Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record

This says a lot about the "black" people in this country.

A "black" man is running for re-election as POTUS, and ONLY two-thirds of "black" voters took time out of their "busy" day to vote for him?

Don't be fooled by these "twisted" statistics. "Whites" are still the largest voting block, by a LARGE margin.
Washington (CNN) – A new Census Bureau report provides more evidence that the changing demographics of the United States are having a deep impact at the voting booth.

The report on the 2012 election found that for the first time on record, black voters turned out to the presidential polls at a higher rate than whites. More than 66% of eligible blacks voted in the presidential contest that pit President Barack Obama against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Only 64.1% of whites turned out to vote.

In addition to blacks turning out at a higher rate, the number of Asian and Hispanic voters grew from 2008 to 2012. Hispanics added 1.4 million people and Asians added over 500,000. Between 1996 and 2012, blacks, Asians and Hispanics all saw their percentage of the voting population increase.

As senator Ms Lindsay Gram said: Not enough bitter white christians to win anymore :eusa_whistle:

And every month that goes by there are less and less chance that the White Christian party will win any National elections, as the demographics shift is growing .

Blacks outvoted whites in 2012, the first time on record ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So you think that everyone should vote on racial lines rather than based on what if best for them and for the country? Brilliant :confused:

Don't you?

absolutely not, neither do Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, and Bill Cosby. Voting based on race is a sign of both ignorance and stupidity.
Poet I thought I was on your ignore list? You're so ignorant you negged me with the almighty power of 0 haha

This says a lot about the "black" people in this country.

A "black" man is running for re-election as POTUS, and ONLY two-thirds of "black" voters took time out of their "busy" day to vote for him?

Don't be fooled by these "twisted" statistics. "Whites" are still the largest voting block, by a LARGE margin.

Byron Williams: Changing Demographics Painting GOP Into a Corner
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham may have best articulated the long-term challenge for the Republican Party, "The demographics race we're losing badly. We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

Hmmmm, and from one of your party leaders, to boot.
No, actually, we are "SAVED".

Right, lets put 100% of the population on government welfare-----that will SAVE us.

you are a lunatic, PO. A total racist hate-filled lunatic.

No. Most folks work. The group most represented by welfare are white people. You are the racist, suggesting that because blacks outvoted whites, that we're becoming a welfare state. And lunacy is relative.

Thats not what I said, but when people of any race vote for the candidate who will promise to give them free stuff--------------you fill in the rest. PO
So you think that everyone should vote on racial lines rather than based on what if best for them and for the country? Brilliant :confused:

Don't you?

absolutely not, neither do Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, and Bill Cosby. Voting based on race is a sign of both ignorance and stupidity.

LOLOLOLOLOL. Find a link stating where Bill Cosby voted Republican. And if you think voting one's race is a sign of ignorance and stupidity, perhaps you should stop doing it.
Until Repubs like winning as much as they like being mean to minorities...they will never make headway in the black community

Totally stupid comment. Repubs LIKE being mean to minorities?????? are you crazy?

why exactly would they LIKE being mean to minorities? What would be their motives?

After you answer that, tell me why democrats like being mean to american patriots and lovers of freedom.

Because they never got over slavery being abolished.
Democrats are kinder to veterans than are the Republicans.
Republicans and freedom in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

in order of your comments


on the freedom thing---how do higher taxes, more govt regulation, and more govt debt increase individual freedom?
How many turned out several times?

Just wondering.

Typical white christian party talking points, face it, the days of the rightwing cracker is over in America on the national level :eusa_whistle:

I wonder how many returned from the dead to vote, too.

If you don't believe in resurrection, you've never been to Chicago on election day.

I'll ignore your racial slurs because I'm in a good mood today and you don't strike me as very bright.
Typical white christian party talking points, face it, the days of the rightwing cracker is over in America on the national level :eusa_whistle:

But the left wing crackers are kewl huh?


Faggot??? Excuse me? I'm a fucking faggot, and I will remove your pacemaker.

Was I talking to you? You are nothing more than a racist shit stirrer. Figuratively and literally. Now honor your ignore list and stfu
Don't you?

absolutely not, neither do Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, and Bill Cosby. Voting based on race is a sign of both ignorance and stupidity.

LOLOLOLOLOL. Find a link stating where Bill Cosby voted Republican. And if you think voting one's race is a sign of ignorance and stupidity, perhaps you should stop doing it.

first of all you have no idea how I voted. Secondly I have voted for candidates of all races in local and state elections and would have no reluctance to vote for a black, asian, hispanic, arab, or any other race if that person demonstrated the ideas and values that I agree with.

Its you liberals who always insist on making everything racial-----because its all you have since your entire ideology has been proven flawed.
But the left wing crackers are kewl huh?


Faggot??? Excuse me? I'm a fucking faggot, and I will remove your pacemaker.

Was I talking to you? You are nothing more than a racist shit stirrer. Figuratively and literally. Now honor your ignore list and stfu

You old fart and bigot. I reserve the right to comment on any post I choose, ignored or not.
And newsflash. Lincoln freed the slaves. I don't take instructions from white folks, by law.
And racist???? Find the racism in my post, you decrepit dinosaur.
Faggot??? Excuse me? I'm a fucking faggot, and I will remove your pacemaker.

Was I talking to you? You are nothing more than a racist shit stirrer. Figuratively and literally. Now honor your ignore list and stfu

You old fart and bigot. I reserve the right to comment on any post I choose, ignored or not.
And newsflash. Lincoln freed the slaves. I don't take instructions from white folks, by law.
And racist???? Find the racism in my post, you decrepit dinosaur.

Don't even have the backbone to honor your own ignore list.

You are a joke
absolutely not, neither do Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, and Bill Cosby. Voting based on race is a sign of both ignorance and stupidity.

LOLOLOLOLOL. Find a link stating where Bill Cosby voted Republican. And if you think voting one's race is a sign of ignorance and stupidity, perhaps you should stop doing it.

first of all you have no idea how I voted. Secondly I have voted for candidates of all races in local and state elections and would have no reluctance to vote for a black, asian, hispanic, arab, or any other race if that person demonstrated the ideas and values that I agree with.

Its you liberals who always insist on making everything racial-----because its all you have since your entire ideology has been proven flawed.

Right. Like you're some fucking one to believe. And no, bitch....Liberals (read: Democrats) belong to the party of inclusion, disregarding race. Where are the goo gobs of minorities in the Republican Party? Nowhere to be found, save some tokens.
Proven flawed???? Where is the documentation for that? And where is your documentation that Bill Cosby would even be in the same room as Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell. These challenges are not for my health. Produce the evidence or admit that you lied.
Faggot??? Excuse me? I'm a fucking faggot, and I will remove your pacemaker.

Was I talking to you? You are nothing more than a racist shit stirrer. Figuratively and literally. Now honor your ignore list and stfu

You old fart and bigot. I reserve the right to comment on any post I choose, ignored or not.
And newsflash. Lincoln freed the slaves. I don't take instructions from white folks, by law.
And racist???? Find the racism in my post, you decrepit dinosaur.

Newsflash------------Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN. Bill KKK Byrd was a democrat. The civil rights act was passed by republicans, democrats fillibustered against it---including algore's father.

democrats hate blacks and want to keep them as government slaves-------- idiots like you are too stupid to see that. you are pathetic.
Was I talking to you? You are nothing more than a racist shit stirrer. Figuratively and literally. Now honor your ignore list and stfu

You old fart and bigot. I reserve the right to comment on any post I choose, ignored or not.
And newsflash. Lincoln freed the slaves. I don't take instructions from white folks, by law.
And racist???? Find the racism in my post, you decrepit dinosaur.

Don't even have the backbone to honor your own ignore list.

You are a joke

You have misunderstood. My purpose is to torment and to embarrass. Don't want to be called out? Stop making a fool of yourself. In fact...let me take you off of the list.

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