Blame this on Bush! Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Cue the paid liberals who will flood this thread with skewed or made up stats, that prove somehow Obama "created jobs." They can lie but the real numbers won't.

Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent.

In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent

In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent.

Blame It on Global Cooling Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

It's hard to get around the real numbers. Liberals will trot out the usual explanations that it's really Bush's fault, or the Republicans fault.

But Republicans are not to blame for this mess.

Lie your way out of this liberals.
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

Here's a clue. OBAMA HAS HAD SIX AND ONE HALF YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Reagan turned around the damage Carter did to the country in TWO YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Bush rode out the damage 9/11 did to the country

Keep making excuses for a president who has done nothing to improve the economy and in face has made it worse.

Summer of recovery my ass!

Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.
It never snowed during the 1st quarter of any other president? LOL

Apparently! :lol:

And no other president has WARS to deal with *cough *cough, TRUMAN!

Nope, but Obama's economy is called on account of snow!


Who's the moron there, hangover?

You are aptly named!

Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?


Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.

Sink to What level?

THE TRUTH????????????????

It's the truth!!!

Sink to their level, indeed! How? BY TELLING THE TRUTH?

Liberals lie! This is the truth!

And making it out like SNOW is an excuse for his bad numbers. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Has it been snowing the whole time Obama was president???????

Keep trying libs!

Cue the paid liberals who will flood this thread with skewed or made up stats, that prove somehow Obama "created jobs." They can lie but the real numbers won't.

Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent.

In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent

In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent.

Blame It on Global Cooling Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

It's hard to get around the real numbers. Liberals will trot out the usual explanations that it's really Bush's fault, or the Republicans fault.

But Republicans are not to blame for this mess.

Lie your way out of this liberals.
I am not wanting to defend Obama but in Truman's time the growth exploded after the war was over due to pent up demand for most anything domestic.

I assume that job killers like Obamacare and certain regulations are hurting our recovery. And China is giving us a real run for the money when it comes to exporting consumer good, even at a lower price than we can offer.

Perhaps we can rectify the job killing issues but how do we deal with foreign competition? The consumers love the cheap prices on imported goods but how about the expensive merchandise we export, such a CATS, aircraft, and the like? If it weren't for this we could levy higher tariffs to protects some of our own domestic industries.
However, I fear that a lot of corporate sales and profits come from exports of big ticket items.

Can we have a sound economy and a comfy life with lower expectations of growth? I think so if we could only get the national debt down and the annual budget balanced. The way it is people borrow in hopes of growing their way out of debt, but it doesn't happen that way for our national finances, no it just makes matters worse. How can the people say no to those shysters who insist on borrowing us into perdition?

How about work stoppages or slow downs, how about boycotts of merchandise? Somehow we consumers need to show WDC that we are fed up with their wasteful spending.
After the destruction of the economy on Bush's watch, it's understandable that years later the damage would still not be undone.
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.
I agree.No one on the right should bring themselves down to the level of bottom-feeding progressives.
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.

Sink to What level?

THE TRUTH????????????????

It's the truth!!!

Sink to their level, indeed! How? BY TELLING THE TRUTH?

Liberals lie! This is the truth!

And making it out like SNOW is an excuse for his bad numbers. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Has it been snowing the whole time Obama was president???????

Keep trying libs!

Inclement weather can slow production and shipping.

And on bad days shoppers tend to stay home.
Cue the paid liberals who will flood this thread with skewed or made up stats, that prove somehow Obama "created jobs." They can lie but the real numbers won't.

Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent.

In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent

In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent.

Blame It on Global Cooling Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

It's hard to get around the real numbers. Liberals will trot out the usual explanations that it's really Bush's fault, or the Republicans fault.

But Republicans are not to blame for this mess.

Lie your way out of this liberals.
I am not wanting to defend Obama but in Truman's time the growth exploded after the war was over due to pent up demand for most anything domestic.

I assume that job killers like Obamacare and certain regulations are hurting our recovery. And China is giving us a real run for the money when it comes to exporting consumer good, even at a lower price than we can offer.

Perhaps we can rectify the job killing issues but how do we deal with foreign competition? The consumers love the cheap prices on imported goods but how about the expensive merchandise we export, such a CATS, aircraft, and the like? If it weren't for this we could levy higher tariffs to protects some of our own domestic industries.
However, I fear that a lot of corporate sales and profits come from exports of big ticket items.

Can we have a sound economy and a comfy life with lower expectations of growth? I think so if we could only get the national debt down and the annual budget balanced. The way it is people borrow in hopes of growing their way out of debt, but it doesn't happen that way for our national finances, no it just makes matters worse. How can the people say no to those shysters who insist on borrowing us into perdition?

How about work stoppages or slow downs, how about boycotts of merchandise? Somehow we consumers need to show WDC that we are fed up with their wasteful spending.

Look you guys can make excuses all you want.

Each president has had difficulties.

But to use those difficulties as an excuse for a continual bad economy just doesn't wash.

They've all had bad things happen in their presidencies.


Making excuses won't wash.

Obama has had six and 1/2 years. Presidents with great difficulties than obama and in far less time repaired their economies.

Excuses just aren't going to wash, liberals!
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.
I agree.No one on the right should bring themselves down to the level of bottom-feeding progressives.

But it's so much fun to smack them around
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.

Sink to What level?

THE TRUTH????????????????

It's the truth!!!

Sink to their level, indeed! How? BY TELLING THE TRUTH?

Liberals lie! This is the truth!

And making it out like SNOW is an excuse for his bad numbers. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Has it been snowing the whole time Obama was president???????

Keep trying libs!


Son you pale in comparison to me in hating the left. If you practiced hating the left for like 10 years maybe you could become my apprentice. Wait for the 2nd quarter and if it stinks then you have something.
After the destruction of the economy on Bush's watch, it's understandable that years later the damage would still not be undone.


Reagan turned it around in TWO!
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.
I agree.No one on the right should bring themselves down to the level of bottom-feeding progressives.
Meathead, is that Al Sharpton in your avatar?
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.
I agree.No one on the right should bring themselves down to the level of bottom-feeding progressives.

Yeah, like you guys whining I shouldn't post the truth about these numbers are really conservatives.

Keep trying!
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.

Sink to What level?

THE TRUTH????????????????

It's the truth!!!

Sink to their level, indeed! How? BY TELLING THE TRUTH?

Liberals lie! This is the truth!

And making it out like SNOW is an excuse for his bad numbers. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Has it been snowing the whole time Obama was president???????

Keep trying libs!


Son you pale in comparison to me in hating the left. If you practiced hating the left for like 10 years maybe you could become my apprentice. Wait for the 2nd quarter and if it stinks then you have something.

A) I'm not a son. I'm a girl.

B) I'm 53 years old. I don't need your tutorage. SO MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.

C) If think this thread is sooooooooo bad, then DON'T POST IN IT. That's what I do.

So, the fact that you want to derail this thread, so no one will discuss the actual numbers, WHICH NO ONE DISPUTES ARE THE TRUTH, tells me you are LYING about being a conservative.

A REAL conservative would want this truth known.

And no I have no intention of making this thread about YOU and your bonafides.

You continue, I will just put you on ignore, so i can continue discussing the ACTUAL FACTS, not your Republican desire to be a wimp and not stand up to the liberals.

You "noble" RINOs that think you can defeat liberalism by never fighting liberalism and just "remaining" above it all, DISGUST ME.

You are as bad as liberals yourselves and PART OF THE PROBLEM!

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