Blaze: Obama Admits to Making Shutdown as Painful for American People as Possible!

Republicans just changed tactics

Instead of "Here's a spending bill without Obamacare"

They give us "We will fund this, then this, then this.........oh, we forgot about Obamacare"

Get over it Republicans, Obamacare is is off the table
Move on

Not funding the mandated Obamacare means we all have to pay even more, way more. If you are pissed that your rate went up 250% now, just wait until it becomes an unfunded mandate & you have to fund even more peoples healthcare out of your pocket.

Repeal or repair Obamacare, but fight the defunding scheme that leaves you holding the bag.
There is no excuse for not signing off on the House CR to fund the Military death benefits. Obama and the Dems both signed off on a bill CR to pay the military during the shutdown. So they have signed off on a cr that funds a specific item. Right now, it appears that it is the Obama and the Dems that are using the military death benefits as a negotiating tool. It is reprehensible for the Obama and the Dems sign off on this CR.
If we can just get the miscreants and malcontents to get out of the cart and start pulling it, we can come out of this pit. Unfortunately, Obama encourages you to not pull the cart, but to jump in it

Pretty soon it will bog down and DHS will need all that ammo they have been stockpiling


Yep......that is the ultimate goal here, make no mistake. When the SHTF, the sheep will look to government to solve all the problems. They cant even run a website. Expect a FF sometime this fall.

You guys keep on talking amongst yourselves and let the adults carry on...

There is no excuse for not signing off on the House CR to fund the Military death benefits. Obama and the Dems both signed off on a bill CR to pay the military during the shutdown. So they have signed off on a cr that funds a specific item. Right now, it appears that it is the Obama and the Dems that are using the military death benefits as a negotiating tool. It is reprehensible for the Obama and the Dems sign off on this CR.

I think they funded that yesterday
There is no excuse for not signing off on the House CR to fund the Military death benefits. Obama and the Dems both signed off on a bill CR to pay the military during the shutdown. So they have signed off on a cr that funds a specific item. Right now, it appears that it is the Obama and the Dems that are using the military death benefits as a negotiating tool. It is reprehensible for the Obama and the Dems sign off on this CR.

I think they funded that yesterday
The Democrats ride to the rescue on their white horses.
The Obama administration, scrambling to tamp down a controversy over suspended death benefits for the families of fallen troops, announced that a charity would pick up the costs of the payments during the government shutdown.
"The Fisher House Foundation will provide the families of the fallen with the benefits they so richly deserve," Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a statement, adding that the Pentagon would reimburse the foundation after the shutdown ended.

Read more: Charity to pay US military death benefits - Story - World - 3 News
There is no excuse for not signing off on the House CR to fund the Military death benefits. Obama and the Dems both signed off on a bill CR to pay the military during the shutdown. So they have signed off on a cr that funds a specific item. Right now, it appears that it is the Obama and the Dems that are using the military death benefits as a negotiating tool. It is reprehensible for the Obama and the Dems sign off on this CR.

I think they funded that yesterday
The Democrats ride to the rescue on their white horses.
The Obama administration, scrambling to tamp down a controversy over suspended death benefits for the families of fallen troops, announced that a charity would pick up the costs of the payments during the government shutdown.
"The Fisher House Foundation will provide the families of the fallen with the benefits they so richly deserve," Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a statement, adding that the Pentagon would reimburse the foundation after the shutdown ended.

Read more: Charity to pay US military death benefits - Story - World - 3 News

Seriously? "The Democrats ride to the rescue on their white horses"
You really believe that? If anything " The Fisher House Foundation ride to the rescue on their white horses" is a truer statement. Obama and the Dems in the Senate still refuse to
sign off on the House CR to fund the military death benefits and a private charity had to step in.
I have no idea really 'what Obama has said'. The excerpt posted in the OP reminded me of the last thing I heard --'...WH spokesperson, Jay Carney, was not able to tell us when the POTUS knew about the lack of funding for death benefits for families of deceased military...'

At some point during the day yesterday someone giving an opinion said something similar to what was stated in the article.

My patience is very thin for all involved in this. Back and forth--'You said you wouldn't negotiate'--------'I didn't say I wouldn't negotiate...' Just shut up and come up with a plan. That is all I want to hear. fwiw.

There's nothing to negotiate.

I try to hear as little as possible, truthfully. So confused and so discouraged.

There's really nothing to negotiate.

This is quite possibly the first time in history one party completely capitulated and the other party took that victory then went for more.

The Republicans got the numbers they were looking for...they were actually the numbers the Romney/Ryan plan were campaigning on. There wasn't even a fight. And yet? The Republicans went further..they wanted to attach the repeal of the ACA to the CR.

That's never been done.

And if they win this? What's to stop them from asking Obama to resign? Or that all Democrats leave the house? Or the government, entirely?

That's the sorts of things they can ask for..

It has to be stopped.
There's nothing to negotiate.

I try to hear as little as possible, truthfully. So confused and so discouraged.

There's really nothing to negotiate.

This is quite possibly the first time in history one party completely capitulated and the other party took that victory then went for more.

The Republicans got the numbers they were looking for...they were actually the numbers the Romney/Ryan plan were campaigning on. There wasn't even a fight. And yet? The Republicans went further..they wanted to attach the repeal of the ACA to the CR.

That's never been done.

And if they win this? What's to stop them from asking Obama to resign? Or that all Democrats leave the house? Or the government, entirely?

That's the sorts of things they can ask for..

It has to be stopped.

This may be the best explanation ever offered of what is going on.

'insane'--is about all I can say.
Weird connections you guys make. He admitted nothing of the sort.

I have no idea really 'what Obama has said'. The excerpt posted in the OP reminded me of the last thing I heard --'...WH spokesperson, Jay Carney, was not able to tell us when the POTUS knew about the lack of funding for death benefits for families of deceased military...'

At some point during the day yesterday someone giving an opinion said something similar to what was stated in the article.
ell, we KNOW for a FACT when Congress KNEW....we know for a FACT that those in congress pushing the shut down KNEW BEFOREHAND that these death benefits were going to be cut off with a "shut down".....

this op is just trying to spin and twist and turn the actual truth about our congress critters and put it on to Obamarama drama....that's typical as of late, giving congress a "pass" for not doing their own job....

Congress Was Warned the Shutdown Would Delay Military Death Benefits - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale warned in late September that military death-benefit payments would be delayed for families of troops who were killed during a government shutdown, but it took until the second week of the crisis for members of Congress to propose doing anything about it.

"We would also be required to do some ... bad things to our people," Hale warned during a briefing on September 27, detailing the negative effects of a shutdown on the military. "We couldn't immediately pay death gratuities to those who die on active duty during the lapse."
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Weird connections you guys make. He admitted nothing of the sort.

I have no idea really 'what Obama has said'. The excerpt posted in the OP reminded me of the last thing I heard --'...WH spokesperson, Jay Carney, was not able to tell us when the POTUS knew about the lack of funding for death benefits for families of deceased military...'

At some point during the day yesterday someone giving an opinion said something similar to what was stated in the article.
ell, we KNOW for a FACT when Congress KNEW....we know for a FACT that those in congress pushing the shut down KNEW BEFOREHAND that these death benefits were going to be cut off with a "shut down".....

this op is just trying to spin and twist and turn the actual truth about our congress critters and put it on to Obamarama drama....that's typical as of late, giving congress a "pass" for not doing their own job....

Congress Was Warned the Shutdown Would Delay Military Death Benefits - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale warned in late September that military death-benefit payments would be delayed for families of troops who were killed during a government shutdown, but it took until the second week of the crisis for members of Congress to propose doing anything about it.

"We would also be required to do some ... bad things to our people," Hale warned during a briefing on September 27, detailing the negative effects of a shutdown on the military. "We couldn't immediately pay death gratuities to those who die on active duty during the lapse."

'do some bad things'--yes, that is bad, very bad.

not certain what 'WE, the People' should do --I know 'cast a vote'--but this is unacceptable, at least to me. Any and all involved. Feeling pretty radical--but mostly discouraged.
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I'm in favor of just sitting back and letting AgitatorCare roll out.

Being that it's a government program there is no way in hell it can turn out to be anything other than a huge bureaucratic cluster fuck.

Look at what we know so far. A web site that's virtually nonfunctional, stories day after day pointing out Barry's lies about keeping your current plan, costs going down, etc., etc., etc. People, including Democrats of course, are getting screwed already and it's only the tip of the Obama iceberg. And anyone who thinks things will get better is either crazy or a fluffer.

AlbatrosCare will be around the necks of the Dems come the next couple of elections. And as the GI on the beach in Saving Private Ryan so well advised, Don't shoot! Let 'em burn!!!
I'm in favor of just sitting back and letting AgitatorCare roll out.

Being that it's a government program there is no way in hell it can turn out to be anything other than a huge bureaucratic cluster fuck.

Look at what we know so far. A web site that's virtually nonfunctional, stories day after day pointing out Barry's lies about keeping your current plan, costs going down, etc., etc., etc. People, including Democrats of course, are getting screwed already and it's only the tip of the Obama iceberg. And anyone who thinks things will get better is either crazy or a fluffer.

AlbatrosCare will be around the necks of the Dems come the next couple of elections. And as the GI on the beach in Saving Private Ryan so well advised, Don't shoot! Let 'em burn!!!

sounds good to me. 'Ideology'??? cut off your nose to spite your face?
Weird connections you guys make. He admitted nothing of the sort.

And your inability to comprehend the English language is astonishing.

“But here’s the problem. What you’ve seen are bills that come up wherever Republicans are feeling political pressure, they put a bill forward. And if there’s no political heat, if there’s no television story on it, then nothing happens,” Obama said.

Lol, maybe English isn't your first language?
Weird connections you guys make. He admitted nothing of the sort.

I have no idea really 'what Obama has said'. The excerpt posted in the OP reminded me of the last thing I heard --'...WH spokesperson, Jay Carney, was not able to tell us when the POTUS knew about the lack of funding for death benefits for families of deceased military...'

At some point during the day yesterday someone giving an opinion said something similar to what was stated in the article.

My patience is very thin for all involved in this. Back and forth--'You said you wouldn't negotiate'--------'I didn't say I wouldn't negotiate...' Just shut up and come up with a plan. That is all I want to hear. fwiw.

There's nothing to negotiate.

Lol, Swallow, you are such a cum guzzling Obama whore.

The Constitution gives the House the power to defund any program that they damned well want to, so go fuck yourself you shit-for-brains bitch.
Republicans just changed tactics

Instead of "Here's a spending bill without Obamacare"

They give us "We will fund this, then this, then this.........oh, we forgot about Obamacare"

Get over it Republicans, Obamacare is is off the table
Move on

Yeah, tell that to the families of dead servicemen, fascist liar.
Republicans just changed tactics

Instead of "Here's a spending bill without Obamacare"

They give us "We will fund this, then this, then this.........oh, we forgot about Obamacare"

Get over it Republicans, Obamacare is is off the table
Move on

Yeah, tell that to the families of dead servicemen, fascist liar.

Republican shutdown.....own it
President Obama Admits Real Reason Why He?s Been Rejecting GOP Funding Bills | Video |

Here’s Knoller’s full question: “While you’re waiting for the shutdown to end, why is it that you can’t go along with any of the bills the House is passing? Funding the FDA and FEMA — where you were yesterday — and veterans benefits and Head Start. You have to be tempted to kind of get funding to those programs you support.”

Obama admitted that he is “tempted” to support the bills, because “you’d like to think you could solve at least some of the problems if you couldn’t solve all of it.” That’s what Republicans claim they are trying to do with the appropriations bills to restore funding to various affected programs.

“But here’s the problem. What you’ve seen are bills that come up wherever Republicans are feeling political pressure, they put a bill forward. And if there’s no political heat, if there’s no television story on it, then nothing happens,” Obama said .”If we do some sort of shotgun approach like that, then you’ll have some programs that are highly visible get funded and re-opened, like national monuments, but things that don’t get a lot of attention, like those SBA loans not being funded.”

This ideologue should be impeached for abuse of government power.

You've got it back to front you idiot.
He's saying that the Republicans will only put forward a proposal with a 'television story on it'.
It's such an obvious and transparent ploy...

That is a Big Lie, once again. The House is passing bills to allow for certain critical functions to continue through this Obama-commanded shutdown, which you have no problem with because you apparently like the idea of Obama the Dictator.

But Reid and Obama will not cooperate with the House and Obama tried to explain why; he wants to put the heat on the House to fund what the House does not want to fund in its current form as they have every Constitutional right to do.

What the Constitution does NOT do is give the President the right to shutdown the entire government in order to play politics the 'Chicago Way', or to give himself war time powers during peace time which this fascist President has done..
Like the sequester, Obama wants to inflict pain on the very idiots that voted for him


Email suggests Barack Obama wants the sequester to be as painful as possible | America's Watchtower

he Obama administration denied an appeal for flexibility in lessening the sequester’s effects, with an email this week appearing to show officials in Washington that because they already had promised the cuts would be devastating, they now have to follow through on that.

In the email sent Monday by Charles Brown, an official with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service office in Raleigh, N.C., Mr. Brown asked “if there was any latitude” in how to spread the sequester cuts across the region to lessen the impacts on fish inspections.

He said he was discouraged by officials in Washington, who gave him this reply: “We have gone on record with a notification to Congress and whoever else that ‘APHIS would eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states in managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture industry, unless they provide funding to cover the costs.’ So it is our opinion that however you manage that reduction, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be.”

I don't understand where the problem is here.
Isn't the current Republican meme that the US can easily accommodate the "shutdown" and the "debt limit" by carefully assigning the costs to the most important sectors?

So, you're saying that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is a more essential service than..say...the World War Two Memorial?
Why do you hate The Greatest Generation?

No, the House is simply wanting to make this period less painful on people that depend on the federal government, and there is no reason to shut down a viewing lane in front of a national monument. It does not save money to do this, it costs MORE money. It costs MORE funding to send armed guards to throw veterans off monument sites, etc.

The President and Harry Reid have even told the mayor of DC to shut up and let the WH and Senate do things there way, 'We are on the same side.'

Well, apparently they are not.
Republicans just changed tactics

Instead of "Here's a spending bill without Obamacare"

They give us "We will fund this, then this, then this.........oh, we forgot about Obamacare"

Get over it Republicans, Obamacare is is off the table
Move on

Yeah, tell that to the families of dead servicemen, fascist liar.

Republican shutdown.....own it

If you only had a brain I would try to essplain it to you, but since you are nothing more than a lying piece of shyte, I wont bother.
The magic negro sure had no problem spending money on the filthy pro immigration scum at the National Mall. It would have been interesting if a counter protest had tried to enter the mall at that time.

This shit is intentional. The sociopath trying to pass himself off as president could care less. Didn't believe it first, actually questioned, but I'm a believer now. All you need now is about 100K bikers ramming through the barricades and occupying in an act of civil disobedience followed by the same amount of truckers causing interference throughout the city.

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