Blacks targeted and killed in Tulsa OK.....

Do you remember what he was famous for doing?

Of course I do. He gave Gacy one hell of a run. Although I still believe there was a copy cat.

I've been on murder for a long time.

Who would have thought blacks attacking other blacks?

No one wanted to believe it. I remember vividly screaming into a towel in my bath when I believe it was the mayor stating it had to be a white man.

Aye carumba. NO FREAKING WAY. Sorries, I get passionate about the murder of kids. No way that a white man could waltz in and pick up all these little black boys. Williams was on their radar screen and they CHOSE to ignore him.

More little boys died because of freaking political correctness.

Steam's coming out my ears. I'm still frothing at the mouth over the bullshit on that case. Who will ever know how many that sick #$*@% you know what $*&@#% raped and didn't kill?
Well again, lets just rush to judgement. Do we have the shooter? Do we have the motive? What do we have in this case. AGAIN for you slow liberals, let's see what evidence we have. For people so concerned about someone being killed in the chair that is innocent you guys love to jump the gun with little to no facts.

I hope they do catch the person, and for this country's sake, I hope the shooter isn't white.

Really? and what if it is?
This is from bikersailor.

Neg rep returned you cock smoking bigoted piece of shit. Fuck off, fuck whatever spawned you, and fuck whatever spawned you spawned. A pox on your whole fucking race.

I understand just fine lonlaugher.
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This is from bikersailor.

Neg rep returned you cock smoking bigoted piece of shit. Fuck off, fuck whatever spawned you, and fuck whatever spawned you spawned. A pox on your whole fucking race.

I understand just fine lonlaugher.

Holy toledo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What did you say that triggered this insane post? I'm dying to know rotflmbo....Share come on share with us....
This is from bikersailor.

Neg rep returned you cock smoking bigoted piece of shit. Fuck off, fuck whatever spawned you, and fuck whatever spawned you spawned. A pox on your whole fucking race.

I understand just fine lonlaugher.

Holy toledo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What did you say that triggered this insane post? I'm dying to know rotflmbo....Share come on share with us....

Everything I said is on display in this thread. I think it says plenty about him rather than me. The guy obviously has problems.
This is from bikersailor.

Neg rep returned you cock smoking bigoted piece of shit. Fuck off, fuck whatever spawned you, and fuck whatever spawned you spawned. A pox on your whole fucking race.

I understand just fine lonlaugher.

So according to this sea bitch is a racist. That is if sea bitch sent that message to you. And it even looks like he is attacking your family.
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Two guys have been arrested but of course, no details as to race. The police were looking for a white man in a white truck. They were looking for a white man in a white truck for the Beltway Sniper too. The statement that ended Phil Donohue's career was "The shooter is a white guy."
Anyone can pull out a certain crime and highlight for their own agenda. White on black, Black on black, Black on white and so on. Just investigate and prosecute the perps. But do it fairly.
Anyone can pull out a certain crime and highlight for their own agenda. White on black, Black on black, Black on white and so on. Just investigate and prosecute the perps. But do it fairly.

You have just expressed the sentiment of this liberal regarding these matters. Well done.
One guy was white, but not sure about the other one... Alvin Watts and Jake England is their names according to the news report. Jake lost his father by a killing at the hands of a man named Parnell in the recent past, and the two were talking some crazy talk on Facebook... Tried to do a link, but it wouldn't let me, so I'm just relaying what I was reading on

It apeared to be partly driven by vengence of some sort, according to what I was reading about it, as I was comprehending it this way on the report, but I'm sure that more facts will come out as we go along.

These guy's look like trouble with a capital T, and it is a shame that people had to die at the hands of these people, for whom had nothing to do with a persons relative being killed, otherwise (innocents) being killed not in relation to, if that is the case to be found out about it all later on down the line.

Two wrongs don't ever make a right, but in the minds of a crazy person(s), who may have been striken by grief due the loss of a loved one, who knows what their minds are capable of at that point, especially after simmering on it for quite sometime now.

Social networks can be a hotbed for fueling these kinds of coming togethers in people, where on the one hand you have Jake who was grieving over the death of his father, and then you have Alvin who looks as if he was wanting some kind of action no matter what..

I just wish that these sites could be more alert to people engauging in conspirital ideas, and then when find that there are people speaking in conspiring ways together, they could quickly be outed and charged before people die as a result of.... Come on I-net people, shouldn't these sites have hall monitors, whom watch the actions through speak between anyone using a networking site to conversate upon, in order to chat or conversate with each other like this, in which these two were doing as reported on ? I think all private conversations between anyone on these internet sites that allow such privacy between people, should all end now upon these types of sites like facebook and the like, and they should not be allowed from this point foward on the internet, (i.e. to not allow) private conversations between the citizens in this manor anymore. It should be against the law for any site to host private chats or conversations between any peoples without a monitor involved. It's that important for the security of this nation and our communities now it seems. Correct me if I am wrong, but it has gone to far it seems with this kind of stuff being the result of such conversations anymore.

Public conversations (((yes))), but no private conversations over the I-net should exist anylonger on these networks, and that is what I think should now be enforced by law on this net immediately.

This seems to be happening more and more, so it's now time to act by shutting down private chats or netrworking that cannot be monitored properly by law enforcement, who would be the only one to monitor speak over the internet (i.e. should be the only ones trained to do it right), in order to ensure that the conversations are always friendly, moral, integritive, and decent when people come together on the I-net, instead of the opposite. Think of the jobs it would create in law enforcement, to then monitor the networks and it's conversators, who would still want to conversate as they should still want to always (IMHO) and regardless of.

It wouldn't bother me in the least, that this site here could be being monitored, because I have nothing to hide, and I conduct myself in a proper and decent manor always. How hard can it be folks, to just be good people and do the right thing these days huh ? Whats with the conspiring to committ criminal acts, by way of this coming together upon these networks such as facebook and the likes ?

What happens or will happen sadly enough, is that these kind of things are destroying our freedoms in America, just like it has me thinking that monitors should be involved now (which is yet another freedom gone), because people can't act civil anylonger in America, as the devil has gotten himself embedded into the details, and no one seems to have the remedy or answers for getting him out properly.

I remember when we use to cruze the local parkinglots as teens (with our hotrods) back in the day, and it was soooo cool and so much fun, but then a new generation came along, who were not like the generation that we were, and they began disrespecting the property by throwing trash down, breaking bottles and just being unruly. Now instead of us trying to do something about it ourselves (report them), we ended up being kicked out of the parking lots, where we all got together once in our lives to enjoy, and to hang out and have fun. So all because of a new generation that had no respect for property or decency, thus dictating our freedoms at that point was to be lost for ever. I think that the law should have delt with the perps only, and should have allowed the good to remain free in what we love to do, but it was easier for the city to just run everyone off, as if we were all criminals in the situation.

This is pretty much what has been going on for years now, and we have lost so much ground that it is pathetic anymore, so maybe it's time to get right to the problem, and quit destroying what the good folks have built in this nation over time, and that needs desperately to be protected now (OUR FREEDOMS). :eusa_pray:
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Alvin Watts and Jake England is their names according to the news report. Jake lost his father by a killing at the hands of a man named Parnell in the recent past, and the two were talking some crazy talk on Facebook... Tried to do a link, but it wouldn't let me, so I'm just relaying what I was reading on

I have seen those reports also, and that Jake England's father was killed by a black man now in prison, close to two years ago.

Tulsa, Oklahoma: Two Men Arrested in Shooting Spree - ABC News
Alvin Watts and Jake England is their names according to the news report. Jake lost his father by a killing at the hands of a man named Parnell in the recent past, and the two were talking some crazy talk on Facebook... Tried to do a link, but it wouldn't let me, so I'm just relaying what I was reading on

I have seen those reports also, and that Jake England's father was killed by a black man now in prison, close to two years ago.

Tulsa, Oklahoma: Two Men Arrested in Shooting Spree - ABC News

ABikerSailor will now triumphantly declare (again) that "the race wars" have started -- early!

Funny how some of those goons sound a lot like ol' Charlie fucking Manson.

Helter Skelter, baby.
I just wish there was some perspective here.

Sarah Palin puts targets on a few districts and they practically claim she pulled the trigger of the gun that shot Gabby Gifford.

Obama and friends make a big deal over Trayvan Martin, incite racism and violence from coast to coast.....NBC doctors some tapes to make it look racially motivated and the MSM turns this into a racial issue rather than an isolated tragedy.......but the producer "made a mistake" and Obama and friends go on to talking about the GOP wanting to poison children and every once in a while reminding us how racist the right is.......still to this day he remains blameless.

It's enough to make one want to resort to violence..........and that's exactly what these lowlifes wanted. So I refuse to go down that road.

I'm gonna watch "Sound of Music" and say screw all of this ugly nonsense.
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Alvin Watts and Jake England is their names according to the news report. Jake lost his father by a killing at the hands of a man named Parnell in the recent past, and the two were talking some crazy talk on Facebook... Tried to do a link, but it wouldn't let me, so I'm just relaying what I was reading on

I have seen those reports also, and that Jake England's father was killed by a black man now in prison, close to two years ago.

Tulsa, Oklahoma: Two Men Arrested in Shooting Spree - ABC News

ABikerSailor will now triumphantly declare (again) that "the race wars" have started -- early!

Funny how some of those goons sound a lot like ol' Charlie fucking Manson.

Helter Skelter, baby.

Looks like one guy with a grudge & he found a fellow scumbag to help him.
ABikerSailor on the phone with Al Sharpton, whining about his epic Race-Baiting thread fail.


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