BLM founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

I heard somewhere there is no such thing as illegal votes.

Interesting. This voter was sentenced to 7 years for illegally registering to vote - probation. But she didn't actually vote illegally.

Yet that Republican who voted for his dead mother got a slap on the wrist. Tell me again how Republicans are treated so shabbily when they vote illegally.

The fact that one of these people is white, and one is black is of no consequence, I'm sure.
Interesting. This voter was sentenced to 7 years for illegally registering to vote - probation. But she didn't actually vote illegally.

Yet that Republican who voted for his dead mother got a slap on the wrist. Tell me again how Republicans are treated so shabbily when they vote illegally.

The fact that one of these people is white, and one is black is of no consequence, I'm sure.
you should go to law school and learn about probation. It's obvious your past education didn't teach you shit. But you ain't no US citizen, so it ain't none of your beeswax.
Interesting. This voter was sentenced to 7 years for illegally registering to vote - probation. But she didn't actually vote illegally.

Yet that Republican who voted for his dead mother got a slap on the wrist. Tell me again how Republicans are treated so shabbily when they vote illegally.

The fact that one of these people is white, and one is black is of no consequence, I'm sure.

This black woman did get a slap on the hand with probation. One of the charges against her was escape. That alone should land somebody in the slammer. But the judge gave her a break by giving her probation instead of prison. The problem is she didn't take advantage of that break. She went to the parole board and lied to them saying she was no longer on probation.
Name another election that was extended two days! I see you have zero rebuttal.

All elections take at least 2 days to count the ballots, it used to take much longer, and there is no rush.
There are 8 days allowed for ballot counting.

Here is the official schedule:

What happens after Election Day​

We've sketched out the legal mechanisms that lead from Election Day to Inauguration Day. Next to each item below is an icon that denotes whether state laws () or federal laws () are relevant.​

November 3 – Election Day​

Voters voted, votes were counted.
While many millions of Americans cast their ballots in the weeks leading up to Election Day, either by mail or as an in-person absentee voter, US law says Election Day occurs on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Votes were counted across the country on Election Day.

November 4 – November 23​

Votes are counted.
Mail-in ballots had to be postmarked by November 3 in every US state, but they can be received late and still counted in many states. In most cases, they had to be received within a day or two of Election Day. But in Washington state, mail-in ballots could be received as late as November 23.

November 10 – December 11​

States certify election results.
Each state does it a little bit differently, but starting a week after Election Day, state governments began to certify their election results. Those deadlines can change in the event of a state recount if there is an extremely close result.

December 8​

"Safe harbor" to determine election results and assign electors.
Under the Electoral Count Act, this is the date by which states are meant to have counted votes, settled disputes, and determined the winner of their electoral college votes. Governors are supposed to create certificates of ascertainment listing the winner of the election and the slate of electors. In 2000, the Supreme Court ended a targeted recount in Florida because it could not be completed by this safe harbor date. That recount would not have changed the outcome of the election, but a full statewide recount could have made Al Gore president. This is when it could become very important for Republicans that they control more state legislatures than Democrats, including in most of the contested 2020 battleground states.

December 14​

Electoral votes cast.
In law this date is the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. This year it falls on December 14. Six days after disputes are supposed to be settled, electors are supposed to meet in their respective states and cast votes for US President. They certify six sets of votes and send them to Washington. Many states have laws requiring their electors to support the winner of their state's election and can levy fines against faithless electors who go their own way.

December 23​

Electoral votes must arrive in Washington.
The certified electoral votes have nine days to get from their states to Capitol Hill.

January 3​

New Congress is sworn in.
Members of the House and new members of the Senate take the oath of office at noon. This is the official start of the 117th Congress.

January 6​

Electoral votes counted.
Members of the House and the Senate all meet in the House chamber. The President of the Senate (that’s Vice President Mike Pence) presides over the session and the Electoral votes are read and counted in alphabetical order by two appointees each from the House and Senate. They then give their tallies to Pence, who announces the results and listens for objections.

If there are objections or if there are, somehow, multiple slates of electors put forward by a state, the House and Senate consider them separately to decide how to count those votes.

There are 538 electoral votes -- one for each congressman and senator plus three for Washington, DC. If no candidate gets 270, the 435 members of the House decide the election. Each state gets a vote. While there are more Democrats in the House, Republicans, as of now, control more state delegations, so it is very possible the House could pick Donald Trump even though there is a Democratic majority. It requires a majority of state votes to become President. The House has until noon on January 20 to pick the President. If they can't, it would be the vice president or the next person eligible in the line of presidential succession.
Will you be fine next year when Biden is impeached? I think with Trump it was a waste of time and with Biden, it will be the same, but the process is what it is.

As they say, revenge is sweet. Are you talking about Biden's first impeachment or his second? :auiqs.jpg:

If you don't punch these commies back only harder, they will keep punching. When Republicans do get control, they will have a lot of disappointed constituents if they don't bring charges of impeachment against him for anything.
I did, it doesn't mean anything if the president isn't removed. Now explain what it means to you other than a big word you get to finally use?
So you said it means removal and you were wrong.

I’m glad you figured that out.
This black woman did get a slap on the hand with probation. One of the charges against her was escape. That alone should land somebody in the slammer. But the judge gave her a break by giving her probation instead of prison. The problem is she didn't take advantage of that break. She went to the parole board and lied to them saying she was no longer on probation.

That is NOT what happened and that is not possible.
You Probation office tells you what is what, you can not tell them anything.
And you keep writing "parole board" when it was a probation board instead.
Parole is for AFTER a prison sentence is mostly over and is to finish out the sentence.
Probation is in lew of a sentence entirely.
Blacks almost always end up with twice the reasonable sentence.
She is innocent because she harmed no one.
She did not try to "scam the system" and openly and honestly asked everyone what she was supposed to do.
She never lied.
And no one is claiming she lied.

Did you read my NYT link on post 39? I suggest you do. In it they quoted the judge who said "In handing down the sentence, Judge Michael Ward accused her of deceiving the probation department to obtain the right to vote, You tricked the probation department into giving you documents saying you were off probation,” Ward said in court, the Washington Post reported.

So what she did was go to the probation department and lie about still being on probation. That's not trickery or ignorance. That's a deliberate act to try and illegally obtain documents to vote.
As they say, revenge is sweet. Are you talking about Biden's first impeachment or his second? :auiqs.jpg:

If you don't punch these commies back only harder, they will keep punching. When Republicans do get control, they will have a lot of disappointed constituents if they don't bring charges of impeachment against him for anything.
I could see the GOP going for three!
Easy to see this judge has to be totally corrupt and evil.
The point of law is ONLY to protect individual rights.
And this woman harmed NO ONE.
So any sentence at all is totally and completely inappropriate.

And no, it is not just "my opinion" that the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc., are illegal.
If it was legal to criminalize drugs, then why was that not done until the 1914 Harrison Act?
Why did the Founders not criminalize drugs, even though opium abuse was a huge problem even before the American Revolution?
Mandatory sentences are clearly illegal because it denies a fair trial, where judges are allowed discretion based on individual mitigating circumstances.
In effect, they allow prosecutors to fix sentences, by what they charge people with.
And that is incredibly corrupt.
And I should not even have to explain why asset forfeiture is illegal, corrupt, and totally destroys any impartiality the court may have had.

I don't want to change the topic to the war on drugs. I would rather stay with this topic. it doesn't matter whether she harmed anybody or not. That's not the point. She broker her terms of her probation, and that's all this is about.
As they say, revenge is sweet. Are you talking about Biden's first impeachment or his second? :auiqs.jpg:

If you don't punch these commies back only harder, they will keep punching. When Republicans do get control, they will have a lot of disappointed constituents if they don't bring charges of impeachment against him for anything.

I will agree the impeachments of Trump were both totally bogus and disreputable.
Actually every impeachment in US history was bogus.
But for 2 in a row, makes congress really look terrible.

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