic, and cultural melting pot. We embrace diversity every day. Come down to Jazz fest, Mardi gras, a Saints game and you will see people of every color, creed, and orientation working and playing together and enjoying each other.

Yes, we have problems, mostly the result of years of the welfare culture and democrat government. I will say that the current mayor, a dem, is doing a pretty good job.

My points about obama are valid. He is following the Alinsky rules for radicals playbook to the letter, divide the people, demonize business, demonize the rich, give to the poor in exchange for their votes, grow government power and reach, corrupt the media into an arm of the government.

Its all happening, and the USA is being screwed.
Your people? My people may be problematic, but you are the ultimate arbiter of situ.
When you get your people to stop blowing away innocent theater-goers and school children, then perhaps, I'll talk to "my people" about putting away their guns.
Actually I'm a proponent for banning all firearms. All. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
I said it.

I think we should work towards raising our children to respect human life. Don't you? I hate people that blow away innocent people. :( :( :(

we have a terrible crime problem in New Orleans and its 98% black on black in the welfare community-------liberalism in action.

BS. Having nothing to do with liberalism. Welfare community? Who might that be, since more whites are on welfare than any other group?
No, bitch...provide the documentation, so that I can dismiss it, as I did this one.

here ya go, biaaatch. I pushed the search button for you since you don't know how to do an internet search

snopes liberal bias - AT&T Yahoo! Search Results

WTF? That doesn't prove anything. Blogs????? Try a credible news source. Next?

Poor poor PO-boy, I gave you a long list of sources, not just blogs. Did you bother to look? If you think the cites are wrong how about providing some proof that snopes is not partisan or left wing biased.

But you won't, because its your job to post bullshit and racist remarks. What happened to you to fill you with so much hate?
I think we should work towards raising our children to respect human life. Don't you? I hate people that blow away innocent people. :( :( :(

we have a terrible crime problem in New Orleans and its 98% black on black in the welfare community-------liberalism in action.

BS. Having nothing to do with liberalism. Welfare community? Who might that be, since more whites are on welfare than any other group?

the crime in this city is almost solely in the black communities that are subsisting on welfare payments. That is just a fact. Generational welfare destroys families and people, it has done a terrible diservice to the black community in this city and others.

obama and the libs always preach jobs, but what they create is more welfare and more poverty.

Yes, whites are also on welfare and the white welfare communities are no better than the black ones-----------the problems are not racial, they are the result of liberal policies and sadly those policies hurt blacks disproportionately.
Uh, he used it, to describe someone of his own race, I'm presuming. Just like me using the n-word, couldn't be construed as racist, but you using it would. One cannot be racist against one's own racist, now can they?

Yes I am a 62 year old white male, before WWII Jews were't considered white in this country. I also come from and have an interracial multicultural family. As a white middle aged man I hear things said by other whites, as they think since I am a white middle aged man I think like they do. These same people swear they are not racist. I am in a very good position to know what is going one. Not to say all middle aged whites are racists, but i have heard my share,especially since Obama was elected and re-elected:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

what you say is true. It is also true that racism has increased under obama---on both sides. Blacks are more racist and whites are more racist. liberals and conservatives dislike each other more, the rich and poor hate each other, red states and blue states hate each other.

But thats part of the progressive plan---divide and conquer, and obama is dividing us like no other president in history. I truly believe that he is doing in on purpose.

BS. Racism has increased, from whites, as backlash of President Obama's presidency. It's never been about his policies that have drawn ire from the right, but his race. What his presidency has revealed is that the racism thought to be subsiding was just bubbling below the surface, all the long.
And lies...President Obama has united groups like no other president in history.

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