Blake Farenthold on CNN, "If Comey is such a big memo writer, I want to see memos on former admin."

All three of them are bullshit artists Comey Clapper and Brennan should be in prison.
You're one of those nutters who just spoons the RWNJ Kool-Aid powder from the canister directly into your mouth instead of dissolving the powder in water first and then drinking the Kool-Aid .
Look Obama was the first black president, he's untouchable.
Comey has now refused to testify before ANY committee closed door or public. He is now refusing to hand over the 'BREAKING NEWS BOMB SHELL!!!!!!!' memos he claimed to have written after his encounters with President Trump.
When he is subpoenaed by the any committee or the FBI his lawyers have stated Comey will plead the Fifth.
Looks like the LIB ass licker who got Hillary off believes President Trump has audio tapes of their conversations.
Pro Tip to LIB dummies: Don't EVER underestimate President Trump. You all have done that many times before and you ALWAYS end up looking like 'Special Needs' kids.
Kewl, time for another Witch Investigation, right up Trey's ally!
Look Obama was the first black president, he's untouchable.
Comey has now refused to testify before ANY committee closed door or public. He is now refusing to hand over the 'BREAKING NEWS BOMB SHELL!!!!!!!' memos he claimed to have written after his encounters with President Trump.
When he is subpoenaed by the any committee or the FBI his lawyers have stated Comey will plead the Fifth.
Looks like the LIB ass licker who got Hillary off believes President Trump has audio tapes of their conversations.
Pro Tip to LIB dummies: Don't EVER underestimate President Trump. You all have done that many times before and you ALWAYS end up looking like 'Special Needs' kids.

I voted for Trump, huge Trump supporter, check my Avatar! Comey shot off his big stupid mouth about his memos and opened up a can-o-worms I'm not surprised he has clammed up.
You're one of those nutters who just spoons the RWNJ Kool-Aid powder from the canister directly into your mouth instead of dissolving the powder in water first and then drinking the Kool-Aid
I gave up Kool Aid a long time ago, I also gave up other childish things like liberalism. Liberalism is for the under educated, the guilt ridden, and the overly dependent. Which one are you?
dont be silly

he didnt keep "memos" on anyone else


he is much too partisan for that

Comey has now refused to testify before ANY committee closed door or public. He is now refusing to hand over the 'BREAKING NEWS BOMB SHELL!!!!!!!' memos he claimed to have written after his encounters with President Trump.
When he is subpoenaed by the any committee or the FBI his lawyers have stated Comey will plead the Fifth.
Looks like the LIB ass licker who got Hillary off believes President Trump has audio tapes of their conversations.
Pro Tip to LIB dummies: Don't EVER underestimate President Trump. You all have done that many times before and you ALWAYS end up looking like 'Special Needs' kids.
All the swamp has is the unknown false claims and innuendo. If Comey comes clean the whole Trump/Russian BS story ends. Over for good. The swamp doesn't want that, they want to keep the fake story hanging over Trump's head while he fights for his agenda. It's a silent coup and the American people should be outraged over it.
You're one of those nutters who just spoons the RWNJ Kool-Aid powder from the canister directly into your mouth instead of dissolving the powder in water first and then drinking the Kool-Aid
I gave up Kool Aid a long time ago, I also gave up other childish things like liberalism. Liberalism is for the under educated, the guilt ridden, and the overly dependent. Which one are you?
None of the three, but you probably fit into all three categories.
THIS could be a massive issue for the Clinton investigation going forward.

You can be sure, without question that if some want to pursue impeachment and other methods to usurp the American voters selection, that there will be many who want transparency in regards to the Clinton investigation.
Oh, puh leaze. Republicans put everything out there with more investigations on Benghazi than 9/11. There is nothing they didn't say.

Funny Republicans let Bin Laden go and never called for an investigation on why.
FISA Court Finds "Serious Fourth Amendment Issue" In Obama's "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens | Zero Hedge

that one still coming your way. this will be much harder to defend.
None of that Dem crap is coming. All BS propaganda for the election, now forgotten.
if forgotten, why did it make todays' news from FISA?

you may forget it, obama may want to - but it's coming.
THIS could be a massive issue for the Clinton investigation going forward.

You can be sure, without question that if some want to pursue impeachment and other methods to usurp the American voters selection, that there will be many who want transparency in regards to the Clinton investigation.
Oh, puh leaze. Republicans put everything out there with more investigations on Benghazi than 9/11. There is nothing they didn't say.

Funny Republicans let Bin Laden go and never called for an investigation on why.
FISA Court Finds "Serious Fourth Amendment Issue" In Obama's "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens | Zero Hedge

that one still coming your way. this will be much harder to defend.
None of that Dem crap is coming. All BS propaganda for the election, now forgotten.
if forgotten, why did it make todays' news from FISA?

you may forget it, obama may want to - but it's coming.
yea, ignore one side, rail on the other.
Wrong again, asshole. But it wouldn't surprise me if you have been sucking on the government tit the majority of you life.
Oh come looks as if I hit a nerve. You do get guberment checks don't you? come on you can tell us we won't say a word.

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