Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record

Poet has 0 self control. I bet he's the bitch in his relationship. Would explain why he lashes out on here all the time.
Those numbers won't mean shit when a black democrat isn't on the ballot. I know that sounds raw but many simply won't care at that point. The first black president or the thought of him winning brought out droves of first time voters who simply wanted to feel like a part of history.

LOLOLOLOLOL. Find a link stating where Bill Cosby voted Republican. And if you think voting one's race is a sign of ignorance and stupidity, perhaps you should stop doing it.

first of all you have no idea how I voted. Secondly I have voted for candidates of all races in local and state elections and would have no reluctance to vote for a black, asian, hispanic, arab, or any other race if that person demonstrated the ideas and values that I agree with.

Its you liberals who always insist on making everything racial-----because its all you have since your entire ideology has been proven flawed.

Right. Like you're some fucking one to believe. And no, bitch....Liberals (read: Democrats) belong to the party of inclusion, disregarding race. Where are the goo gobs of minorities in the Republican Party? Nowhere to be found, save some tokens.
Proven flawed???? Where is the documentation for that? And where is your documentation that Bill Cosby would even be in the same room as Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell. These challenges are not for my health. Produce the evidence or admit that you lied.

Ok, calm down, you might blow a gasket.

So, name one country or civilization where socialism, liberalism, or progressiveism has ever succeeded-----------just one. I'll be waiting.

party of inclusion------------right, thats why they always try to destroy any minority who speaks out against liberalism or democrats.
Yeah, the little old lady pollworker in Cincinnatti who voted six times for Comrade Obama and all her friends and family who voted multiple times certainly helped to achieve that performance record.

"We don't need your honky votes today! You're going to be ruled by a black man!"

Eric Holder allegedly carries a slip of paper in his wallet at all times that reads "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than the black attorney does with the society he is sworn to represent." J Christian Adams, former DOJ voting rights attorney.
Was I talking to you? You are nothing more than a racist shit stirrer. Figuratively and literally. Now honor your ignore list and stfu

You old fart and bigot. I reserve the right to comment on any post I choose, ignored or not.
And newsflash. Lincoln freed the slaves. I don't take instructions from white folks, by law.
And racist???? Find the racism in my post, you decrepit dinosaur.

Newsflash------------Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN. Bill KKK Byrd was a democrat. The civil rights act was passed by republicans, democrats fillibustered against it---including algore's father.

democrats hate blacks and want to keep them as government slaves-------- idiots like you are too stupid to see that. you are pathetic.

And if Lincoln were living today, he'd be considered a Democrat. You don't have license to the legacy of the days gone by Republican Party. The parties switched ideology and platforms from starting from '48 to '80. When George Wallace failed in his presidential bid, the racist Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party and flooded the Republican Party, where they reside today. Find a KKK'er that identifies with the Democratic Party which is overwhelmingly the party blacks and browns have aligned themselves with.
What you are talking about prompted the transition.
Blacks are not as stupid as you imagine to align themselves with a party that hates them. We are hated by the Republicans, who want us to stay in our places, have our votes diluted, and denied educational and job opportunities, because the white constituents of the party are so in fear of losing their clout and power. Well, too late. Hispanics are fastly becoming the new majority and your party can't find a way to engage them. Stupid you.
I take your pathetic and raise you a moron.
Great this went the way of any thread that talks about race. Name calling and ppl who know shit about the other side claiming they know their motives
Yeah, the little old lady pollworker in Cincinnatti who voted six times for Comrade Obama and all her friends and family who voted multiple times certainly helped to achieve that performance record.

"We don't need your honky votes today! You're going to be ruled by a black man!"

Eric Holder allegedly carries a slip of paper in his wallet at all times that reads "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than the black attorney does with the society he is sworn to represent." J Christian Adams, former DOJ voting rights attorney.

Links? Documentation? Sources?
Washington (CNN) – A new Census Bureau report provides more evidence that the changing demographics of the United States are having a deep impact at the voting booth.

The report on the 2012 election found that for the first time on record, black voters turned out to the presidential polls at a higher rate than whites. More than 66% of eligible blacks voted in the presidential contest that pit President Barack Obama against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Only 64.1% of whites turned out to vote.

In addition to blacks turning out at a higher rate, the number of Asian and Hispanic voters grew from 2008 to 2012. Hispanics added 1.4 million people and Asians added over 500,000. Between 1996 and 2012, blacks, Asians and Hispanics all saw their percentage of the voting population increase.

As senator Ms Lindsay Gram said: Not enough bitter white christians to win anymore :eusa_whistle:

And every month that goes by there are less and less chance that the White Christian party will win any National elections, as the demographics shift is growing .

Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Since when does the census bureau keep track of voting and how do they keep track of the race of voters?
You old fart and bigot. I reserve the right to comment on any post I choose, ignored or not.
And newsflash. Lincoln freed the slaves. I don't take instructions from white folks, by law.
And racist???? Find the racism in my post, you decrepit dinosaur.

Newsflash------------Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN. Bill KKK Byrd was a democrat. The civil rights act was passed by republicans, democrats fillibustered against it---including algore's father.

democrats hate blacks and want to keep them as government slaves-------- idiots like you are too stupid to see that. you are pathetic.

And if Lincoln were living today, he'd be considered a Democrat. You don't have license to the legacy of the days gone by Republican Party. The parties switched ideology and platforms from starting from '48 to '80. When George Wallace failed in his presidential bid, the racist Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party and flooded the Republican Party, where they reside today. Find a KKK'er that identifies with the Democratic Party which is overwhelmingly the party blacks and browns have aligned themselves with.
What you are talking about prompted the transition.
Blacks are not as stupid as you imagine to align themselves with a party that hates them. We are hated by the Republicans, who want us to stay in our places, have our votes diluted, and denied educational and job opportunities, because the white constituents of the party are so in fear of losing their clout and power. Well, too late. Hispanics are fastly becoming the new majority and your party can't find a way to engage them. Stupid you.
I take your pathetic and raise you a moron.

you are totally wrong about every aspect of this topic, po

but you are brainwashed so nothing anyone says will ever change your mind. Its a waste of my time to debate with you----I might as well be talking to a tomato plant.

you are not even worthy of my ignore list. :cool:
first of all you have no idea how I voted. Secondly I have voted for candidates of all races in local and state elections and would have no reluctance to vote for a black, asian, hispanic, arab, or any other race if that person demonstrated the ideas and values that I agree with.

Its you liberals who always insist on making everything racial-----because its all you have since your entire ideology has been proven flawed.

Right. Like you're some fucking one to believe. And no, bitch....Liberals (read: Democrats) belong to the party of inclusion, disregarding race. Where are the goo gobs of minorities in the Republican Party? Nowhere to be found, save some tokens.
Proven flawed???? Where is the documentation for that? And where is your documentation that Bill Cosby would even be in the same room as Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell. These challenges are not for my health. Produce the evidence or admit that you lied.

Ok, calm down, you might blow a gasket.

So, name one country or civilization where socialism, liberalism, or progressiveism has ever succeeded-----------just one. I'll be waiting.

party of inclusion------------right, thats why they always try to destroy any minority who speaks out against liberalism or democrats.

The US of A. It's succeeding, as I'm posting.

Party of inclusion, the Democratic Party has about 93 % of the black population aligned with it. From Wiki: According to a 2004 study 13.7% of blacks identified as "Conservative" or "Extremely Conservative"[4] with another 14.4% identifying as slightly conservative. However the same study indicated less than ten percent identified as Republican or Republican leaning in any fashion. Likewise, a recent[when?] Pew Research Center survey showed that 19% of blacks identify as Religious Right.[5] In 2004 the Pew Research Center indicated only 7% of blacks identify as Republican.[6] Hence a certain percentage of noted Black conservatives are likely connected to the Democrats for Life of America movement or economic liberalism.
And the Republicans are always trying to destroy any black or brown who speaks out against conservatism or Republicans. So what?
Newsflash------------Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN. Bill KKK Byrd was a democrat. The civil rights act was passed by republicans, democrats fillibustered against it---including algore's father.

democrats hate blacks and want to keep them as government slaves-------- idiots like you are too stupid to see that. you are pathetic.

And if Lincoln were living today, he'd be considered a Democrat. You don't have license to the legacy of the days gone by Republican Party. The parties switched ideology and platforms from starting from '48 to '80. When George Wallace failed in his presidential bid, the racist Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party and flooded the Republican Party, where they reside today. Find a KKK'er that identifies with the Democratic Party which is overwhelmingly the party blacks and browns have aligned themselves with.
What you are talking about prompted the transition.
Blacks are not as stupid as you imagine to align themselves with a party that hates them. We are hated by the Republicans, who want us to stay in our places, have our votes diluted, and denied educational and job opportunities, because the white constituents of the party are so in fear of losing their clout and power. Well, too late. Hispanics are fastly becoming the new majority and your party can't find a way to engage them. Stupid you.
I take your pathetic and raise you a moron.

you are totally wrong about every aspect of this topic, po

but you are brainwashed so nothing anyone says will ever change your mind. Its a waste of my time to debate with you----I might as well be talking to a tomato plant.

you are not even worthy of my ignore list. :cool:

Well, talk is cheap, and you haven't proven me wrong, so.....
And my ID says "poet", not po, not poit, and not pole smoker.
And whatever gave you the idea that you possessed the capability of "changing my mind", when far more intelligent posters than you have failed to do so?
If you refuse to acknowledge the reality that the once Republican Party the emancipators of blacks, is now the Democratic Party, and that the racist Democratic Party of yesteryear is now the Republican Party, then we have nothing to talk about. Ever.
Washington (CNN) – A new Census Bureau report provides more evidence that the changing demographics of the United States are having a deep impact at the voting booth.

The report on the 2012 election found that for the first time on record, black voters turned out to the presidential polls at a higher rate than whites. More than 66% of eligible blacks voted in the presidential contest that pit President Barack Obama against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Only 64.1% of whites turned out to vote.

In addition to blacks turning out at a higher rate, the number of Asian and Hispanic voters grew from 2008 to 2012. Hispanics added 1.4 million people and Asians added over 500,000. Between 1996 and 2012, blacks, Asians and Hispanics all saw their percentage of the voting population increase.

As senator Ms Lindsay Gram said: Not enough bitter white christians to win anymore :eusa_whistle:

And every month that goes by there are less and less chance that the White Christian party will win any National elections, as the demographics shift is growing .

Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Of the Total USA population 308,745,538
White population 223,553,265 or 72 .4% of total population
Black or African American alone 38,929,319 or 13 .6% of total population

Of the total black population 17,813,000 voted or 66% of black population eligible to vote.

Of the total white population 107,846,000 voted or 62.2% of population eligible to vote.

So to reach your conclusion, 100% of eligible black voters must vote.
That would mean another 9,176,394 black voters.

Not quite enough to counter the white voter population of 107,846,000.

Plus it should be noted:
6% of Blacks voted for GOP... so ???
Presidential election 2012: Record number of Hispanic voters head to the polls | Mail Online
Until Repubs like winning as much as they like being mean to minorities...they will never make headway in the black community

Totally stupid comment. Repubs LIKE being mean to minorities?????? are you crazy?

why exactly would they LIKE being mean to minorities? What would be their motives?

After you answer that, tell me why democrats like being mean to american patriots and lovers of freedom.

Because they never got over slavery being abolished.
Democrats are kinder to veterans than are the Republicans.
Republicans and freedom in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

Strange conclusion since Republicans were the major drivers of ending slavery.

Also strange conclusion since the majority of veterans are Republicans.

My conclusion is that your thought processes must be as strange as the misinformation you seem to consider truth..

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