'BLM' Flags / Signs Going up Everywhere While NJTA Breaks Tradition, Takes Down American Flags Ahead of 9/11


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

Hard to say why, as there were no pictures of how they were displayed in the first place and may relate to requirement for proper display of the flag, though sometimes neglected by some.
American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

Hard to say why, as there were no pictures of how they were displayed in the first place and may relate to requirement for proper display of the flag, though sometimes neglected by some.
You are really gullible. Dont expect us to be
American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

Just when you think the American Taliban has hit rock bottom
Canadians are horrific on the subject of our history and our Charter of Rights. This is how socialism works, to erase and not have you thinking about the "good old days", as some more jobs are shipped out, or otherwise.

It seems some want to eliminate your history, your traditions, your system and, ultimately your nation. I'm shocked at how willing so many are to allow this, through MSM, through finding means to try and destroy your S.C picks, to efforts to eliminate the election f your president in the usual manner (the Primaries being a test run for this).

Not to worry. China will keep all of our histories in safe keeping somewhere once they are running the globe. At that point, it's not as if the history will have any significance to impact change.
American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

Just when you think the American Taliban has hit rock bottom
Rock bottom? they have representatives in congress
and are a major part of the democratic platform
Canadians are horrific on the subject of our history and our Charter of Rights. This is how socialism works, to erase and not have you thinking about the "good old days", as some more jobs are shipped out, or otherwise.

It seems some want to eliminate your history, your traditions, your system and, ultimately your nation. I'm shocked at how willing so many are to allow this, through MSM, through finding means to try and destroy your S.C picks, to efforts to eliminate the election f your president in the usual manner (the Primaries being a test run for this).

Not to worry. China will keep all of our histories in safe keeping somewhere once they are running the globe. At that point, it's not as if the history will have any significance to impact change.
part of having freedoms means you have to let people abuse them for awhile. the question then becomes, how long will we allow that to happen?

we're seeing BLM and antifa getting their asses kicked now when they go out looking for trouble. we hear of kids taking up arms to fight back. and we hear more and more the "sane" people on both sides say ENOUGH and simply want what we've built over 250+ years of our own existence.

the election will be pivotal for sure. regardless of who wins is when the real fun begins.

sucks to be living on one of the most historic times we've ever seen. or, think of the opportunity to help formulate our future? in the end i do believe "we the people" will come together as the narrative these days is simply hate and division and most of us don't want that.

we just take some time to get to the FUCK YOU point. but i do believe we are there. regardless, this is far from over.
American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

Hard to say why, as there were no pictures of how they were displayed in the first place and may relate to requirement for proper display of the flag, though sometimes neglected by some.
You are really gullible. Dont expect us to be
Jersey Turnpike does not go through Tennessee or most other states. Just pointing out, not enough information was given to rule out normal intelligent reasoning (if present) of the NJTA, but the article only explained a grievance of the guy who had raised money to replace Flags. I am not the type to forget what happened on 9/11, even without a flag, just as I am not the type to forget what happened on the 4th of July. Never been particularly gullible and would not recommend it to you. Just slow to assume everything is an attack on the soft underbelly of American society. Lots of alarmists on here. I'm just not one of them.
Perhaps NJ is actually PROTECTING American flags by taking them down so POS foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists BLM and Antifa are not able to burn them on the anniversary of 9/11/01 & 9/11/12...

Jersey Turnpike does not go through Tennessee or most other states. Just pointing out, not enough information was given to rule out normal intelligent reasoning (if present) of the NJTA, but the article only explained a grievance of the guy who had raised money to replace Flags. I am not the type to forget what happened on 9/11, even without a flag, just as I am not the type to forget what happened on the 4th of July. Never been particularly gullible and would not recommend it to you. Just slow to assume everything is an attack on the soft underbelly of American society. Lots of alarmists on here. I'm just not one of them.

If flags hanging on overpasses has been an acceptable practice for a while (which it has been- my wife is from NJ), the NJTA needed to come up with a better explanation than quoting / posting a sign regarding a code prohibiting ADVERTISEMENTS from being hung on overpasses - part of that 'intelligent reasoning' you mentioned.
Jersey Turnpike does not go through Tennessee or most other states. Just pointing out, not enough information was given to rule out normal intelligent reasoning (if present) of the NJTA, but the article only explained a grievance of the guy who had raised money to replace Flags. I am not the type to forget what happened on 9/11, even without a flag, just as I am not the type to forget what happened on the 4th of July. Never been particularly gullible and would not recommend it to you. Just slow to assume everything is an attack on the soft underbelly of American society. Lots of alarmists on here. I'm just not one of them.

If flags hanging on overpasses has been an acceptable practice for a while (which it has been- my wife is from NJ), the NJTA needed to come up with a better explanation than quoting / posting a sign regarding a code prohibiting ADVERTISEMENTS from being hung on overpasses - part of that 'intelligent reasoning' you mentioned.

How is a flag an advertisement? It's your national flag, it's not an ad for any particular party or product, is it?
Jersey Turnpike does not go through Tennessee or most other states. Just pointing out, not enough information was given to rule out normal intelligent reasoning (if present) of the NJTA, but the article only explained a grievance of the guy who had raised money to replace Flags. I am not the type to forget what happened on 9/11, even without a flag, just as I am not the type to forget what happened on the 4th of July. Never been particularly gullible and would not recommend it to you. Just slow to assume everything is an attack on the soft underbelly of American society. Lots of alarmists on here. I'm just not one of them.

If flags hanging on overpasses has been an acceptable practice for a while (which it has been- my wife is from NJ), the NJTA needed to come up with a better explanation than quoting / posting a sign regarding a code prohibiting ADVERTISEMENTS from being hung on overpasses - part of that 'intelligent reasoning' you mentioned.
Understand the logic of the grievance. I remember a lot of flag in places where they were not, right after 9/11. Some properly and not properly displayed. Some flapping toward roadways, some all weather, but unlit. Simply not enough info given to jump to a conclusion, unless only considering the emotion. Honestly have no idea where and how they were displayed in the first place. Pictures might have been nice, since way over 90% of Americans in the country and on this board do not live in New Jersey or travel the turnpike.
Gotta go. Time to teach more freshman algebra.
American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

Listen you fucking support Russia, so stop fucking talking about flags...
American flags have been flown on overpasses throughout the state and throughout the nation since 9/11,” Slininger wrote Monday on a post to the Robbinsville Township Police Benevolent Association’s Facebook page. “Now, as we approach the anniversary of that horrific day, we are extremely disappointed to announce that the NJ Turnpike Authority saw fit to remove all flags on overpasses covering the N.J.T.P. last week, replacing them with signs citing … a code which is meant to apply to advertisement material or improper road signage.”

"The New Jersey Turnpike Authority told News 12 New Jersey it’s had a “longstanding policy” that prohibited “the display of any flags, signs or banners by private parties on Turnpike Authority property.”

If their policy has been 'longstanding' WHYARE THEYJUST NOW SUDDENLY REMOVING AMERICAN FLAGS? Based on some anti-advertisement code sign?

Just when you think the American Taliban has hit rock bottom

I think OP forgets what country he is in....
Understand the logic of the grievance. I remember a lot of flag in places where they were not, right after 9/11. Some properly and not properly displayed. Some flapping toward roadways, some all weather, but unlit. Simply not enough info given to jump to a conclusion, unless only considering the emotion. Honestly have no idea where and how they were displayed in the first place. Pictures might have been nice, since way over 90% of Americans in the country and on this board do not live in New Jersey or travel the turnpike.
Gotta go. Time to teach more freshman algebra.

Removing a flag - after a long time of allowing it - from an overpass ... while the mayor of New York is defacing tax-payer-funded city streets by painting domestic terrorist 'Black Lives Matter' on it defies common sense.

Sounds like there is a lot of reaching to defend the NJTA's sudden opposition to a practice / tradition over a decade old.
The NJTA reasoning is truly pitiful, the US Flag is NOT advertisement material or improper road signage. IMHO it's a chicken shit decision from someone who doesn't much like this country.

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