BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

Surely by this time no one is paying attention to the burn loot murder crowd. The sooner their heads get kicked to the curb the better.
They're mad because we are on to their bullshit. We know they are nothing but an arm of the Marxist twats.

They can't create a class war, so they turned to race warfare to start their commie revolution.

It's pathetically transparent. We aren't buying, and it's making them more mad and violent.
Where did you get the idea that BLM said only whites were living on stolen land? here is the quote.

"You are eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land," BLM's national arm wrote on Twitter Thursday. The post included a graphic repeating the "stolen land" claim.

"You are on stolen land. Colonization never ended, it just became normalized," the graphic said, instructing Americans to learn "which ancestral homeland" they are "currently occupying."
By saying YOU ARE, as if they aren’t.
Because I purchased it in good faith and they can't prove they ever had rightful title, so if they want it, I get paid.

Otherwise, they are trying to undo conquest, which is an act of war.

But, this is all horse shit anyway. Why don't you lead by example?
You miss the message. You and everyone else is being propagandized into accepting the day when black gangs come to your house and tell you to get out. It's theirs.
What makes you think they are saying it as if they aren't? Its pretty clear that anywhere you live in the US you are living on land stolen by whites from the NA's
And it doesn't mean a fucking thing because there is no way to reverse conquest.

It's tough shit.

There's nothing we can do about it.

But, we can be thankful for what we do have. You know. Thanksgiving?


gotta make everything about race
They dont have to prove anything. You're trying to apply european concepts to something that has nothing to do with europeans. They didnt think of land ownership in the same way.
They DO HAVE TO PROVE SOMETHING if they want me to move.

What the fuck are you trying to sell here?

You give up your land first. Lead by example.

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