Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record

This says a lot about the "black" people in this country.

A "black" man is running for re-election as POTUS, and ONLY two-thirds of "black" voters took time out of their "busy" day to vote for him?

Don't be fooled by these "twisted" statistics. "Whites" are still the largest voting block, by a LARGE margin.

The issue is that white men as a voting bloc are NOT the largest bloc, white women are. With minorities coming a close third.

Either we in the GOP start sincerely reaching to minorities and women, we will keep losing at the national and senate level.
Washington (CNN) – A new Census Bureau report provides more evidence that the changing demographics of the United States are having a deep impact at the voting booth.

The report on the 2012 election found that for the first time on record, black voters turned out to the presidential polls at a higher rate than whites. More than 66% of eligible blacks voted in the presidential contest that pit President Barack Obama against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Only 64.1% of whites turned out to vote.

In addition to blacks turning out at a higher rate, the number of Asian and Hispanic voters grew from 2008 to 2012. Hispanics added 1.4 million people and Asians added over 500,000. Between 1996 and 2012, blacks, Asians and Hispanics all saw their percentage of the voting population increase.

As senator Ms Lindsay Gram said: Not enough bitter white christians to win anymore :eusa_whistle:

And every month that goes by there are less and less chance that the White Christian party will win any National elections, as the demographics shift is growing .

Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

they all voted more than once, I'm not surpirised. White people don't do that.
Washington (CNN) – A new Census Bureau report provides more evidence that the changing demographics of the United States are having a deep impact at the voting booth.

The report on the 2012 election found that for the first time on record, black voters turned out to the presidential polls at a higher rate than whites. More than 66% of eligible blacks voted in the presidential contest that pit President Barack Obama against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Only 64.1% of whites turned out to vote.

In addition to blacks turning out at a higher rate, the number of Asian and Hispanic voters grew from 2008 to 2012. Hispanics added 1.4 million people and Asians added over 500,000. Between 1996 and 2012, blacks, Asians and Hispanics all saw their percentage of the voting population increase.

As senator Ms Lindsay Gram said: Not enough bitter white christians to win anymore :eusa_whistle:

And every month that goes by there are less and less chance that the White Christian party will win any National elections, as the demographics shift is growing .

Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

they all voted more than once, I'm not surpirised. White people don't do that.

:lol: you sure?
What did they vote for? If it is to take from whites and to give them selves free wealth...Well, they don't give a damn about this nation.

Why not open up their own businesses and clean up their own streets? O'yess saying this is evil and racist. lol. I swear you democrats are going to turn this country into a third world banana republic!
Why are there ALL these gross GUESSES when the below population statistics are so very very clear?
I am laughing my head off at all of you that seemingly can't use the Internet as the below links clearly show the WHITE Registered voters totally outnumber black voters by nearly 7 white voters for every 1 registered black voter!

Of the total USA population 308,745,538

White population 223,553,265 or 72 .4% of total population
Black or African American alone 38,929,319 or 13 .6% of total population

Of the total black population 17,813,000 voted or 66% of black population eligible to vote.

Of the total white population 107,846,000 voted or 62.2% of population eligible to vote.

So to reach your conclusion, 100% of eligible black voters must vote.

That would mean another 9,176,394 black voters.

Not quite enough to counter the white voter population of 107,846,000.

Plus it should be noted:
6% of Blacks voted for GOP... so ???
Presidential election 2012: Record number of Hispanic voters head to the polls | Mail Online
Washington (CNN) – A new Census Bureau report provides more evidence that the changing demographics of the United States are having a deep impact at the voting booth.

The report on the 2012 election found that for the first time on record, black voters turned out to the presidential polls at a higher rate than whites. More than 66% of eligible blacks voted in the presidential contest that pit President Barack Obama against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Only 64.1% of whites turned out to vote.

In addition to blacks turning out at a higher rate, the number of Asian and Hispanic voters grew from 2008 to 2012. Hispanics added 1.4 million people and Asians added over 500,000. Between 1996 and 2012, blacks, Asians and Hispanics all saw their percentage of the voting population increase.

As senator Ms Lindsay Gram said: Not enough bitter white christians to win anymore :eusa_whistle:

And every month that goes by there are less and less chance that the White Christian party will win any National elections, as the demographics shift is growing .

Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

they all voted more than once, I'm not surpirised. White people don't do that.

And you're a lying ho'. Produce the corroborated documentation supporting that lie.
Because most of you are full of shit and only love YOUR America, not the real America.


And what is the "real" America, Comrade?

The ghetto's where thousands of their people blow each other away yearly. Why can't these people accept that maybe we're right and come work towards a better reality for themselves? :eusa_eh:

Following the laws of economics would be good.
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Blacks hate whites so much that they would really vote that way...Fuck the reality that they'll starve and live within a third world shit hole.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that drooling morons like Poet speak for blacks. There are plenty of reasonable and intelligent black people out there. Poet just doesn't happen to be one of them.....
Blacks hate whites so much that they would really vote that way...Fuck the reality that they'll starve and live within a third world shit hole.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that drooling morons like Poet speak for blacks. There are plenty of reasonable and intelligent black people out there. Poet just doesn't happen to be one of them.....

You're right...sadly there's more then just one poet. :(
Until Repubs like winning as much as they like being mean to minorities...they will never make headway in the black community

Totally stupid comment. Repubs LIKE being mean to minorities?????? are you crazy?

why exactly would they LIKE being mean to minorities? What would be their motives?

After you answer that, tell me why democrats like being mean to american patriots and lovers of freedom.

I wonder how many of today's students realize that Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican candidate elected to office?

I'm not saying Republicans haven't messed with the polls ... but the Democrats have messed with them more. Anyone remember all the ACORN tactics, multiple fraudulent registrations, etc. in Obama's first campaign? And the same is true of the Hispanic vote. Demographics have nothing to do with anything - illegal voting has everything to do with everything. And people don't want voter IDs? Are you kidding me? Hell, at the rate things are going, I think everyone should be fingerprinted before they can vote - and cost be damned. We need some serious honesty in voting practices.
Until Repubs like winning as much as they like being mean to minorities...they will never make headway in the black community

Totally stupid comment. Repubs LIKE being mean to minorities?????? are you crazy?

why exactly would they LIKE being mean to minorities? What would be their motives?

After you answer that, tell me why democrats like being mean to american patriots and lovers of freedom.

I wonder how many of today's students realize that Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican candidate elected to office?

I'm not saying Republicans haven't messed with the polls ... but the Democrats have messed with them more. Anyone remember all the ACORN tactics, multiple fraudulent registrations, etc. in Obama's first campaign? And the same is true of the Hispanic vote. Demographics have nothing to do with anything - illegal voting has everything to do with everything. And people don't want voter IDs? Are you kidding me? Hell, at the rate things are going, I think everyone should be fingerprinted before they can vote - and cost be damned. We need some serious honesty in voting practices.

Yes, and voter ID would be a good start. I will never understand why anyone objects to proving who they are before voting.
Totally stupid comment. Repubs LIKE being mean to minorities?????? are you crazy?

why exactly would they LIKE being mean to minorities? What would be their motives?

After you answer that, tell me why democrats like being mean to american patriots and lovers of freedom.

I wonder how many of today's students realize that Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican candidate elected to office?

I'm not saying Republicans haven't messed with the polls ... but the Democrats have messed with them more. Anyone remember all the ACORN tactics, multiple fraudulent registrations, etc. in Obama's first campaign? And the same is true of the Hispanic vote. Demographics have nothing to do with anything - illegal voting has everything to do with everything. And people don't want voter IDs? Are you kidding me? Hell, at the rate things are going, I think everyone should be fingerprinted before they can vote - and cost be damned. We need some serious honesty in voting practices.

Yes, and voter ID would be a good start. I will never understand why anyone objects to proving who they are before voting.

Some people favor cheating. :eek:

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