Blacks targeted and killed in Tulsa OK.....

Even assuming the killer is white, it's not white people's fault. It is a white person who happens to be a criminal, does it mean every white person is also a criminal? Come on. Unfortunatelly some people are always looking for tragedies like this to blame the same targets: conservatives, republicans, white people, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and so forth, they try to criminalize the other side. This has nothing to do with politics, it's a crime comited by an evil and insane person.
Then you can verify that just because Robert Byrd was in the KKK years ago, it doesn't mean he was a racist later in life, does it?
No But he USES the word regarding WHITES before his death...asshole...

Says it to the late Tony Snow...

[ame=""]Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube[/ame]

So only blacks can be *******?

NOT the it?

Obteuse much?
This Democrat Wingnut should wear a Hoody. Anything would be better than that bizarre lookin thing on her head.


I was listening to her talk and ether she was speaking in falsetto or she was just reaching puberty....cuz her voice kept cracking.

Where do the Dems get these Bozos?
All the victims were black, prompting the Rev. Warren Blakney Sr., NAACP Tulsa president, to say that someone appeared to be "targeting black people to shoot.”

either that or it was another reason. Cmon people----wise up.

So soon after the national scream fest over Trayvon Martin, it may be a false flag operation being done by Obama.
I bet we find out the 5 were gang members.

So....with such a massive amount of murder being "black on black" crime, when will the NAACP tell blacks to stop TARGETING BLACKS. Or even BETTER...........just stop killing people of any race at such a higher rate than other races are committing it.
Most shootings are done by blacks, usually black on black. And in those (again, the majority of shootings) it's "spray and pray" and they typically dont hit shit, or worse, hit someone innocent. This scumbag seems to have hit his targets. Meaning, unfortunately, he'll probably turn out to be white or asian. For whatever reason, the common black street thug cant aim and shoot worth shit.
You know.......any multiple shooting is bad, but considering the racial climate of this country right now, with one that SPECIFICALLY TARGETED BLACKS in a short period of time, this could start something nasty.

Like I said, specifically if it's found that the shooter is white.

We can thank the press for the racial climate this country is in right now....innocent people get murdered all the time. Its been this way since Cain killed Abel. Somehow the press treats it like... well a good story.... good ratings... its quite sad that everyone gobbles up this tragedy like it is more important than say...the thousands of soldiers that we have lost in war over the past decade.... One death is a tragedy... a million is just a statistic to you though.... wake up and pay attention to the mass murder going on for a change.
so when, oh 20 homicides in a 2 and a half week period in Chicago occur and they are all black, we infer....what? :eusa_eh:

All the shootings were close together and ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY you dolt.

How about 49 shootings from Friday to Monday in Chicago with most of the victims black, what is that? Ohh ya, just another day in the city.

Get back to us when we have the shooter or shooters and we have evidence of their motive or reason.

You liberals have failed every single time you have blamed the right for any shooting in the last 5 years. Keep trying I am sure the law of averages will make you right once.

You do realize cities with a high black on black crime rate does not address sea bitches race baiting assumption. Please stay within his view so sea bitch will feel important.:cuckoo:
Then you can verify that just because Robert Byrd was in the KKK years ago, it doesn't mean he was a racist later in life, does it?
No But he USES the word regarding WHITES before his death...asshole...

Says it to the late Tony Snow...

[ame=]Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube[/ame]

So only blacks can be *******?



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