Blatant Lying Threads or Titles

Please link to my quote saying the Washington Post is a "liberal biased source." The only links you post are to statements by anonymous self-proclaimed, or Washington Post proclaimed, "experts," and they never provide proof of their claims or any of their so-called "research" to back up what they say. Just anonymous quotes. That's all.
I suppose Lewdog just innocently missed my request that he back up his assertion that I called the Washington Post a "liberal biased source," and I'm not even talking about direct quote, find something remotely close to that if you can. Surely Lew didn't just ignore my request because I know Lew is a huge proponent of evidence and linking to sources. Must have been an error. Now you can rectify it.

Whether you said or was said by soo many people in that thread it tends to bleed together. But as I said, I provided multiple sources and links other than just the OP... have you read those? Like the one that states they traced a lot of the fake news stories to Russian hackers in Macedonia?
I repeat, your problem is that you post links to stories which state things that are not backed up by any amount of evidence. Just because some anonymous "expert" says something doesn't make it true.

And like I said, why are you not in the threads with Trump supporters claiming millions of illegals and dead people voted for Hillary, asking for specific evidence when they provide nothing?

I gave you multiple articles but you only quote from one. Why is that? You didn't read the others?
You gave multiple articles all citing so-called experts, anonymous or otherwise, without providing any evidence to back up their claims.

Why am I not in other threads doing what you want me to do? Partially because now you've told me I need to do it so I don't want to, and partially because time is finite and I don't have the inclination to jump into every single thread on this board.

Good excuse... though there are multiple threads and they have a lot less evidence than I do. also Donald Trump himself has come out and made the claim... but you don't care. How come you haven't referenced any of the other articles other than the one in the OP?

You say you didn't support Trump, but your agenda is obvious. Work hard to discredit things Anti-Trump and let things slide that are Pro-Trump and obviously false.

So what's more hurtful in your opinion for America? The idea that Russians influenced the elections, or the lies being spread about rampant voter fraud by illegals and dead people voting for Hillary?
I suppose Lewdog just innocently missed my request that he back up his assertion that I called the Washington Post a "liberal biased source," and I'm not even talking about direct quote, find something remotely close to that if you can. Surely Lew didn't just ignore my request because I know Lew is a huge proponent of evidence and linking to sources. Must have been an error. Now you can rectify it.

Whether you said or was said by soo many people in that thread it tends to bleed together. But as I said, I provided multiple sources and links other than just the OP... have you read those? Like the one that states they traced a lot of the fake news stories to Russian hackers in Macedonia?
I repeat, your problem is that you post links to stories which state things that are not backed up by any amount of evidence. Just because some anonymous "expert" says something doesn't make it true.

And like I said, why are you not in the threads with Trump supporters claiming millions of illegals and dead people voted for Hillary, asking for specific evidence when they provide nothing?

I gave you multiple articles but you only quote from one. Why is that? You didn't read the others?
You gave multiple articles all citing so-called experts, anonymous or otherwise, without providing any evidence to back up their claims.

Why am I not in other threads doing what you want me to do? Partially because now you've told me I need to do it so I don't want to, and partially because time is finite and I don't have the inclination to jump into every single thread on this board.

Good excuse... though there are multiple threads and they have a lot less evidence than I do. also Donald Trump himself has come out and made the claim... but you don't care. How come you haven't referenced any of the other articles other than the one in the OP?

You say you didn't support Trump, but your agenda is obvious. Work hard to discredit things Anti-Trump and let things slide that are Pro-Trump and obviously false.

So what's more hurtful in your opinion for America? The idea that Russians influenced the elections, or the lies being spread about rampant voter fraud by illegals and dead people voting for Hillary?

You can't have less evidence than no evidence. You can have equal, but not less.

Neither is hurtful because neither has been proven.
It has become quite a common occurrence on this forum for posters to start threads based on what is obvious lies...and many times with misleading or lying titles. Two were started today. Stein DIDN'T miss the deadline to file... yet Trump supporters flocked to the thread like flies to shit to praise the OP and trash Stein. Another OP started a thread that a Somali refugee killed people at Ohio State with a gun. Not only did the refugee NOT use a gun, he didn't kill a single person, not even a critically injured person. And people are giving Trump credit for the refugee getting shot and killed... when Obama is President still! Yet if you say something about Trump that is negative, they will quickly point out that Trump isn't President yet.

So, my question is... is there some kind of rule around here about creating threads that are complete lies and using misleading and lying thread titles? Especially in regular parts of the forum?

These are the Trumpster. They believe everything especially coming from fake news like Infowars or Breitbart.
This is how Trump gained voters from uneducated and poorly informed Americans like Sassy.
It has become quite a common occurrence on this forum for posters to start threads based on what is obvious lies...and many times with misleading or lying titles. Two were started today. Stein DIDN'T miss the deadline to file... yet Trump supporters flocked to the thread like flies to shit to praise the OP and trash Stein. Another OP started a thread that a Somali refugee killed people at Ohio State with a gun. Not only did the refugee NOT use a gun, he didn't kill a single person, not even a critically injured person. And people are giving Trump credit for the refugee getting shot and killed... when Obama is President still! Yet if you say something about Trump that is negative, they will quickly point out that Trump isn't President yet.

So, my question is... is there some kind of rule around here about creating threads that are complete lies and using misleading and lying thread titles? Especially in regular parts of the forum?

These are the Trumpster. They believe everything especially coming from fake news like Infowars or Breitbart.
This is how Trump gained voters from uneducated and poorly informed Americans like Sassy.

The crazy thing is, the number of Trumpsters that either admit they know Trump is lying and don't care, or those that just accept everything he says without checking to see if it is true or not.
It has become quite a common occurrence on this forum for posters to start threads based on what is obvious lies...and many times with misleading or lying titles. Two were started today. Stein DIDN'T miss the deadline to file... yet Trump supporters flocked to the thread like flies to shit to praise the OP and trash Stein. Another OP started a thread that a Somali refugee killed people at Ohio State with a gun. Not only did the refugee NOT use a gun, he didn't kill a single person, not even a critically injured person. And people are giving Trump credit for the refugee getting shot and killed... when Obama is President still! Yet if you say something about Trump that is negative, they will quickly point out that Trump isn't President yet.

So, my question is... is there some kind of rule around here about creating threads that are complete lies and using misleading and lying thread titles? Especially in regular parts of the forum?

These are the Trumpster. They believe everything especially coming from fake news like Infowars or Breitbart.
This is how Trump gained voters from uneducated and poorly informed Americans like Sassy.

The crazy thing is, the number of Trumpsters that either admit they know Trump is lying and don't care, or those that just accept everything he says without checking to see if it is true or not.

That is sad very sad.
It has become quite a common occurrence on this forum for posters to start threads based on what is obvious lies...and many times with misleading or lying titles. Two were started today. Stein DIDN'T miss the deadline to file... yet Trump supporters flocked to the thread like flies to shit to praise the OP and trash Stein. Another OP started a thread that a Somali refugee killed people at Ohio State with a gun. Not only did the refugee NOT use a gun, he didn't kill a single person, not even a critically injured person. And people are giving Trump credit for the refugee getting shot and killed... when Obama is President still! Yet if you say something about Trump that is negative, they will quickly point out that Trump isn't President yet.

So, my question is... is there some kind of rule around here about creating threads that are complete lies and using misleading and lying thread titles? Especially in regular parts of the forum?

You have too much time on your hands

Too much time to read the articles and get the truth? HAHAHAHAHAHA Now I know why you support Trump, you are too lazy to find out the truth and you just go with it.
You've just been accepted into the Truthmatters Club.

Only people on the right are prone to lie, but never never ever any libby dimocrats.

Oh, and congrats on beating tigerred, JoeyB Dolezal, et al into the prestigious group.
It has become quite a common occurrence on this forum for posters to start threads based on what is obvious lies...and many times with misleading or lying titles. Two were started today. Stein DIDN'T miss the deadline to file... yet Trump supporters flocked to the thread like flies to shit to praise the OP and trash Stein. Another OP started a thread that a Somali refugee killed people at Ohio State with a gun. Not only did the refugee NOT use a gun, he didn't kill a single person, not even a critically injured person. And people are giving Trump credit for the refugee getting shot and killed... when Obama is President still! Yet if you say something about Trump that is negative, they will quickly point out that Trump isn't President yet.

So, my question is... is there some kind of rule around here about creating threads that are complete lies and using misleading and lying thread titles? Especially in regular parts of the forum?

You have too much time on your hands

Too much time to read the articles and get the truth? HAHAHAHAHAHA Now I know why you support Trump, you are too lazy to find out the truth and you just go with it.
You've just been accepted into the Truthmatters Club.

Only people on the right are prone to lie, but never never ever any libby dimocrats.

Oh, and congrats on beating tigerred, JoeyB Dolezal, et al into the prestigious group.


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