Zone1 Blacks should not resent other persecuted yet successful minorities but instead emulate their choices and actions that led to their success

You’re getting nasty and insulting me personally. Not allowed in Zone 1.

And I am DISCUSSING the ramifications of the votes. Do you always personally attack those who disagree with you?

One more time and you will be reported.

I didn't call you a bitch I said stop bitching

BUt fine

Stop whining
But you didn't ask. YOU assumed.

It's not about me being a "white knight". This type of attack has annoyed me for quite some time, and I see it A LOT from libs.

Actually it seems to be the very basis of your entire world view, now that I think of it.
Hmmm….we all make assumptions of the other as your posts often do.

When no links are provided to support your claims, it is your own fault if people don’t accept those claims as the “facts” you want to portray them as. It is on you, not “libs” or whatever group you dislike.
Hmmm….we all make assumptions of the other as your posts often do.

When no links are provided to support your claims, it is your own fault if people don’t accept those claims as the “facts” you want to portray them as. It is on you, not “libs” or whatever group you dislike.

I didn't ask you to accept them.

It is very telling that you have to misrepresent what I said.

That is your brain, dealing with the fact that it knows that I am right in this, and you are wrong.

This is the part where you admit that you were in the wrong and pledge to try to do better moving forward.

Or double down and take another step down the path of partisan zealot.
I didn't ask you to accept them.

It is very telling that you have to misrepresent what I said.

That is your brain, dealing with the fact that it knows that I am right in this, and you are wrong.

This is the part where you admit that you were in the wrong and pledge to try to do better moving forward.

Or double down and take another step down the path of partisan zealot.
Whatever you say :)
So let them.

What does it cost you?

Look my mother was Black, I grew up in a shitty poor mostly Black neighborhood and I just ignore people who cry racism all the time.

You should try it
Interestingly, some who incessantly accuse others of doing so, do so themselves.
The happiest people that I know personally, typically mind their own business and worry very little, if at all about what others feel or think.
I didn't say what you said I said.
She does that type of thing. Once when I said I was opposed to lowered admissions standards for blacks, since having two different standards based on race is racist, she claimed I said blacks were too dumb to go to college. She eventually admitted she got me confused with another poster, although i never saw another poster say that.

It‘s a particularly deceitful way that liberals debate. They ascribe a nasty comment to their opponent, and then castigate them for that position - on a comment they never made.
She does that type of thing. Once when I said I was opposed to lowered admissions standards for blacks, since having two different standards based on race is racist, she claimed I said blacks were too dumb to go to college. She eventually admitted she got me confused with another poster, although i never saw another poster say that.

It‘s a particularly deceitful way that liberals debate. They ascribe a nasty comment to their opponent, and then castigate them for that position - on a comment they never made.

It amazes me that she could NOT just ask, even when repeatedly prompted.

It is like at some level, they know that their whole world view is false, and that they have to stonewall EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME,

because ONE LITTLE RAY OF TRUTH, getting though, will destroy everything they believe in, and the other side will just win because the Truth is just too harmful to them.

How can you be that afraid of Truth and not realize that you have a problem?
I can volunteer to go door to door to help educate voters about the issues as the election nears. You’d be surprised how ignorant some people are - and they are gullible to liberal propaganda.

Florida in 2020 was decided by 500 votes, and thus went the election.

You should go door to door in black neighborhoods explaining how they would be better off if they emulated Jewish and Asian families like yours.
It would be a service to them. Maybe you could change their lives for the better
You should go door to door in black neighborhoods explaining how they would be better off if they emulated Jewish and Asian families like yours.
It would be a service to them. Maybe you could change their lives for the better
No way. The black neighborhoods in DC are dangerous, and they do not welcome a whitey knocking on their door. Once we got lost driving through District 8, and half a dozen black kids started hitting our car with objects. We just kept the windows up and made sure the doors were locked.
No way. The black neighborhoods in DC are dangerous, and they do not welcome a whitey knocking on their door. Once we got lost driving through District 8, and half a dozen black kids started hitting our car with objects. We just kept the windows up and made sure the doors were locked.

You should have rolled down your window and politely explained to them that if they were Jewish like you, they would not be doing such things
You should have rolled down your window and politely explained to them that if they were Jewish like you, they would not be doing such things

It is telling that she is trying to discuss how to improve things and you are encouraging her to actions that would likely place her in mortal danger.

It is also very, very telling that you clearly assume that blacks feeling insulted would react with violence.
It is telling that she is trying to discuss how to improve things and you are encouraging her to actions that would likely place her in mortal danger.

It is also very, very telling that you clearly assume that blacks feeling insulted would react with violence.
She has yet to provide a solution

She is only gloating how Jews like her were able to escape poverty and blacks should do the same.
You’re getting nasty and insulting me personally. Not allowed in Zone 1.

And I am DISCUSSING the ramifications of the votes. Do you always personally attack those who disagree with you?

One more time and you will be reported.
You know Lisa, just because you make racist posts doesn’t make you a Racist

Zone 1 is great isn’t it?
She has yet to provide a solution

She is only gloating how Jews like her were able to escape poverty and blacks should do the same.

Discussing successful examples to learn from, is normally considered a constructive idea.

That you attack her for it, and want her to die for it, reveals that you are the bad guy.
Discussing successful examples to learn from, is normally considered a constructive idea.

That you attack her for it, and want her to die for it, reveals that you are the bad guy.
Leftists go on the attack when proven actions for becoming successful - like delaying children until you’re married and can afford them, and completing your education - are being discussed. That’s because the obvious inference is that one’s own choices go a long way toward a successful outcome in life, and leftists hate that. They believe In blaming other people.

We are in a very sad state of affairs when people who are responsible and do things to enable their success are mocked, and people who do wrong things are defended and excused.
Leftists go on the attack when proven actions for becoming successful - like delaying children until you’re married and can afford them, and completing your education - are being discussed. That’s because the obvious inference is that one’s own choices go a long way toward a successful outcome in life, and leftists hate that. They believe In blaming other people.

We are in a very sad state of affairs when people who are responsible and do things to enable their success are mocked, and people who do wrong things are defended and excused.

Any answer that is not WHITE WACISTS AND BAD, is a dangerous challenge to their world view and their justifications for their extreme, terrible behaviors.

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