BLM Activist on Waukesha: 'It Sounds Like the Revolution Has Started'

If anything, more likely the Chauvin murders, the Rittenhouse murders, and the 5 parade murders combined.
But I think there's still one coming very soon that will set it off.

A good time for both sides to stop agitating each other to make it happen sooner!

Says the asshole agitating for violence.

You chinese stooges are all alike
If anything, more likely the Chauvin murders, the Rittenhouse murders, and the 5 parade murders combined.
But I think there's still one coming very soon that will set it off.

A good time for both sides to stop agitating each other to make it happen sooner!
So says Donald H duck the canuck--Anti-American communist terrorist troll.
One guy said that?

Ooooo, that's scary.

Works with you asshats. One guy says anybody is a racist and the whole world says he's a racist. So, you have an asshole that says the revolution has started, so get ready motherfucker. WE LISTEN to what you assholes say.
I think it's always better to err on the side of less violence. I think I've called it correctly, but I still have no idea what it's going to take for the left and the blacks to get out the guns. I suspect it's going to be a police murder of a black man or black men. Something that can be loosely justified but is questionable. Just my opinion weather.

And I'll use this opportunity to tell the braying asses to go quack themselves.

Never fight a war on the enemy's terms.

The history of successful revolutions (with the exception of the American revolution) is a history of peaceful protests and political pressure that bring meaningful and permanent change.

Violent Revolution is almost always a failure. If the revolutionaries win, they usually impose a government that's worse than the one they replaced.

This is why the right-wing would like a violent civil war, and why intelligent liberals refuse to accommodate them.
In reality, liberals know they would get their clocks cleaned, so restrict their violence to areas where they know the local government will protect them.

Liberals don't riot, anarchists do. Anarchists have nothing to do with liberalism.

Here's the result of your armed but 'peaceful' protests:


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