BLEXIT: The First Ever Blexit Conference: Encouraging Black People To Leave The Democratic Party

Interesting video. I noticed they got a hand full of blacks to speak on camera, but every shot of the audience was lily white. I wonder why they couldn't get black people to come see Ann Coulter?
You are clearly blind or a liar.

I watched a couple hours of it and the ratio of minorities to white easily exceeded our populations ratio.
It may be best for you to keep your head up your ass at this point

You watched a 4:35 video for a couple of hours? Seems to me that a movement of Blacks and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party would include more Blacks and Hispanics than whites. This is just the right wing trying to breathe life into that dumb walk away thing they tried to make people believe was real.
'A massive, turn-of-the-century theater in downtown Los Angeles might seem like an odd place for a political rally championing conservative ideals – but Sunday night the Globe theater was packed with enthusiastic activists. The kaleidoscope of people from all over the country had one thing in common: They support the Blexit movement.'

“Blexit is the black exit from the Democratic Party. It’s the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America”

PACKED HOUSE of Black and Latino patriots in Los Angeles WHO WANT THE WALL!
The silent majority is WITH
@realDonaldTrump !! Why won’t the media report this? They don’t want people to know the truth!@RealCandaceO leading a revolution!#BLEXIT
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 21, 2019

Why wouldn't the Leftist media report this? REALLY?


Inside Report From The First Ever Blexit Conference: Encouraging Black People To Leave The Democratic Party


Interestingly, the black population started to leave the GOP during Roosevelt's term.

They finally realized he cared little for them.

And guess what, Teddy started the Progressive movement, the movement that runs the DNC today.
'A massive, turn-of-the-century theater in downtown Los Angeles might seem like an odd place for a political rally championing conservative ideals – but Sunday night the Globe theater was packed with enthusiastic activists. The kaleidoscope of people from all over the country had one thing in common: They support the Blexit movement.'

“Blexit is the black exit from the Democratic Party. It’s the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America”

PACKED HOUSE of Black and Latino patriots in Los Angeles WHO WANT THE WALL!
The silent majority is WITH
@realDonaldTrump !! Why won’t the media report this? They don’t want people to know the truth!@RealCandaceO leading a revolution!#BLEXIT
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 21, 2019

Why wouldn't the Leftist media report this? REALLY?


Inside Report From The First Ever Blexit Conference: Encouraging Black People To Leave The Democratic Party


It was very effective for the 2018 elections...:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

View attachment 241668
I know....what happened to the "DROVES" that walked away?
1 turns to 10
10 turns to 20.
20 turns to 100
100 turns to 200
200 turns to 10,000
10,000 turns to 100,000
100,000 turns to 1,000,000

A lot of reasonable Democrats on The Left are realizing their party no longer represents them or America.
I love it! Maybe they said..."Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies." :777:
Imagine that, appears BLEXIT started near the end of October 2018.
The walk away from the DNC began when Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, stacked the deck against Bernie, stole his nomination and gave it to Hillary who could not win it, and rammed Hillary down Democratic party voters' throats.

The Latino walk-away movement officially began the 1st time the Democrats turned down DACA from the GOP... more have begun to do so after Pelosi just rejected it a 2nd time.

The official 'BLEXIT' movement started last October.

Key takeaways about Latino voters in the 2018 midterm elections

In U.S. congressional races nationwide, an estimated 69% of Latinos voted for the Democratic candidate and 29% backed the Republican candidate, a more than two-to-one advantage for Democrats

Nine U.S. House districts in which Hispanics make up at least 10% of eligible voters changed parties. These include Florida’s 26th and 27th districts, California’s 25th District, Arizona’s 2nd District, Texas’ 7th and 32nd districts, Colorado’s 6th District, New York’s 11th District and New Jersey’s 2nd District. In all of these congressional districts, the Democratic candidate won a seat previously held by a Republican.
Interesting video. I noticed they got a hand full of blacks to speak on camera, but every shot of the audience was lily white. I wonder why they couldn't get black people to come see Ann Coulter?
You are clearly blind or a liar.

I watched a couple hours of it and the ratio of minorities to white easily exceeded our populations ratio.
It may be best for you to keep your head up your ass at this point

You watched a 4:35 video for a couple of hours? Seems to me that a movement of Blacks and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party would include more Blacks and Hispanics than whites. This is just the right wing trying to breathe life into that dumb walk away thing they tried to make people believe was real.
The entire video is over 4 hours dummy. This is just a clip
Interesting video. I noticed they got a hand full of blacks to speak on camera, but every shot of the audience was lily white. I wonder why they couldn't get black people to come see Ann Coulter?
You are clearly blind or a liar.

I watched a couple hours of it and the ratio of minorities to white easily exceeded our populations ratio.
It may be best for you to keep your head up your ass at this point

You watched a 4:35 video for a couple of hours? Seems to me that a movement of Blacks and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party would include more Blacks and Hispanics than whites. This is just the right wing trying to breathe life into that dumb walk away thing they tried to make people believe was real.
The entire video is over 4 hours dummy. This is just a clip
Here Bulldog, watch this video. It's not related to Blexit but it shows you that this movement has roots and is unlikely to fade.

I love it! Maybe they said..."Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies."
I am annoyed by the presumption that if they were walking away from the DNC, they would automatically become Republicans.

Fuck that.

Walking away means they are tired of the bullshit, and both sides give lots of it.
'A massive, turn-of-the-century theater in downtown Los Angeles might seem like an odd place for a political rally championing conservative ideals – but Sunday night the Globe theater was packed with enthusiastic activists. The kaleidoscope of people from all over the country had one thing in common: They support the Blexit movement.'

“Blexit is the black exit from the Democratic Party. It’s the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America”

PACKED HOUSE of Black and Latino patriots in Los Angeles WHO WANT THE WALL!
The silent majority is WITH
@realDonaldTrump !! Why won’t the media report this? They don’t want people to know the truth!@RealCandaceO leading a revolution!#BLEXIT
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 21, 2019

Why wouldn't the Leftist media report this? REALLY?


Inside Report From The First Ever Blexit Conference: Encouraging Black People To Leave The Democratic Party

WTF? We're well on our way to ridding the gop of Trump and you foster THIS upon us? A pox on you, sir!
'A massive, turn-of-the-century theater in downtown Los Angeles might seem like an odd place for a political rally championing conservative ideals – but Sunday night the Globe theater was packed with enthusiastic activists. The kaleidoscope of people from all over the country had one thing in common: They support the Blexit movement.'

“Blexit is the black exit from the Democratic Party. It’s the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America”

PACKED HOUSE of Black and Latino patriots in Los Angeles WHO WANT THE WALL!
The silent majority is WITH
@realDonaldTrump !! Why won’t the media report this? They don’t want people to know the truth!@RealCandaceO leading a revolution!#BLEXIT
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 21, 2019

Why wouldn't the Leftist media report this? REALLY?


Inside Report From The First Ever Blexit Conference: Encouraging Black People To Leave The Democratic Party

WTF? We're well on our way to ridding the gop of Trump and you foster THIS upon us? A pox on you, sir!

Exactly how? You aren't even off the launch pad yet!

Interesting video. I noticed they got a hand full of blacks to speak on camera, but every shot of the audience was lily white. I wonder why they couldn't get black people to come see Ann Coulter?
You are clearly blind or a liar.

I watched a couple hours of it and the ratio of minorities to white easily exceeded our populations ratio.
It may be best for you to keep your head up your ass at this point

You watched a 4:35 video for a couple of hours? Seems to me that a movement of Blacks and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party would include more Blacks and Hispanics than whites. This is just the right wing trying to breathe life into that dumb walk away thing they tried to make people believe was real.
The entire video is over 4 hours dummy. This is just a clip
Here Bulldog, watch this video. It's not related to Blexit but it shows you that this movement has roots and is unlikely to fade.

You want me to watch a half hour video? Have you taken your meds today?
It was very effective for the 2018 elections

It did for the 2016 elections - Trump won.

Not due to the black vote. He won basically because of less than 1% of the vote in 3 states.

Are you as annoyed as I am by the presumption that if black folks are leaving the Democrats, that they will automatically become Republicans?

That assumption is more funny than annoying. You have to remember, to people like Easy there are only two choices, Dems and Repubs. He does not understand that more and more of us are leaving the two party prison behind.
Interesting video. I noticed they got a hand full of blacks to speak on camera, but every shot of the audience was lily white. I wonder why they couldn't get black people to come see Ann Coulter?
You are clearly blind or a liar.

I watched a couple hours of it and the ratio of minorities to white easily exceeded our populations ratio.
It may be best for you to keep your head up your ass at this point

You watched a 4:35 video for a couple of hours? Seems to me that a movement of Blacks and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party would include more Blacks and Hispanics than whites. This is just the right wing trying to breathe life into that dumb walk away thing they tried to make people believe was real.
The entire video is over 4 hours dummy. This is just a clip
Here Bulldog, watch this video. It's not related to Blexit but it shows you that this movement has roots and is unlikely to fade.

You want me to watch a half hour video? Have you taken your meds today?

I didn't think you would but I offered it anyhow.
I love it! Maybe they said..."Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies."
I am annoyed by the presumption that if they were walking away from the DNC, they would automatically become Republicans.

Fuck that.

Walking away means they are tired of the bullshit, and both sides give lots of it.

Blacks are not going to leave the Democrats and then join the party which so clearly HATES them.

They will simply boycott both. As I do.

However, if you can get your opponents' voters to stay home, that's a win, too. That has been the GOP strategy for decades now.

"We're too stupid and cowardly to offer solutions to anything, so we are just going to poison you against your guy."

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