bleak future for the "Fox News crowd"

Bleak future for the Fox News crowd. Demographic shifts in America virtually assure the Fox News crowd will be fighting an uphill battle up a steeper slope every year.

City Living Boom for Young Adults Spells Doom For the GOP | AlterNet

Sooner or later, people catch on and realize that the good folks over at FOX and MSNBC are not journalists, but instead worker drones that are commanded to force-feed a heavy political agenda onto their mindless idiot viewers. I apologize for being so harsh, but it's true. FOX and MSNBC are garbage and should be avoided at all costs.

The goal of those two organizations is to make the population think a certain way, and will manipulate the facts of a given story (to the nth degree) in order to suit their respective agendas.

I realize that (of course) there will always be an element of bias when it comes to reporting, but organizations like FOX take that political bias to a completely different level, to the point where the order goes (1) opinion/agenda, and then (2) reporting the facts.

Again - avoid at all costs, and learn to think for yourself. Learn that you can disagree with someone and still respect them as a fellow citizen.


(rant over)
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LONDON (AP) — Britain's police watchdog said Thursday that it was investigating two senior police officers


No one cares, comrade.

We have the fucking Attorney General smuggling guns to the Mexican drug cartels. We have no time for petty tabloid shit in England...

Don't go there. Obamabots could care less about Brian Terry and his Family. It's all just 'Party before Country' for them. Fox News will always be their scary Boogeyman. Just like DA BOOOOOSH is. Their own Government murdering Hundreds, including an American Border Patrol Agent, just doesn't register on their radar. Sad sad Bots. But waddayagonnado?

Why are you defending fox propaganda? They hate Paul with a passion and trash him all the time,..
Sooner or later, people catch on and realize that the good folks over at FOX and MSNBC are not journalists, but instead worker drones that are commanded to force-feed a heavy political agenda onto their mindless idiot viewers. I apologize for being so harsh, but it's true. FOX and MSNBC are garbage and should be avoided at all costs.


Ah for the days of Edward R. Murrow, when the party decided what the news was, and no one reported anything that wasn't approved of by the party.

Not like now, when Fox dares to report on stories that party objects to...

The people have no need to know anything the party doesn't want to tell them, eh comrade?
I would not go that far, Americans are far too diverse to be completely taken in by such nationalistic racial nonsense like that but it will not keep some of them from trying.

Aw, playing the Race-Card again. Poor baby. But when in doubt ay? Class Warfare & Race-Baiting is all you Dums have left. And more Americans are figuring that out. Maybe it's you guys who have the 'Bleak Future?'

Are you somehow guaranteeing that the right will not have a sizable openly racist element in the future? With white people steadily becoming a minority in some sizable areas it is almost guaranteed they will.

Dems don't have a lock anymore on the openly racist element?
Fox news is a pro at using the word "tax" to create fear. As a member of the middle class, they want me not to get ahead.
Where did you get 80?? That must be yours!!!

You've got a little drool on your chin...

80 is the bottom end of the "normal" range.

Since most of the leftists in this forum have IQ's closer to 65, heading into "severe retardation," I thought I'd give you an opportunity to identify a few normal leftists.

Look, this forum has convinced me that leftism is a manifestation of stupidity. But I'm willing to entertain contrary evidence.
Fox news is a pro at using the word "tax" to create fear. As a member of the middle class, they want me not to get ahead.

So you figure the more you're taxed, the more you'll get ahead?

Here's a clue, there's a reason you voted for Obama, and it isn't because you're overly intelligent......


The Universal Symbol of Stupidity
"So you figure the more you're taxed, the more you'll get ahead?

Here's a clue, there's a reason you voted for Obama, and it isn't because you're overly intelligent......"

OOOOOOOOOOO, now that hurts. :)
This forum has convinced me that conservatives want it all for themselves. Of the rich, for the rich. I'm all about class warfare. Owned my own business for 25 years. Still middle class and sick of the billionaires crying and whining about paying some extra. Those with the most whine the loudest in this country. WIthout the middle class they'd be nothing.
Where did you get 80?? That must be yours!!!

You've got a little drool on your chin...

80 is the bottom end of the "normal" range.

Since most of the leftists in this forum have IQ's closer to 65, heading into "severe retardation," I thought I'd give you an opportunity to identify a few normal leftists.

Look, this forum has convinced me that leftism is a manifestation of stupidity. But I'm willing to entertain contrary evidence.

If I were to give my professionally tested IQ you would not believe it.
Sooner or later, people catch on and realize that the good folks over at FOX and MSNBC are not journalists, but instead worker drones that are commanded to force-feed a heavy political agenda onto their mindless idiot viewers. I apologize for being so harsh, but it's true. FOX and MSNBC are garbage and should be avoided at all costs.


Ah for the days of Edward R. Murrow, when the party decided what the news was, and no one reported anything that wasn't approved of by the party.

Not like now, when Fox dares to report on stories that party objects to...

The people have no need to know anything the party doesn't want to tell them, eh comrade?

Uncensored – All I’m doing is telling people to try and draw their news from unbiased sources that will not put ratings and agendas in front of truthfully reporting the news.

Agendas lead to fact and statistical manipulation, which will eventually result in misleading ‘news stories’ that intentionally don’t paint the larger picture. That’s a bad thing in my book.

Fox has a heavy right-wing agenda, and therefore cannot be trusted (just like “news” programs with a heavy left-wing agenda).
Uncensored – All I’m doing is telling people to try and draw their news from unbiased sources that will not put ratings and agendas in front of truthfully reporting the news.

No, what you're doing is whining that there ARE alternative news sources to the party media. We went a long time in this nation with tightly controlled media, nothing got out that wasn't approved of by the party. Now that's over, Fox and the Internet let people see the ugly, underbelly of the party and the government.

Agendas lead to fact and statistical manipulation, which will eventually result in misleading ‘news stories’ that intentionally don’t paint the larger picture. That’s a bad thing in my book.

Got it.

So Murrow and friends insured that the people were never mislead by nasty facts that contradicted the goals of the party. They were managing the news for our own good. Government knows what's best and the people should never question our rulers.

Fox has a heavy right-wing agenda, and therefore cannot be trusted (just like “news” programs with a heavy left-wing agenda).

Fox is pretty well middle of the road. Fox and CNN are not very far apart on news coverage. What angers you of the left is that Fox will run stories that the party wants crushed - CNN didn't used to, but does now as well - due to a free press in Fox.

Basically, we actually have a free press, and you don't like it at all.
Uncensored – All I’m doing is telling people to try and draw their news from unbiased sources that will not put ratings and agendas in front of truthfully reporting the news.

No, what you're doing is whining that there ARE alternative news sources to the party media. We went a long time in this nation with tightly controlled media, nothing got out that wasn't approved of by the party. Now that's over, Fox and the Internet let people see the ugly, underbelly of the party and the government.

Agendas lead to fact and statistical manipulation, which will eventually result in misleading ‘news stories’ that intentionally don’t paint the larger picture. That’s a bad thing in my book.

Got it.

So Murrow and friends insured that the people were never mislead by nasty facts that contradicted the goals of the party. They were managing the news for our own good. Government knows what's best and the people should never question our rulers.

Fox has a heavy right-wing agenda, and therefore cannot be trusted (just like “news” programs with a heavy left-wing agenda).

Fox is pretty well middle of the road. Fox and CNN are not very far apart on news coverage. What angers you of the left is that Fox will run stories that the party wants crushed - CNN didn't used to, but does now as well - due to a free press in Fox.

Basically, we actually have a free press, and you don't like it at all.

Listen Bucko, my point was that when you rely on a heavily biased news outlet for your "news", you're going to be given an intentionally obstructed & manipulated view of the world.

When an outlet has an agenda, they're going to inevitably report stories in ways that aid and assist that agenda. If a story or fact might be damaging to Fox's conservative political leaning, they will either intentionally leave that tidbit out or intentionally "water it down". Certain info will be hidden from view from the viewer, while other bits of info will be shown front and center.

Personally, I'd rather get my news from a source that tries its absolute best to paint the full picture, holding nothing back. If you're against that concept, well so be it.

Also, I'm not sure why keep alluding to the fact that I embrace a single tightly controlled news organization run by "the party"; clearly, I am arguing for just the opposite.

Also, saying that you are fundamentally against heavily-biased reporting entities IS NOT the same as saying that you're against a free press, or that you want certain news organizations forcefully shut down. What a load of crap, Uncensored; stop muddying the waters with bullshit assertions, and stop trying to smear me as some sort of controlling leftist communist. I don't want Fox shut down, I'm just encouraging people to avoid it because it spews sensationalized biased garbage...

Finally, to say that Fox news is "middle of the road" with regards to political leaning is totally incorrect. They are a heavily biased entertainment group for folks who align with the Republican Party.
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your lies are going to have a short life huh

Just like Obamacare.....

This is another left wing wet dream.

Or did Scott Walker lose.

And is half the country pissed at the SCOTUS ?

If you were any more'd be sleazy.
Where did you get 80?? That must be yours!!!

You've got a little drool on your chin...

80 is the bottom end of the "normal" range.

Since most of the leftists in this forum have IQ's closer to 65, heading into "severe retardation," I thought I'd give you an opportunity to identify a few normal leftists.

Look, this forum has convinced me that leftism is a manifestation of stupidity. But I'm willing to entertain contrary evidence.

What are you talking about??? I don't consider 80 very good. That's why I said it must be yours. And for you to say most lefties on this forum are closer to 65 is just plain stupid. Your side has people like Stephanie and Willow!!! Better rethink it, slick.
Listen Bucko, my point was that when you rely on a heavily biased news outlet for your "news", you're going to be given an intentionally obstructed & manipulated view of the world.

"Biased" being that which deviates from the party line...

When an outlet has an agenda, they're going to inevitably report stories in ways that aid and assist that agenda.

So Fox has "an agenda." The DNC press doesn't, but evil Fox does....

Of course, dirty bastards.

If a story or fact might be damaging to Fox's conservative political leaning, they will either intentionally leave that tidbit out or intentionally "water it down". Certain info will be hidden from view from the viewer, while other bits of info will be shown front and center.

Really, can you point to stories suppressed by Fox?

Because I can point to dozens that were suppressed by the party press. (Blue dress, Edwards, Fast & Furious...)

Personally, I'd rather get my news from a source that tries its absolute best to paint the full picture, holding nothing back. If you're against that concept, well so be it.

I see no evidence of that, and a great deal of evidence that you would rather get your news from a source loyal to the party that ensures no information harmful to the party is published.

Also, I'm not sure why keep alluding to the fact that I embrace a single tightly controlled news organization run by "the party"; clearly, I am arguing for just the opposite.


There is the party media, and there is Fox.

You seek to silence the one news source that is not controlled by the party.

Even if you silence Fox, there is still the internet, you know. The facts will escape, no matter how hard the party works to contain them.

Also, saying that you are fundamentally against heavily-biased reporting entities IS NOT the same as saying that you're against a free press, or that you want certain news organizations forcefully shut down. What a load of crap, Uncensored; stop muddying the waters with bullshit assertions, and stop trying to smear me as some sort of controlling leftist communist. I don't want Fox shut down, I'm just encouraging people to avoid it because it spews sensationalized biased garbage...

Silencing the opposition voice is not being fundamentally again biased reporting, you just want to silence those who expose your party.

Finally, to say that Fox news is "middle of the road" with regards to political leaning is totally incorrect. They are a heavily biased entertainment group for folks who align with the Republican Party.

Like most leftists, you don't grasp the distinction between news reporting and commentary. I understand, the party media publishes commentary as if it were news. But as news reporting goes, Fox IS middle of the road, as is CNN these days. MSNBC is blatant propaganda, and the alphabets are extremely biased.

That Sean Hannity fails to proclaim Obama the one, true Messiah® doesn't alter the fact that news reports on Fox are accurate.

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